FCOM Supp Procedures Flashcards
Are systems tests normally a flight crew action? 777
SP intro
Cargo, Ferry, Training flights, make sure water and waste tank are at what levels?
Min 10% potable water.
Waste tank 1-3 bars
(Good to remember for passengers as well)
Carriage of jump seat passengers, what should you brief for non type rated pilots and cabin crew?
If sitting in upper crew rest, ask them where escape hatch is.
Getting quite serious about this.
Give solid briefing , and make sure AIR FLOW ON for upper crew rest.
Immediate actions if thermal runaway on PED or iPad on flight deck?
777 SP 1.13
Transfer control to furthest pilot.
PM should disconnect power source.
Inform cabin crew for assistance.
PF don oxygen.
Pm put hood on.
Pm use BCF
Flames out? Cool device (critical)
Use Fire Sock
Can we open MEC from cabin?
No. Not anymore.
Only access is from underneath.
What is the standard temperature for oxygen requirements, and when is it more limiting, hotter or colder?
777 SP 1.14
(Use average temperature of cabin and outside - 300)
(Aft cargo temp - ER)
21 degrees Celcius for limitations chart.
Hotter is more limiting, require more oxygen.
So if 36 degrees and near 1600, just be careful.
36 is 15 above 21, which is 26*3 (almost 100PSI higher)
Which plane can do Max CRZ C of G correction?
Cruise above planned levels can incite sig fuel penalties
777 SP 1.15
Connecting ground air, what should be done first?
Always lead with Packs.
Packs off, Recirc off.
Air disconnected?
Packs on
Recircs on
(Don’t need aural confirmation, just feel vents, if not more air, reconnect the packs)
For a packs off take off, when should the packs be switch on after takeoff?
-When CLB thrust selected, and
-before reaching 3000AGL
APU to pack takeoff consideration?
Taxi out, cabin will get really hot.
- note allows for after engine start, delete APU from scratch pad, and when closer to take off, put it back in.
APU should be shut down after climb thrust set
Should you operate windshield wipers on dry windscreen?
Take off or landing in rain, select minimum Low.
As intermittent may not be enough!
You’ll get blind moments.
If need to use HDG Sel or TRK Sel in polar region, what should you do?
Select heading reference True first.
If flying a RNP AR departure or EO RNP AR, what considerations?
AP must be engaged as soon as engine issue (ie: departure 07R)
(No later than diversion point)
Inform ATC Asap
Memory items complete?
EO SID available
Proper sequencing
What are two reasons for GA on a RNP approach?
Unable RNP
Verify position
(Unless suitable visual ref established)
When is a direct to no allowed on a RNP approach?
The fix is the beginning of RF leg.
The fix is the FAF
What minima should be set for a RNAV VISUAL approach?
777 SP 4.13
How is a RNP AR approach designated on chart?
(See port page for approval)
For NPA, what should be done to Minimum?
Add 50’
(RNAV/GPS appdown to LNAV min)
(Set MCP to nearest 100 below, ex: 1820’, set 1800)
What to do if you have a datalink failure?
Without delay, establish comms on backup voice frequency.
If heading a polar route, what do you need to do with regards to datalink?
Default Radio Mode Data (HF R)
When would you use the “Engine Battery Start” Procedure?
No APU or Ground power.
Only left engine can be started using ground air and battery power.
Then cross bleed Right Engine.
Can you start engines with no APU and no ground air?
Aircraft US.
When would you use the “Ground Electric Start” procedure?
Ground air (therefore need to run in conjunction with ENGINE GROUND PNEUMATIC START)
ONE ground power.
This procedure sheds electrics to ensure start.
When first engine started, disconnect all ground equip, and start next with xbleed start.
When do you do Crossbleed start?
When no ApU air or Ground air, and after one engine is started.
Usually, push back, stop, and do xbleed start.
Engine Ground Pneumatic start is used when?
When no APU air available.
Beware! This may be needed in conjunction with ground electric start.
Second engine can be started with xbleed or ground pneumatic.
What duct pressure needed for Ground Pneumatic start?
(add 1 psi for every 1000’ PA)
When do you use “Manual Engine Start” procedure?
No auto start available.
When do you use “manual Override Engine Start”?
Use in conjunction with MANUAL ENGINE START
(But engineer needs to open and close valve)
Basically when move starter switch to start, he opens, fuel to run, and when N2/N3 hits a certain level? He closes it.
List subjects found in 777 supp procedure under FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS AND FLIGHT MANAGEMENT, navigation
Departure/ARR port not in database
Departure runway or TO data change
(Use as reference in preflight)
If after Before Start Checklist, need to run QRH
GPS radio Freq interference
(FMS, GPWS, ADS-B, Time date)
FMS position update
Nav aid inhibit or Enable
Drag/FF change
Weather radar test
Digital refuelling 777 SP
(Key considerations)
Initiated 2 hours prior departure
Standby fuel is automatically
Fuel required minus 5T
When sending final fuel, confirm
1) distribution
2) receipt and time stamp
When digital refuel complete, what should captain do?
Cross check final fuel duty Total fuel on EICAS
Tap refuel complete to review receipt
(Receipt number and supplier means Water check done)
-volume and SG have auto populated
- confirm total uplift
If need to do paper fuel uplift in paper tech log, what can we reference?
Supp procedure AML paper fallback
What are the allowable fuel
Discrepancies during fuel uplift?
Discrepancies between actual and expected must be resolved.
Outside of
+1000/-500 (no CWT)
+ 2000/-1000 (CWT)
Shall be investigated
What does signing the AML or eTL indicate with regards to fuel uplift?
Captain satisfied with:
Fuel grade
Where can re find detailed tables on fuel freeze points?
Supp procedures 12.3
Jet A1 -49
Jet A is -40
So if blended, the actual will be somewhere in between.
(Can you review the previous 5 sectors fuel uplift?) yes, history on eTL
If revised fuel freeze temp is -45, what do you enter as MIN FUEL TEMP in FMC?
3 degrees warmer than fuel freeze
SP 12.6
If stuck in SHEMYA with no engineers, how do you know how to refuel aircraft?
SP 12.6
Fuel panel is on Left wing, 1 metre outboard of engine.
Restrictions on contaminated runways?
More than 3MM slush SW snow ice.
No AST allowed.
Can use derate.
Check XW’s greater than 10
On landing: max reverse
Check XW greater than 15
Take off not recommended with how much slush, SW, wet snow?
1/2 inch (13mm)
Dry snow depth more than 4 inches (102mm)
EAI required when?
10 degrees or below
-vis moisture (1sm FG (1600m)
Rain snow sleet etc
- ice, snow, Sw present on ramps, twys and runways
Max amount of cold soaked fuel u der wing?
Up to 3MM.
Max amount of hoard frost on upper fuselage?
Vents and ports clear
Markings visible
When to select EAI on?
After Stabilised call.
So after both engines started.
When is engine run up required in Cold Ops?
3 degrees or below with EAI on.
Min 50% N1 for 1 second, intervals no greater than 60 minutes.
PF hold brakes
When should you consider it necessary to do Engine core ice shedding?
300 Trent aircraft only!
FZFG with vis less than 300M.
Min oil temp on 300 before take off?
50 degrees C
When would fan ice removal
Be required?
-Flight in moderate to severe icing for prolonged periods (Avoid)
- low engine thrust
Can cause engine vibration
Do one engine at a time, every 15 min.
-reduce to idle, then min 70% N1 for 10-30 seconds.
What is primary method of operating WAI?
Allows ice to build, then turns on.
Consideration after landing in snow?
Do not retract flaps until flap area have been checked free of contaminants when:
- prolonged operation in icing with flaps out
- accumulation of airframe ice observed
- operating on runway, taxiway contaminated with ice, snow, standing water, slush.
Hot weather ops, extended preflight ops, how can you help keep cool?
Window heat, radar and other electronic equip on flight deck can be turned off.
All air outlets open
- use both packs
- use Recirc fans
- doors and windows closed
FMC’s may not accept AST, due TAT not being aspirated
SP 16.3
Operating in sandy or dust storm, where’s info?
SP 16.4
Considerations for Severe Turbulence?
Penetration speed is a target speed, not a max.
Diversion to another airfield if severe turbulence persists
VS is ideal mode (speed on thrust)
Control pitch with ATT indicator as primary if manual flight necessary.
Be smooth and deliberate
Make PA (Cabin Crew take your seats immediately)
B777 Windshear considerations?
If presence of Windshear confirmed, delay take off and do not continue approach (listen for Go Arounds).
Take off with Windshear around?
F20 or F15
Full thrust, or max derate
Follow flight director
Landing with Windshear around?
F25 or F30 is fine
Use AT and AP as much as possible.
When can you expect ICI (ice crystal icing)?
Temperatures below freezing near convective weather.
When encountered, so the QRH ICI checklist.
- rain on windscreen at temps too cold for rain
- TAT near 0
- moderate Turb
- heavy precip below aircraft
- smell ozone or sulfur
- humidity increase
- St Elmo’s fire
Supp Proc LVO considerations?
Take off:
Can delay BTOC until hold point
Select ILS for line up and LOC for take off roll.
Early use of AP
No landing lights
FO to keep eyes inside until taxi speed
Low RA on LVO approach, you get LOC or GS scale and pointer flashing, what to do?
SP 16.27
Above alert height, if AC correcting back, can continue.
Below alert height:
Go Around unless visual.
(Prob safest to just go around)
If break visual on an LVO approach, what should captain say?
Should only call “continue” at the automatic “MINIMUMS” call.
What three things does FO need to watch out for on LVO landing?
Flare: 40-60 feet
Idle: 25 feet
Rollout: 2’ RA
Pilot incapacitation on LVO approach?
Can continue as long as Land 3 or Land 2 annunciated.
Pilot incapacitation check list not needed until completion of landing roll.
Can you do Cat 3B with AT out?
Yes, only one AT needs to be operating in the case of all engines operating.
SP 16.27
If NO AUTOLAND displayed, what’s lowest min and AP height?
Cat 1 min
Disconnect before 200’AGL