Fetal Development: Major Milestones Wksh. Flashcards
When is there greatest vulnerability to teratogens?
End of 4 gestation weeks: Week 1-8 (organogenesis)
When do blood cells and blood vessels begin to form?
3rd week
When is the heart beating?
3rd week
What is FHR?
How long can iron/glycogen storage last after birth?
Up to 5 months
When can you hear the fetal heartbeat?
10-12 weeks with US doppler
When is the sex apparent?
End of 12 gestation weeks
When is amniotic fluid adequate amount for amniocentesis?
End of 16 gestation weeks (or as early as 14 weeks)
When does quickening occur?
18-20 weeks
Multics may have quickening when?
14-16 weeks
When is baby considered viable?
20 weeks after conception of 500 g or more
How is baby at end of 24 weeks?
Body is lean and well proportioned
Vernix and languo present
Reflex hand grasp functions
When does brown fat get deposited for thermoregulation after birth?
End of 28 gestation weeks
When does surfactant form on alveolar surface?
End of 28 weeks gestation
Is L:S ration adequate when the surfactant begins to form on the alveolar surface (end of 28 weeks)?
NO–still inadequate at this time even though surfactant is starting to be formed..lungs are still not mature enough!!