arthropod borne RNA viruses.
these viruses multiple in vertibrates as well as arthropods.
West nile fever - what kind of virus
Flavivirus endemic in east africa.
infection of the …family
crow family(crows ravens magpies and bluejays)
spread by culex mosquitos.
3-15 days
febrile illness or sudden onset. headache, myalgia arthalgia conjucntivitis pharyngitis cough adenopathy and abd pain hepatitis pancreatitis and myocarditis.
neurologic sx.
Non pruritic and composed of 50-100 erythematous poorly defined macules 0.5-1cm primarily on trunk and proximal extremities. with papular and psoriasiform variants rarley reported.
lasts 5-7 days and resolves without scaling.
sandfly fever also known as
phlembotomus fever.
pappataci fever.
sandfly fever vector
phlebotomus papatsii found in mediterranean area.
sandfly fever lesions
small pruritic papules appear in the skin after the sandfly bite and persist for 5 days. after incubtion for another 5 days, fever headache malaise nausea conjunctival injection
stiff neck and abdominal pains suddenly develop.
sakin manif: scarlatiniform eruption on the face and neck.
recovery is slow w recurring bouts of fever. No specific tx avail.
Dengue trasmitted by
aedes mosquitoes.
most severely affected south east asia and western pacific.
Inc 2-15 days.
Breakbone fever.
“islands of white in a sea of red”
lesions are macular or morbilliform and are usually confluent.