fieldwork - taunton town centre Flashcards
what is the title of the fieldwork?
Exploring the success of the regeneration in Taunton Town centre
where is Taunton
- Somerset - southwest of the uk
benefits of Tauntons location
- public toilets and car park located near area
- had footpaths and safe crossings
- recently undergone regerneration = approppiate for are theory
name 3 risks and ways to prevent them :
- slipping/tripping - wear suitable shoes, follow footpaths, dont run
- being runover - use crossings, follow footpaths
- getting lost - plan route, remin in groups [at least of 3]
what sampling method was used and why?
- allowed us to identify sites which had undergone regeneration
- not possible to evaluate whole of Taunton
explain the quantative method used?
- measuered the enviromental quality w a score sheet that inclused 6 elements e.g green space, litter, noise pollution
- w a licket scale between -5 & 5
- at each site we would gove a score for each factor
= max was 30 - highest score = best enviromental quality
explain a qualitive method you did?
- at each site we each wrote down 3 words to decribe the area
- as a group we then created a ‘wordle’ - word bubble = to gather a general feeling about the area
- which we could then comppare to other years or locals opinions
how did we present are data?
- ## allowed us to visually compare sites
how accurate were the results ?
- our site was large and we werent able to asess everywehere which may pf lead to in acurate results
- time of day and season = will also impact are results
- it was sunny day so there were less cars out and there was less traffic as we went after rush hour
how reliable are the results
- unsure what a ‘typical’ day is as we only collected data one 1 day
- roadworks present at one site which could of impacted enviromental scores
- subjective data
- data was very subjective = have more ppl asses reduces bias
- pin poiny exact sites rather than big areas
- return at other times of year
geographical theory?
- overall enviromental improvements of an area
regenerated areas = higher EN quality, stronger economy & socailly sucessfull
- overall regerneration lead to positive EN scores
= enviromently sucessfull - Station Boulavard = had the lowest EN quality maybe due to its busy nature