Experiences Flashcards
Basic index and Basic Weight card missing from centre aisle?
Inform IOC
Comply 365 - info centre - compliance documents
Retrieve tail specific info from weight and balance folder under observer seat. (Confirm up to date?)
Good acronym for long delays or post diversion?
Non normals acronym?
Diversion or quick return acronym?
In ex EK (emirates planes) how long are the oxygen generators operating for in case of depress?
22 minutes
(Must get below FL250 as soon as possible)
iPad work essentials photo
GPS RFI, should you cycle circuit breakers?
Guidance from Boeing is a strict CANNOT.
Inform MC/ENG, sometimes they allow sometimes they don’t.
E9 and E22 (MMR L/R)
Applied procedure and GPS still not coming back before ZWWW
Ops Eng says you should be good for 6.2 hours without GPS updating.
If reroute required prior to Y1, how much fuel does it require?
5-7T (flight dispatch)
(30 min)
Rate to have this much extra.
Preferred option for fuel stop is ZBAA.
Is there a way to monitor you GPS ANP drift if mode GPS?
Inertial monitor
Rejected Take off due Engine fire, what are your actions?
Park brake set
Attention crew at stations
Call for “engine fire on ground” checklist.
(Found near Evacuation checklist in QRH)
When do config warnings occur?
60% N1 on take off.
Anytime ATC gives you new clearance before pushback, slowdown and run through which standard Pneumonic?
Is there a back up procedure for Fuel log and fuel uplifting EFF not working?
My forms CONPLY 365
Commanders administrative report
Into Hong Kong , even if cleared high speed, when should you be back at 250 knots?
SOP says max 250 below 5000’ AGL.
(Even if MCP speed set to 250, actual speed still needs to be below)
You do an RTO because of an engine fire what is the appropriate sequence of events?
Rejected takeoff manoeuvre
Park break set
Attention Crew stations, attention Crew stations
Confirm the failure
Fire ENG R
Natural to want to do the Eire right memory items HOWEVER
(You do this checklist because it directs you to fire one bottle and if it doesn’t work you just do an evacuation because you’re on the ground. No need to wait 30 seconds)
Can you have fuel in the centre tank if the main tanks are not full?
Yes, up to 1360 kg
To limit the ZFW weight by the amount of fuel.
Do not turn on centre pumps unless fuel in centre shows
Also need to send a uneven distribution for the load sheet
DSP SEL panel not working?
What are your options?
Can operate: checklist, COMM, ENG, etc by selecting DSP SEL panel on, on L or R CDU.
Can also try the Center pedestal or L/R
DSPL CTRL source switch.
DSP SEL panel not working?
What are your options?
Can operate: checklist, COMM, ENG, etc by selecting DSP SEL panel on, on L or R CDU.
Can also try the Center pedestal or L/R
DSPL CTRL source switch.
Can wheelchair codes be different on NOTOC and on load sheet?
Different codes for load sheet versus NOTOC
ATIS in Hong Kong says 90 min delay for your routing. What do you do if haven’t started boarding?
-Not a confirmed or verified delay.
-Talk with ISM, inform of potential delay.
- nothing written, but anything under 3 hours, get boarded and see how you go. Good chance you leave slightly late.
- consider AFTL’s
Harness and door section of the before start checklist and you see a door unlocked light, what do you do?
Unannunciated checklist: Lock Fail
Consider that there is an MEL for this as well.
Waypoints after limes, ILS 07L, 180 knots and 2000A.
What is a good aiming altitude to be at, especially with tailwind on base?
(Shaun Anderson Training Captain advise for a gate)
RNAV approach on the 26 right into CYVR in July 2024
Harden up the downwind altitude
If 4000A, make 4000.
Even so, when they clear you 3000, means base turn is coming. Clear all restrictions and get down
Configure early
If visual, maybe call visual
They have us base turn at 3000
Dep/Arr 6R, FAF 2000, so either request lower, or call visual and keep coming down.
Update VNAV speed and arm VNAV
Clean up legs
(Back up: if rushed, can always tell them you want full RNAV tracking exampke: Sedus via Goreg
If you get the OUTFLOW VALVE AFT checklist, what should you be concerned about?
MEL shows that both the
(Overhead rest areas, not available)
Will this be true if get checklist mid flight?
AFTL’s affected for LRO and ULRO
Weather appears or ATC gives you delays, this equates to time, which means you should consider!?
Dispatch for MEL is when?
MEL 0.1
Applicable up until the time the aircraft is moving on its own power(start of Taxi)
Subject to the commanders judgement and good airmanship
Include review of FCOM QRH AND MEL
Communication with IOC is also recommended
Does the MEL take into account multiple unserviceability?
Necessary for commander good judgement
If APU inop, what are considerations?
Ground power (how many?)
Supplementary procedure
Pneumatic cart for engine start
Informed destination of same requirements
ISM: if only one ground power, IFE will be off
Potentially hot cabin
What doesTEAM stand for with regards to a visual approach?
T equals track miles
E equals energy management
M = Missed Approach.
If diversion is a consideration once you’ve reached destination, what are some key points?
Always good to divert early before others
Have your decision point and know how to execute
If you have a slow first officer or first officer who doesn’t seem to care what are some good ways to get them involved?
Reasonable professional requests
Can you get me an ATIS?
Can you program route 2
If you call IOC, you should have three options. What are they?
I = I want
O = options
C = Cathay wants
IOC alert message also send SMS to flying managers
If doing a regional Flight and FDPs come up what are the three types of flight duty periods you should consider?
Perhaps create options for
Hotel layover 
Operating in the Singapore area if you divert or change FIR what is the first thing you should ask for?
As terrain may be an issue immediately and they might not give it to you
What are the key waypoint if you divert to Macau Shenzhen or Guanzhou?
Macau is papa
(So if 34 is in use and you’re holding at LIMES, an attempt at VHHH is same as VMMC) 
Shenzhen is LANDA (quite far)
If need to kill, call a specific person at the company from abroad, what is a good app?
When submitting an ASR , less is more
If doing an orbit on the spot spot, what is the best way to execute?
Track select and winded around 359°
If approaching the bay with no APU and you have to leave one engine running, should you do the after shut down Flo? iE should you turn off the beacon light?
No, leave the beacon light on if one engine running.
Do the normal flow once all engines are shut down
Can you go through minimum without a landing clearance?
Be practical about it, but the short answer is yes
Need the clearance before you land
What visuals do you need at Cat One minimums versus Cat two or three minimums?
Cat one : approach lights and one crossbar (so not necessarily threshold)
Cat 2 : runway environment
Approach minimum five lights
Whose area of responsibility is the Fuel Control Switch?
PF until stabilised after Engines Started
PM until engines shut down at end of flight.
If you block on before a certain time in the morning into Hong Kong , the cabin crew get free taxi. What time?
Before 0530 local time
Out of Hong Kong, which is the fuel company which is guaranteed to be manual refuelling?
(Fuel chit said PCN in the end, as there was no CNAF option for supplier)
Why would the Derated thrust and one on the upper EICAS be different than the FMC
when you are inputting the performance DATA steps?
The TAT PROBE is not asPirated before start, so it can show a higher temperature causing different N1.
Normal. Justify
Cancel speed (not high speed)
Unrestricted climb (alt only)
Descent: restrictions apply unless explicitly cancelled!
A wheelchair is loaded on board. The battery is disconnected and put in the overhead locker. Will it be on the cargo? NOTOC or a separate NOTOC?
Separate cabin NOTOC
saying where it is
(TCO should also give wattage)
When will tug be assigned to aircraft in Hong Kong?
If not, contact IOC
Doors closed, handling equipment removed (no requirement for tug)
No TSAT on board?
ATC can give TSAT
Quite serious.
Auto control of centre demand pumps fail
NO MEL: So no go item
(Centre hydraulics control a lot)
Return if taxi
Auto control of demand pumps fail.
MEL with many M items
Out is worth a stop and look at MEL)
Theoretically, what should happen if
Run the checklist.
Demand may not enough for
(Reverse, auto brake, )
Plan for worse case scenario
What would you expect chevkistbto guide you to do?
Turn demand on.
Still no work?
Turn demand off.
What items do you lose if you lose Center Hydraulics?
HYD Press Sys C
Primary flaps slats (plan 6 min)
Alternate gear extension (irreversible)
Main gear steering (tire scrub)
F20 landing manual speed brake
What is the gear limit speed?
and if using the alternate gear extension the speed may need to be reduced further to which speed to ensure that it locks down?
270 gear limit
240 knots may ensure it locks down
In case of alternate gear extension
NNC 13.9
Bad, good, implications?
Best hydraulic loss to get
Will lose the left thrust reverser
Be advised :
Still a no go MEL item
No Autoland
What is your immediate thought if you get a dual hydraulic failure?
Plan to land at the nearest suitable Airport
Crosswind limit 20 knots
If you see HYD press sys L+C+R,
What should the RAT do?
Automatically drop
1) both AC buses unpowered
2) all three hydraulic low
3) dual engine failure with centre hydraulic low
What are the inoperative items if you get hydraulic press L and R?
No auto brake (normal brakes only)
No thrust reverse
No Autoland
Implications of dual hydraulic failure
HYD press sys R+C?
Worst one to get
Open the speed window do not exceed current airspeed
Plan to land at the nearest suitable airport
In operative items :
The stabiliser inop
Primary slat and flap fail (6 min)
Alternate gear extension (irreversible)
Right thrust reverse inop (idle rev)
Auto brake inop
Reserve hydraulic breaking only
(Normal and alternate brakes inop)
Stop on runway and require TOW
Manual speed brake
Max crosswind 20 knots
The quantity is low, which will probably lead to a PRESS SYS.
SO IF YOU HAVE A DUAL HYDRAULIC QUANTITY LOW , it’s an immediate plan land at the nearest suitable airport
What is the only HYD QTY LOW checklist that gets you to switch something off?
Yes, you did turn off the C1 electric primary pump switch. Potentially saves the hydraulic fluid for just before landing.
Perhaps at cleared to land
No go item with regards to MEL
Don’t brake until nose Wheel is on the ground
Do not pump the brakes
Make maximum use of Reverse
(FCTM 2.7)
Remember to add 15% to opt calc 
What if you get AUTOBRAKE EICAS on taxi out?
1 installed 0 required
Many maintenance actions
(Head back)
In air, no Biggy, use manual brakes
Should you be worried if you see tye EICAS
Normal and alternate brake system low
reserve hydraulic source for alternate brakes low
If accumulator showing 1000psi, that’s no hydraulic, only gas.
Do not taxi
When will you get the brake temp EICAS?
One or more break temp is high
5.0 to 6.3 is caution
6.3 and above is melt
Your position disagrees with the landing gear lever position
To extend the landing gear using alternate extension
Remember there is a unannunciated checklist called
gearlever lockdown
Land on all available gear
FCTM has a whole chapter on this
Perhaps dump fuel
(Prep for emergency landing in evacuation procedures 
Flight deck management model
Flaps 30
No speed break unless needed
No reverser unless needed
GEAR DOOR EICAS means what?
One or more gear doors are not closed
Do not exceed 270
Probably dump fuel and come back
How many gear pins are there?
If you get MAIN GEAR BRACE L/R in air, is that bad?
Gear pins are associated with gear braces
Each main gear has two braces
The nose gear has one brace
Total of five gear pins
Yea bad. Prep for gear collapse.
Is main gear steering a bad EICAS to get?
Not severe. May get tire scrubbing.
On taxi out, the MEL HAS MAINTENANCE ITEMS. So contact ENG and go back.
One or more possibly lost:
Alternate brakes from the Reserve hydraulic source
Normal nose gear extension
No wheel steering
Plan for possible alternate gear extension (lower early, if doesn’t work, do alternate)
(Maybe able to turn off)
Not as big a deal as tail strike
MEL one installed zero required
Maintenance actions
Tail skid is not in the commanded position It will cost you 1% flightplan fuel
OPt item
If main gear tire is flat, do not use auto break
On ground
MEL one installed zero required
(Call ENG, they did a tire press check)
Does airspeed low occur at a specific speed?
5-15 knots approx below mms
When will you get the ALTITUDE ALERT
FCOM 15.20.13
Departing altitude by 200 feet
There’s an MEL for this as well
altitude alerting is required for RVSM
(as long as one of the aural or visual component is working)
Altitude and minimum callout are not available on approach
Use alternate means :
P.m. Or second officer.

EICAS happens when?
An entry
These are plugged doors, so pressurisation will be an issue.
happens when?
Gear not down and locked and :
Below 800 feet RA and thrust lever near idle
Flaps in landing position
(Hence why we wait for the landing gear to be down before calling for landing flap)
No Go MEL item.
RA voice callouts and other aural alerts may not be available
There are two tail strike checklists:
one is unannunciated and one pops up automatically why?
When it pops up, it is because you hit the tail hard enough to rupture the canister
Pressurising can cause more damage.
Plan to land at the nearest suitable airport
(Dump fuel and return)
Unannunciated if you heard or felt bump but don’t get EICAS.
TCAS is failed
One installed zero required
Maintenance actions
Cannot leave Control airspace
(Do we have this on Routing?) 
TCAS Cannot show RA guidance on the PFD
Pilot flying must have
TCAS Cannot show RA guidance on the PFD
Pilot flying must have
Flying from Hong Kong to Japan, you are over Taiwan, the trainer asks you which altitude you will say in the case of a depress. What is you answer?
Worst case scenario:
highest grid 15,500’
Plus 70 knot wind additive 2500’.
Is 18000’.
-Includes wind up to 50 kn
-Temperature correction not required
-altitude is reference to regional QNH
-20nm either side of direct track to airport
Grid MRA and OFP MRA
- doesn’t include wind
- 10 nm either side of track
- provides max 2000’ terrain clearance
- biggest wind additive is 2500’
Are the airports shown using the
D-EDG checked for suitability by LIDO?
Check “suitable” yourself.
If only one diversion option is available, need to check “adequate”
Is there a back up to the DEDG if it doesn’t load in the en route section of the EFF?
See printout or docs in EFF.
Also should be available in FOP back up portal
Last case paper EDG 
is Crew oxygen ever an issue on the triple seven ER??
Minimum Dispatch pressure from Hong Kong to Europe is 1200 psi
(Equates to 3800 L)
Even with four crew stuck up at Flight level 250 you have approximately three hours of oxygen @ 100% oxygen.
(3 hours before worry)
Where can you find the Crew oxygen requirements which equates to length of time at altitude?
Lowest oxygen crew Dispatch requirement is 900 PSI.
How many hours of oxygen for four crewmembers? Does this allow at 14,000 feet and at 25,000 feet?
FCOM performance Dispatch
Flight level 140 : 4 hours
Fly level 250: 2 hour 15 min
If you have a dual hydraulic pressure failure
Should you also complete the
HYD QTY LOW C+R checklist?
It’ll direct you to turn off the C1 air demand pump, potentially saving the standpipe fluid for your reserve brakes.
If your centre hydraulic system is showing zero quantity or pressure low, how do you know if you have standpipe fluid for the reserve breaks?
Check the hydraulic synoptic and make sure there’s green flow flowing through the C1 primary pump
If you get the fuel imbalance checklist, when should you actually balance the fuel?
Example we had an engine out missed approach, followed by hydraulic failures, entering the hold the imbalance was getting to 2.5 tons.
This would’ve been a good time to start balancing
Then continue with the other non-normal checklist
The only time you don’t need to be at fuel is if you were in a critical stage of Flight
How should you treat the insufficient fuel message?
Treated like a fuel imbalance message
Do the EFC check
How should you treat the insufficient fuel message?
Treated like a fuel imbalance message
Do the EFC check
When making a Mayday call or a Pan Pan call, do you need to say those words with every radio call?
No, only on initial contact with new agency
When entering a hold as an emergency aircraft or pan pan, it might be a good idea to request what?
Longer hold legs.
10 or 20nm
How does the auto start deal with a hot start situation?
Let the auto start do its thing, it will try three attempts and then give you
ENG AUTOSTART R/L as needed.
Do the memory items with the PF controlling the FCS , then call for the checklist
There are three types of 180° tax returns. What are they?
A normal 180°
Keep moving at 6 kn parallel the runway edge and then go full tiller
(Capable on a 60 meter runway)
Minimum radius turn
Hang nose over runway edge by 30° with no gear almost touching runway edge lights
Come to a stop. Full tiller. Outside thrust. (Again within 60 meter runway.)
Pivot (45 m or 150’ runway)
Not above max landing weight
FCTM 2.16
Only an emergency
Better to get a tug
Will ruin tires and pavement
What must you see on a visual approach if you have PAPI at 1000 feet?
Two colours
Not all red, not all white
What is the best way to know that you’ve reached the approach ban height?
Use the white One thousand foot tape on the PFD (based on airport elevation)
(Not 1000 foot RA, as there could be a valley or hill)
Can you use VNAV TO HELP with a visual approach?
Select the runway waypoint from any approach in the FMC
Make the runway the active waypoint with the appropriate inbound course
Van will then give you track miles and a VDI
If you have hydraulic quantity pressure low on the left side, which items do you lose?
Left thrust reverser
However, a sneaky one is that the left hydraulics control a lot of the tail,
Therefore, you will also get a
Which equates to more brake pressure?
Max manual
RTO brakes is maximum pressure
Should you Ever OverRide a Checklist?
You can!
you will lose the notes.
So sometimes better to just click through it.
The master caution light and beeper are inhibited for all EI CAS caution messages below alert height except for:
No auto land
Auto pilot
Speedbrake extended
Auto throttle disconnect
Also note , this is only cautions, warnings will occur (engine fire, cargo fire etc)
Cat 1 approach with 550m visibility (right on limits), will you see the runway?
No, probably not (worth briefing)
You need to see five consecutive approach lights
In order to see the threshold, do you need about 800 meters
Showing LAND 2, meaning fail passive, another fault will not cause you to deviate significantly from the path, however it will disconnect the auto pilot, can you reconnect auto pilot?
And when you reconnect, you will get the
After you establish the drift down and have entered the engine of Cruise, which speech should you select?
When is the predictive windshear inhibit on takeoff?
Caution: 80 kn until 400 AGL
(Monitor radar display)
Warning : 100 knots until 50 feet
(Wind you ahead windshear ahead)
Why is TOGA so important in a windshear Escape manoeuvre?
Normal takeoff flight directors give guidance for:
V2 +15 to V2 +25
Pressing toga put flight Director into attitude mode
If getting low on fuel and approaching two tons per tank, what are some precautions?
You could think about doing the fuel quantity low checklist pre-emptively
(One Crossfeed on and all fuel pumps on)
If getting real low on fuel as in showing two tons on landing, and you’re forced to do a missed approach, would you consider a teardrop or a visual circuit?
We know how to do and do visual circuits all the time.
Simulator: tight left-hand circuit with 3 mile ring at 1500 feet: we did it using 800 kg
When’s the last time you did it teardrop?
The temperature is 3° or below and EAI is required. What percentage N1 is required for the static run up?
Min 50%
(Normal is 1.05 or aim at EPR)
As high as practical :
Min 50%
(So normal 55% should suffice)
If operating engine out for an ILS07L into Hong Kong, how would you handle the MAP?
Enter DE07L and ROVER into fix page, and fly using TRK SELECT.
What would happen if you had an engine engine failure during an auto land at 150 feet?
You will get the EICAS message
No beeper or light
Thrust will come up on the operating engine
Aircraft will land just fine
Should you use the flight directors on an engine out takeoff?
Yes, great guidance
What is a great tool to help you keep the wings level in a max crosswind takeoff?
Peak inside every now and then and look at the PFD to keep wings level
Add more during the rotation
Once the aircraft weather cox airborne, reduce bank
What is the triple seven happy weight?
220 T : 750 FPM AND FLARE 35’
Max landing weight : 900fpm flare 40’
If you decide to reject a landing, should you wait for the first officer to call rotate?
They should call rotate at Vref.
However, you should do it regardless of the first officer always be peeking inside
For a regular takeoff VR
Should you do an autoland in a typhoon condition?
According to Rob Watson.
Yes, always
Configure early, especially 07L
- big tailwind on base
- Be down and done before final
- Leed the auto throttles
If doing a visual circuit, what scale should you have the map on when turning base?
20 nautical miles
The noodle works perfect for a visual circuit
If doing a visual circuit, what scale should you have the map on when turning base?
20 nautical miles
The noodle works perfect for a visual circuit
As of August 2024, what must we add to the Descent briefing?
What is different about the go round calls?
Briefing must include “ in the event go around we may have to advance the thrust levers manually.
Newf call is thrust set
So :
Go round flaps five
Thrust set. Check.
Positive rate
In the event of an RTO, what are the two reasons that it’s a good idea to bring up the gear synoptic?
Tyre pressure
(If sky rocketing, maybe stay put)
In the event of an RTO:
Ask Crew, how fast were we going when we rejected?
Start the clock when you stop.
There’s no rush, so no need to taxi and do the PA at the same time
If you raise the alert level , then keep it there until you’re satisfied that you’re in the Green
When giving an NITS briefing, be sure to ask them to repeat. Instructors will purposely not repeat.
In the event of an RTO:
Ask Crew, how fast were we going when we rejected?
Start the clock when you stop.
There’s no rush, so no need to taxi and do the PA at the same time
If you raise the alert level , then keep it there until you’re satisfied that you’re in the Green
When giving an NITS briefing, be sure to ask them to repeat. Instructors will purposely not repeat.
If you have a simple engine out takeoff and you’re returning to land, would you tell the ISM that it’s a normal landing,
Precautionary landing , or emergency landing?
At least a precautionary landing
No need to rush and offer a type of disembarkation
After you have an engine out and a fuel imbalance before making the next approach, how would you brief and think of the fuel?
Just make sure that the low tank has enough for the approach.
If it starts getting too low, that’s when you should consider balancing
We had a five ton in with 34 tons total , I started balancing because we had time,
Steven Lee said he wouldn’t do that he would just keep things simple
You’ve briefed and are passed the initial approach fix on a RNP AR approach.
You then get the GPS EICAS, do you need to go around?
You need the GPS as a pre-approach requirement from the supplementary procedure 4.15,
However, if you are already on the approach , passed the IAF, theoretically you only need to go around for
So continue approach and perhaps you’ll break visual before getting either of these messages
According to Steven Lee, it starts at
70 kn on the takeoff roll
And stop working at 70 non landing
What is the potable water tolerance expressed in bars? 1-16?
1 bar tolerance
Example America requires 7/8 to 8/8
(Practically this means 14/16 to 16/16
So can accept 13/16th)
What is the potable water requirement on regional sectors?
Is it different for 300 or for ER?
ER is 2/8 to 3/8
300 has smaller tank:
7/8 to 8/8
One bar tolerance
Pull up FON2024/033
Make sure it’s reflected on the load sheet
If you’re pressed for time on the approach should you select flaps 20 gear down or gear down Flaps 20?
Takes longer to extend so select that first
Gear down flaps 20
Is there anyway to check the radar returns in Hong Kong when there are thunderstorms?
-Use my Weather app Tap on Hong Kong -select General
- Scroll down to radar
Yes, can use my Weather app
Tap Hong Kong select General
There’s also a runway section which gives you the three winds for the runway
Who should call if you have maintenance issues in Flight or want to give engineering a heads up on a situation?
Satcom maintenance control
They want registration B-KPZ
Not call sign
Use over and out terminology when speaking
Can you dispatch without a flight interphone?
Check MEL
If all allows
- Discuss hand signals with engineer
- Discuss return to Bay continuity procedures parking brake set starting engines
- Consideration should be given to start engine after pushback completed
Marshalling signals
Ops A 12.6
When sending output to the company for the takeoff OPT, do you use Cx or CPA?
CAD requirement for CPA
You’re entering the plane what is the first thing you do? Then you enter the cockpit was the first thing you do? Should you do the Flight deck check before the tech log?
Enter check waste water potable water
Cockpit : check documents
Sit down : scan and FODER
MED: Maint Etech log, EFB, Delegate
During pre-Flight, should you leave stuff on the centre pedestal?
ATIS Control column
NOTOC (clip board)
Etechlog, keep on side
Should you leave your iPad plugged in during Taxi?
No, upon entering the cockpit checked that the charger works then unplug it.
Make sure first officer doesn’t have it plugged in for Taxi either
Should you only check the NOTAM for destination departure and alternate airport?
No, also check the FIR tab.
(Beware of runway centreline Lighting unserviceability, and how it affects visibility required)
This can help with flow control
When building the approach, what should you put into route two? And what is something you should definitely check in the missed Approach?
Show trainers you are prepared:
Put opposite runway in route two or diversion routing
When setting up for the approach , there is a speed in the MAP.
And check that the MAP hold procedure is correct. If not build it.
When checking the weather required for destination alternate is the figure using the MDA or the MDH
If you do not have auto throttles for your flight, do you still need to press toga when selecting thrust for takeoff?
When setting thrust for takeoff, what is the appropriate sequence and mouth music?
Say set thrust
Advance thrust to approximately
55% or 1.05
Count in your head one Mississippi two
Press TOGA
During your pre-Flight set up what should you have on the displays for the PF PM and centre?
PF camera (tug?)
P.m. doors
Centre (COMM)
Sometimes there’s a difference between the EFF and Flight deck pro calculation for visibility or minimum is required when calculating whether for destination or destination alternate why is that?
EFF is EASA designed
Flight deck pro is FAA
After pushback flight attendant calls and says that door five left cannot be armed can you go? ?
Keep Eng and tug
Maintenance control
They tell you to cycle door
Are you comfortable doing that?
Large drop broken bodies if they fall out the door.
Why not push back onto the Bay have engineering help you much safer
When you get the cabin ready COMM message before pushback that’s a a good trigger for what other items?
Start the timer (they need about eight minutes before take off)
Do a quick scan of the cockpit
(Door closed, fruits and water bottles secure, iPad unplugged)
What is the order of the flight control check?
Left right pull back push forward
On a no weather day, when do you cycle the seatbelt signs?
Are there any other considerations besides weather when considering to Cycle the seatbelt signs?
I usually think about it after the after takeoff checklist and between transition altitude : so approx 7000’ (shoulder harness off at same time)
Other considerations :
Big turn
Steep climb
TCAS traffic or super busy
(Other good reasons to keep them seated)
On a no weather day, when do you cycle the seatbelt signs?
Are there any other considerations besides weather when considering to Cycle the seatbelt signs?
I usually think about it after the after takeoff checklist and between transition altitude : so approx 7000’ (shoulder harness off at same time)
Other considerations :
Big turn
Steep climb
TCAS traffic or super busy
(Other good reasons to keep them seated)
At TOC, PF calls cabin crew, to tell them we’re in the cruise (end of sterile cockpit), I usually like to take a bathroom break at this moment, is this always a good idea?
Experience of other Crew
FIR boundary
Is it a busy time?
What is the VMO/MMO?
And what is a good speed adjustment for departing Japan in the winter?
(330 climbing to 350 as we climb)
So 320 knots is close if turbulent.
Maybe switch it to 300/0.82)
The weather at destination is not amazing. You want to take more fuel. You should watch out for what.
Max takeoff weight
We got caught out with an alternate max takeoff weight out of CGK
Funky OPT scenario, if it’s a hot day and the TAT probe has been sitting in the Sun, you may run into this issue.
OPT gives you TO2 AST 34 degrees.
Tat probe in sun is at 38 degrees.
You won’t be able to put data into CDU.
May force you into a max TO situation, so consider buffers on temp, QNH etc
What is a good scan on the takeoff role for a Captain?
What is a good scan on the takeoff role for a Captain?
When does the the altitude alert EICAS message occur?
Does it require ASR?
Altitude alert occurs when your altitude deviates by more than 200 feet from your MCP altitude
Reportable incident only starts if you do +/- 300’
(So we didn’t file ASR for 200’ deviation due turbulence)
Knowing that passengers can get freaked out flying if you have a non-normal or pretty severe turbulent, what is a good idea?
First of all, check in with the ISM
(Get a report on the cabin situation)
A nice calm PA may go along way to settle nervous passengers
In the simulator, it’s very much zeros and ones, if you get a double pack failure should you just send 10,000 feet?
As soon as the cabin altitude reaches 10000, you’ll get the cabin out to warning.
So at least in the Sim, it may be worth descending to 9900 feet
Andrew Murphy Flight
If you have the final load sheet and prelim load sheet, which one should you use for the Performance data steps?
What should be your trigger once you finish the before start checklist?
That’s when you double check C-ELF
Last chance to catch cabin ready before pushing back.
For your command and watching first officers, should you follow their flows completely?
Approaching TD,
What is a common threat?
Both Climbing out and descending watch out for traffic.
Even if it looks like it won’t be a conflict , you don’t know how fast the other aircraft is descending Climbing
Use VS
Prepping for command if you find yourself scatterbrained and running all over the place think about using other crewmember
Remember a duck on top of the water.
Let them run around while you sort yourself out
(Well thought out PA, think of missed items etc)
Chris Williams head of standards
When should you say IKW identified pointer showing?
Don’t say it on downwind
Say it at an appropriate time
Intercept heading for the localiser perhaps
IKW identified, cleared for approach,
Andrew Murphy special
Don’t be shy with thrust to get moving when cleared to lineup
If need to use 35% N1 then so be it
When refilling is complete and we say everything we need to say where are we really looking when looking for a -1 to +2 discrepancy?
Etechlog is one that matters most and is limiting (SP 12.2)
EFF, not limiting, only note discrepancy
If the tech log has a discrepancy of -0.2, what can you expect at your first fuel check en route?
You can expect your totaliser to be down by 0.2T.
When refilling is complete and you go through your checks, will the discrepancy EFF be the same as the discrepancy on the tech log?
They will almost always be different:
EFF discrepancy based on fuel ordered
Tech log discrepancy based on EICAS fuel in Tanks
If if the tech log has a discrepancy of +500 kg, what should you watch out for?
Is there anyway to check where on the flight plan you can commonly get direct routings?
Log page.
D with arrow through it.
If really tight on fuel, could check how much saving it would be by putting in directs, difference of Dist and use Avg KG/NM.
What does SRM stand for in the ETL?
Structural repair manual
(Might see this when you have lightning strikes)
What is something you should be aware of when you use auto brake 4?
Quite a lot of brake pressure is required to disconnect.
I almost came to a complete stop, then use the speed break to disconnect it.
If EFF is not working and you have to use the paper version, how would you do fuel checks and it is there any requirement to accept an activate the flight plan?
Use CAR commanders administration report for fuel log and when you receive the final fuel.
Yes, must activate it
0MA 8.1.8 .5
FPLN/CPA254/B2/FOP JAMT/accept
If you have Equipment cooling override checklist, what are some thoughts?
Below 9000 feet and cabin differential less than 3.4, your equipment might start to overheat and you might lose avionics.
Either do the checklist
Or if you have NNC checklist , consider Climbing to 10,000 or 9999 in order to keep a sufficient differential pressure
What is the 777 with regards to Taxi code?
Code E (52-65m wingspan)
B747 was F
There are three calculations in the efficiency section of the EFF for fuel:
Taxi out
What do these numbers mean?
Taxi out:
From off block until airborne
Over burn:
TOC until 150nm to Dest (TOD)
Basically cruise
Holding :
TOD until touchdown
There are three Obern calculations in the efficiency section of the EFF.
Taxi out
What do these numbers mean?
Taxi out:
From off block until airborne
Over burn:
TOC until 150nm to Dest (TOD)
Basically cruise
Holding :
TOD until touchdown
If you ever see Hydrophobic coating issues, beware of entering rain showers, good chance you won’t see anything.
Mitigating factors?
Plan for worst case:
F30 and Autoland.
If visual, then land :)
If selecting F25 on 300, or any 777, what else should you be thinking?
Can I Autoland. Always a good tool as a captain to have in back pocket.
As captain, always be cross checking what FO is doing.
Example, flap retraction, watch to make sure they are selecting correct flap.
When selecting auto brake for the approach how should you cross check that you’ve set the correct auto brake setting?
Check the EICAS (read it off there)
I wanted 3 but selected 2 by accident.
Fuel scenario using a AFSC fuel company in Hong Kong.
Fuel complete, however they loaded 400 kg less
What to do ?
Safe legal efficient
Can we take this new fuel?
Reduce continency reduce Taxi
Can we make it legal?
Fuel truck is already gone. Is it efficient to have it come all the way back?
I decided to press on 400 kg less, taken off contingency.
By the time we pushed back, the fuel had climbed up to our requested flight plan fuel.
Chris Williams second time seeing this.
Believes it’s mixing of SG fuels.
Beware in the 300 above or below optimum if ATC ask if you can fly M0.78, what should you do?
Beware, changing speed will change your OPT level.
Input speed into VNAV, check new OPT.
THEN EITHER, yes. Or lowest we can do is M0.82… or descend.
Maintaining 15 kn above MMS passing through Flight level 200 is that for climb or descent?
That is in the FCOM climb policy
Only really an issue on the ER at heavyweights
Never seen it be an issue for 300
As Captain no need to verbalise SOP’s
Ex :
“ we are above 5000 feet now accelerating to 300 kn” just do it.
Also don’t ask first officer to remind you, be confident and just do it.
Example :
Speed control later in the climb
As Captain no need to verbalise SOP’s
Ex :
“ we are above 5000 feet now accelerating to 300 kn” just do it.
Also don’t ask first officer to remind you, be confident and just do it.
Example :
Speed control later in the climb
What are three things that you can check when the ZFW comes in?
Number of Crew
Number of passengers
Zero fuel weight
(Don’t mention weight to out loud)
Patrick Lau has 4 stage of WS prep, what are they?
1) not expecting: WS FCST 070/10
- keep AST and standard OPt
2) Not expecting: 150@15G20
- remove AST and harden F15
3) Expecting: ie TYPHOON
- max TO and F20
4) Expecting Sig Windshear (reported or alerts?
- delay takeoff or departure.
Reviewing EFF in pre-Flight, what are some things to highlight from left to right?
Version activated
Highest MRA
EDG downloaded (check supported airports, if only one, must be adequate)
Plan runways
Documents downloaded
Signed on
-fuel and contingency
- Alternate and weather
- wx app and version
- How many defects?
Efficiency and overburn
Weather and NOTAMS
LDA W into RJTT says that the recommended crossing altitude at MX22 is 1300 feet, this is based off 4.1 miles to touchdown, is accurate?
Patrick Lau
4.1 based on direct from MX to threshold, so not accurate.
Actual is 4.3nm.
So 4.3*3= 1290
1290 + 50’ threshold crossing + 21’ elevation
Actual crossing altitude 1360
Can put this in VNAV PAGE
WPT/ALG for Vertical Bearing (FPA)
This will mean with 1300’ set in MCP, your green arc should be just passed Mx.
And because you cross at appropriate altitude, means you can keep same ROD/pitch for the visual segment
Can you take flaps 25 or 30 without the gear out?
Config gear
Any landing flap without gear is config issue
Can you take flaps 25 or 30 without the gear out?
Config gear
Any landing flap without gear is config issue
If conducting a non-precision approach, Patrick Lau has three categories to check characterised under:
Window open
Correct sequence
Passed or approaching IAF (set FAF)
RWY waypoint (RX or Mx 50’)
Speed in VNAV
On approach
Can you do the LDA into Tokyo RJTT in LNAV OR ONLY LOC
NP 21.83
Turning both FD off and PM back on does what?
Forces auto throttle into SPD mode
P.m. back on for MAP
Three final things to check before the thousand foot call stable
Gear brake flap
Landing checklist
What is a good flow for accepting the fuel?
Complete loops:
1) EFF first:
Fuel ordered, expected vs actual, distribution good, tap accept, check receipts and note Fuel Grade.
Seatbelts on
2) AML:
Enter EICAS fuel
Actual uplift from EFF
Discrepancy within limits
When does fuel get introduced during engine start? ER versus 300.
19 seconds after 20% N2
Below 98° EGT
MAX MOTOR approx 26% N3
How much fuel is required extra if centre tank fuel is required for the mission on a 300?
320 kg.
The only time you see centre tank fuel on a 300 is on a CAT B SECTOR.
Therefore, don’t worry about the 320 kg extra.
Why does the 300 need 320 kg extra fuel when centre tank fuel is loaded compared to the ER which doesn’t need any extra?
Received an upgraded scavenge system
(No icing, or locked centre fuel)
Has Old scavenge system whereby
320 kg of fuel gets blocked and locked in the centre Tank.
What are the main Tank capacities for the 300 and the ER?
If you see approx 60 tonnes of fuel, you know it’ll be an issue.
30t is my trigger.
300 equals 29.1T per main
ER equals 31.3T per main
Max thrust you should use in order to start Taxi?
40% N1 on 300
36% N1 on ER
(Why? Sandy ops to avoid vortex: SP 16.17)
Perfect setting for this is by pushing one thrust forward, so it’s one handle width in front of next thrust lever, then match the second)
How to create a zone of protection on the 300 radar?
Start scale at
1) 40 nautical miles and go down to -10°
Scan up 1° every one or two sweeps
2) 80 nm scale
- continue increasing degree one or two sweeps until ground returns at 80 nm
Any Green blips could be a threat
How to operate each individual weather radar?
300: fully manual
-Any threats do a zone of protection scan
- ZONE of protection scan at TOD
- scan change every 5000’ on climb and descent
- Almost always automatic
- keep One in automatic if putting the other in manual
- manual scan 4000’ below if needed
Ex EK:
- AUTOMATIC take off to TOD
- manual JN TOD
How much buffer should you automatically see between your top of climb and ENVAR?
Put envar in DEST ok VNAV PAGE
At least 20 nautical miles
(if less beware)
If more consider reducing thrust
At 9000 feet :
CLB to CLB1 costs 10 nm
CLB1 to CLB2 costs another 10nm
At 14000
5 nm cost
At 22000
2 nm cost
Can you take flaps 25 without the gear out?
No landing flap without the gear
Or else you’ll get config gear
Should your EICAS EPR/N1 be larger or smaller than you are OPT and FMC?
It should be smaller, until the ENGINES supply bleed to PACKS
What are the two pre-flight items that expire within five minutes?
ATC clearance
Refuelling complete
How often does the ATIS come out in Japan?
Every 30 minutes
If holding in Hong Kong requires you to turn right however there is weather on that side what can you do?
Ask ATC for a hold in the opposite direction due to weather
Same for if ATC radar vectors cause you to be high for a restriction ,
Ask them to waive restriction
What is the curfew period for RCKH?
Definitely worth knowing if it’s your alternate and you are the Captain
Port pages
Midnight local until 6:30 am
16:00z to 2230z
How heavy is the Wi-Fi system if they say they are going to remove the entire system and where is it located?
Located in the tail
Total weight approximately 1.5 tons
Ask ENG and TCO how this will affect your centre of gravity considerations
What do we need to verbalise now with the final load sheet?
Takeoff weight agrees with OPT and is within limits
MACTOW is within one percent of FMC
And ACG1 is still valid
What do we need to verbalise now with the final load sheet?
Takeoff weight agrees with OPT and is within limits
MACTOW is within one percent of FMC
And ACG1 is still valid
How often should you do your LESRR?
Every 5000’
What is more important to monitor starting to 300 and ER?
Neither aircraft start monitors what?
300 to watch two parameters
Neither Airplane monitors oil temp
300 doesn’t monitor oil pressure
Basically on both you should monitor oil pressure and oil temperature rise
Beijing if using northern runways plan on 36 left however what should you ask for?
Use wording request easterly runways runway 01 from approach
They will let you know later on , expect heading 030 and clearance for the localiser at 30 nautical miles
UseLNAV intercept
Passenger offloading:
Whenever passenger offloaded the PIC must be informed.
What should PIC direct SCCM to do?
Search Lavatories
(that pax might have accessed)
Search seats and pockets 2 rows either side
Over head lockers etc
Passenger offloading:
Whenever passenger offloaded the PIC must be informed.
What should PIC direct SCCM to do?
Search Lavatories
(that pax might have accessed)
Search seats and pockets 2 rows either side
Over head lockers etc
Hong Kong now has GPS interference. How would you go about briefing and preparing?
Be well-versed in the supplementary procedure:
Suspected RFI :
Turn inhibit off
Known RFI :
Inhibit off
GPS off
Ground prox terrain override off
(Departure: brief non RNP 1 departure )
(Arrival: ignore only if visual )
Hong Kong now has GPS interference. How would you go about briefing and preparing?
Be well-versed in the supplementary procedure:
Suspected RFI :
Turn inhibit off
Known RFI :
Inhibit off
GPS off
Ground prox terrain override off
(Departure: brief non RNP 1 departure )
(Arrival: ignore only if visual )
Does the fuel cross feed go to tank or engine?