FCOM- NORMAL Flashcards
Does auto brake need to be used in normal ops?
Shall be used for all take off and landings when serviceable.
Only available from normal (Right Hydraulics)
NP 11.2
Do you need to let PM know when disconnecting AP or AT?
PF shall alert Pm.
If during or after engine start, there is an Alert, should you check MeL/CDL?
- Do the respective NNC
- ON THE GROUND, check the MEL/CDL
If displays and instruments require cleaning, should you do it yourself?
Enter into AML.
Maintenance to clean.
What is the only checklist that needs to be done from paper QRH?
Sometimes arrive at cockpit and electronic checklist is disabled.
Do you need an engineer?
Can enter Maint Display - ATA 31
To enable.
NP 11.9
Do you need to inform ground crew when starting APU?
NP 11.10
Does FD need to be used for take off and departure?
Shall be used.
Is FD required for RNP?
Required for all PBN (RNAV AND RNP) approaches.
If not
Required for visual segment of approach. Pm select both off then pm on.
Is the use of the ground camera the primary means of determining appropriate taxi position?
Outside visual is primary.
Camera used as AID on ANY MFD.
PROHIBITED FOR use during takeoff approach and landing.
MCP altitudes.
In descent, what to set if alt says 1820’?
Round down to nearest 100’:
Therefore 1800’
Perfect example of this is FAF at Macau vor 34 = 1990, but set 1900.
For MDA and DA, set to the nearest 10’ above the MDA.
(Example, MDA 555, set 560 in MCP for descent purposes)
NP 11.11
Normal MCP setting technique:
Normally, all constraints set in MCP.
These exceptions are permitted:
-compliance assured, next restriction set
- Star or SID with close spaced altitude constraints, Alternate setting technique using VNAV can be used.
(Next altitude not normally set until within 2 NM of active waypoint)
Alternate MCP altitude setting technique:
Check FMC restraints
Exiting VNAV requires the next restriction to be set.
When clear STAR, last ATC altitude must be kept until on published segment of APP (IAF onwards)
Cleared for approach and ESTABLISHED on published segment of app (IE within 2 nm or inside of IAF), what should you set in MCP?
Lowest of FAP or FAF
(If FaF not on chart, use one coded in FMC)
When should HF R be selected to DATA mode?
Prior to entering polar airspace, or with SATCOM inop.
NP 11.14
When would manual tuning of Radio Aid be permitted to facilitate awareness?
1) associated with Port Page EO proc
2) BTA or MSA based on Nav Aid
3) Nav Aid required to ensure compliance with ATC, and it’s not on ND.
Are we allowed to use ACARS RTOW and SMS RTOW still?
Yes, as back up.
RTOW non normal codes can be found in QRH (OI 1.6)
Two items to turn on when crossing an active runway?
Strobe light
TCAS (11.16)
EFB update required for every sector?
Need to update prior to every flying duty, prior to sign on.
Not required for second sector
At dispatch, EFB check will include?
Battery charge (approx 70% up)
Comply (sync within 24 hour and review FON’s relevant)
FD Pro (current with relevant wx too)
Flight folder (SAD, sign on, activate, Digital EDG)
My flight WX (valid,)
NP 21.1
When is a landing dispatch calculation required?
PF required to calculate when one or more of these:
1) weather at Dest forecast Contaminated rwy
2) MEL with landing performance
3) NOTAM indicating reduction in LDA
(Verify OFP landing weight is below DISPATCH LANDING WEIGHT LIMIT)
If above, need to limit ZFW.
Who performs the crew oxygen pressure drop test?
Right seat pilot
(5 seconds, not more than 50psi drop)
If crew or passenger oxygen below which level, refer to Limitations?
1600 psi
First and second observer oxygen always need to be checked as well.
What to do if find that EFB power outlet inop?
Enter into AML
Reviewing AML before flight, what needs to be checked?
Arrival fuel
Maintenance in progress (open items)
Acceptability of MEL items
(“This is an OPT MEL/CDL requires independent input into OPT.
(Recalculation may be required for Dispatch Landing Limit Weight)
Can final fuel figures be transmitted verbally?
To prevent incorrect fuelling.
Original copy of form and receipt can be tossed once digital copy loaded onto EFF.
Refuel record with no uplift, what shall PIC DO?
Distribution on EICAS good.
Enter Total Departure Fuel (EICAS) and arrival fuel into AML/eTL.
Enter 0 for expected and actual uplift
Aircraft released?
PM: seatbelts on
(What about EFF? Just send final fuel and make sure distribution normal)
During equipment security check, what is the normal position of the cargo temperature selectors?
Except as required by NOTOC
On the walk around, where is the oxygen pressure relief Green Disc valve located?
Left FWD fuselage (crew?)
Right aft fuselage (pax?)
Do the brake wear indicators show if park brake not set?
If set, the indicators must stick out of the guides
Regional turn around, does
ADIRU need to be reset?
MANAGER master reset?
Yes to both
OFP legs have to be checked up to which waypoint (used to be first page).
Now it’s up to first FIR boundary
When receive Final ZFW, both pilots independently check, then the PF reads out which figures aloud?
Total fuel
(Then the captain will ACCEPT the fuel, which sends to Loader and Fueller)
(Also last chance to check standard or non standard distribution)
What should be disconnected if ground air connected?
Always touch packs first.
So ground air connected:
Packs off
Recirc fans off (cools cabin quicker if not recirculating air)
Ground air disconnected?
Packs On
Recirc Fans on
Which NOTOC codes require selection of cargo temp to high?
TDH and AVI (with no SI)
1) PDC received in Hong Kong ? What to do?
2) FMC loadable PDC clearance?
RTE page agrees with RWY, SID.
Expected or cleared ALT
Transponder code
Accept and PRINT
Load /activate
SID (if deleted)
When should PA normally be made?
Normally before pushback.
Departure should not normally be delayed to facilitate PA
After refuelling, there is a special procedure that is required, ONLY ON THE 300, what is it?
Recycling of refuel station door.
Maintenance or Fueler is responsible.
(Check toggle in eTechlog on refuel page)
Only issue if diversion, then be sure to remind Engineer.
On completion of refuel, what does captain do?
Enter total fuel from EICAS into AML
Enter uplift from EFF
Discrepancy between actual and expected MUST be resolved.
(Limit is:
+ 1000/-500 kg with no CWT fuel
+ 2000/-1000kg with CWT fuel
If outside of this, SHALL BE INVESTIGATED.
Once fuel complete:
Check aircraft released.
Complete aircraft acceptance
(Turn AML onto airplane mode)
This is part of
Departure brief
Opt (prelim good enough)
FFF (fuel, flight mode, final prep)
When can Performance data steps be completed?
When refuelling complete!
Need at least:
What are the standard taxi weights for ER and 300?
ER = 700 kg
300= 500 kg
When inputting MACTOW into CDU, what do you put for 25.99?
For CDU, you’re looking for Trim, so you’d put the closest for accurate trim. So 26%.
Need to make sure this is in agreement with the ALTCG used in OPT.
Also, be sure when you get final load sheet, that the new, rounded MACTOW is no greater than +/- 1%
At end of performance data steps, we check approach page ref 30 speed, why?
No greater than 1 knot of OPT Vref 30 speed.
Any greater means the OPT weight and the FMC weight are significantly different.
When receive final load sheet and want to send confirmation, what do you need to check first?
Final TOW within OPT
CG in CDU is no more than 1% from final rounded loadsheet MACTOW
Verify MACTOW within ALTCG used.
Receive final load sheet, when would you need to recalculate OPT and redo Perf Data Steps?
Final TOW outside OPT limits
Final MACTOW not within +/-1%
(ER: within ALTCG range used for OPT)
Can aircraft pushback before loadsheet ACK?
Primary means EFF.
ACARS as back up
Delay before pushback, what can you do to be proactive?
Before start checklist to the line.
(Can do when perf data steps completed) lol
Note: CAPTAIN responsible for door being closed and locked before “before start checklist” is called.
(Do it when get Cabin Ready)
(Basically waiting on beacon)
What two items do you need before push back?
Loadsheet ACK
Cabin ready
(ELF: Eng, Loadsheet, Fuel)
According to
Our procedures, after pushback, what does the steering pin signal?
Nose gear steering not locked
All equipment and personnel are clear of aircraft
How can ground personnel be called back to aircraft?
Flash taxi OR turnoff lights twice
When can the before taxi checklist be called?
Once ground crew has confirmed the steering in has been removed and all ground equipment and personnel are clear.
Setting flaps in the before taxi flow (after engine start AAFTR).
What should pilots check?
3 things:
Flap lever
EICAS FLAP indication
FMC flap setting
When must the RWY/Takeoff Data Change checklist be accomplished?
If runway change or performance or take off config are changed AFTER THE BEFORE START CHECKLIST has been actioned.
(If changed required after perf steps already completed, but before the checklist, you can also refer to the SP - dep runway, take off data change (SP11.5)
Is RETO allowed?
In all cases, both engines should be started for initial taxi.
If needed, one or both can be shut down for prolonged taxi out delays.
Not if:
APU inop
Braking or steering MEL’s.
For restart, do the engine start procedure, before taxi flow, and BEFORE TAXI CHECKLIST.
What are the engine warm up limits before take off: 300 and ER
MUST: Oil temp above amber band.
5 min if engines haven’t been running for 1.5 hours
3 min if engines have been running within 1.5 hours.
Must: oil temp MUST be above bottom of temp scale
RECOMMENDED: engines run for at least 3 min
Before take off checklist:
Take off data means?
Check OPT runway entry point
(visually see sign board)
Consideration for taxi fuel for opt not to be exceeded.
Parameters remain valid?
Technical defects
(Technical, weather)
Any restrictions when doing the flight control check on taxi out?
No need for Flight control synoptic
More than approx 6 seconds in each direction.
In taxi flow:
PM does what?
Flight controls
Open ECL
When appropriate, seat cabin crew.
Wait for PF to call for checklist
If cleared runway heading for take off, what should be roll mode for departure?
TOGA only for roll.
Select appropriate at 400’AGL
(I think only countries that require HDG are USA and Australia, check PP.
Ops A now says to use LNAV if legs coded correctly
No Autothrottle take off, do you need to press TOGA? Who sets final thrust setting?
Yes, TOGA required for all take offs.
Left seat pilot set approximate thrust annunciated on EICAS, final setting by PM.
What to do if you have an engine parameter exceedance?
Put in AML
Entering runway for take off, what does PF need to check?
Entry point
Approach path and TCAS
07R J1 full length
Approach clear TCAS clear.
What approximate thrust settings by Captain on takeoff? NP 21.62
1.05 EPR then TOGA
(Aim for the E)
55% N1 then TOGA
This is to ensure symmetrical thrust achieved
PM must ensure take off thrust is set by what speed?
80 knots
Takeoff Performance is predicated on thrust being set by 80 knots
Key notes about take off manoeuvre, fwd pressure until when?
Rotate initially to what pitch attitude?
Fwd pressure until 80 knots
Rotate initially to 15 degrees. Check speed. (After lift off, can follow FD)
- no more than 2 units on aileron or else speedbrakes start deploying
What does PM do when flaps are up and green on take off?
LESRR (in 300 this also means setting lowest climb thrust when ATOC complete and obstacles clear)
Set lights
EAI auto
PF then call for ATOC
For climb policy, what is MAX rate and MAX ANGLE ?
Max angle: FMC climb page (example trying to reach Bekol
Max rate:
Clean speed + 60 or M0.82
Min MMS + 15 knots climbing through F200. (Otherwise you can get AIRSPEED LOW)
What is the earliest you can cycle the signs for cabin crew to start working?
After the ATOC.
When conditions are safe.
Who calls one to go?
What is primary means of FL decision?
FMC secondary
Which fuel figure is to be used for minimum fuel at touchdown?
If in flight reduction of fuel is used, what number should you change the MDF to?
Final reserve fuel
If not published on OFP, these are from ops A:
300: 3200kg
ER: 3500 kg
What items needs to be done once reaching cruise?
Cruise “A/T, FMC…”
Cabin crew “end of sterile cockpit”
Be careful of landing distance, what buffer needs to be applied?
15% needs to be added to Actual landing distance, and must be below PDA. OPT INCLUDES THIS WHEN FACTORED!
Beware of non normals, they don’t have the 15% buffer.
When do we call TRANSITION in descent?
At transition level
Np 21.74
Can you land without AT?
In suitable conditions.
Ref + Half steady wind and full gust
(Max +15)
With AT
Normal + 5
Max + 10
Announces changes to speed decision should be made by PF.
Landing with Autothrottle vs landing with manual thrust?
Vref + 5 normal
Super windy or gusty?
Vref + 10 max
Manual thrust:
Vref+5 or;
Half headwind component and full gust component.
Up to max Vref+15
When do speed and sink rate need to be called by PM?
Below 1000 AGL:
-Only if speed excess of +10 to -5
- or flight director off (FON MAR 24’)
Below 500 AGL
Only if AP or AT disconnected.
1 or 2 calls
What is lowest altitude you can revert to Autoland ?
Decision must be made by 500AGL
Manual landing, what’s the latest you can disconnect AP?
100 AGL (subject to normal limitations)
Normal limitations state that if no LAND 2 or LAND 3 annunciated, lowest is 200 AGL L10.17
Np 21.79
What is the normal TDZ?
1500’ +/- 500’
Touchdown beyond 2500’ may be difficult to assess remaining runway due to lack of runway markings.
Does reverse need to be used on every landing?
Idle reverse should be used unless OPT requires max.
In what scenarios should max reverse be used?
Landing on contaminated runway
Landing with one engine inop
(Max on operating)
On landing, what is cue to switch on all lights?
Gear down
And PF should arm speed brake at this time.
Glideslope interference can cause what indications?
Removal if FD pitch bar.
Line through PFD GS or LOC
Go Around unless visual can be maintained.
If a visual approach pattern is planned, what is the recommended MCP altitude to set?
What are the LOC/ GS and VOR tracking limits for PM to call out ?
1 dot for GS and LOC
5 degrees for non ils
What conditions necessitate PM calling out No Flare, RETARD, No rollout?
40’ RA with no flare annunciated
25’ RA with no IDLE annunciated
On runway with no Rollout annunciated
Go around initiated after touchdown procedure?
- Disconnect AP and AT and advance thrust to GA thrust. (AP should already be disconnected)
-maintain configuration
- at Vref, rotate
- once safely airborne, press TOGA and perform normal GO Around.
NOTE: if reverse thrust selected, full stop landing must be made.
Note: you can expect a config warning during this procedure.
What are the recommended cool down times for RR and GE engines before RETI?
300: one minute
ER: is 3 minutes
What situations would warrant not doing RETI?
-High work load
HYD Eng/elec LAND GEAR/ Pneumatic
-Defects affecting:
Air conditioning
landing gear
- not approved on PP or NOTAM
(All approved unless specifically not approved) - LVO
- steady wind greater than 25 knot
- icing cond or contam taxiways
- crossing active runways
- tight turns or hills expected
After landing, what is a good set up for MfD’s?
PF on camera
Center on ENG
PM on status
This satisfies need to check status after shutdown flow.
What is required before calling for the shutdown checklist?
Ensure wheel chocks in place
specifically states that we do not need to wait for the chocks to be in on the 777.
Post flight duties Pneumonic?
L- Log (complete and sign AML)
O -
S - STATUS PAGE (wait 3 min for PFC check?
E - EFF flight plan closed
D - door unlatched and open
Secure checklist
When can the Secure procedure be performed?
When all passengers have disembarked
During secure, can APU be turned off with only one ground power source?
However, leave running if transit time one hour or less.
LVO 777, what’s the biggest restriction?
No auto land
Single source ILS
(Big change from my time is the fact that you can do a Cat 3B with one auto throttle inop now.)
Also, unlike the 747, hydraulics do not have effect on Autoland.
When is the cx city security channel open?
0630-2359 hkt
Difference between dynamic CAT B fuel and OPERATIONAL CAT B fuel.
Based on fuel price
Based on lack of truck, or services etc.
COMMON, 1000 kg extra fuel normally loaded. Subject to PIC
Door code for B777
352 Enter
What are the 3 configurations of 777?
Remember PAK
P: 300 (J and Y) - 438 passengers
A : ER first class - (F,J,PEY,Y) - 294 pax
K: ER 3 classes (no first) - J,PEY,Y 368
Who can use the upper crew rest area?
All pilots and Flight Attendants
What are the ETOPS distances for 777?
1 hour is 456
180 is 1327nm
240 is 1765nm
(Also just know that there is an ETOPS option to show rings on JEPPS high charts
If using inflight reduction of fuel to come into Hong Kong, what should be your warning levels of weather?
Beware below
700’ cloud base and
2500m vis
RNP ISNT a NPA, need to use VOR minima.
Using lowest NPA available and
Table A:
RNP 07L works out to
532’ and
RNP Z 25L works out to:
707’ and
FON 2024/028
What are the new potable water procedures?
Approximately ETD-35, PIC should note the AFTER SERVICING level in e-tech log.
ETD - 6 min : SCCM will state passengers remaining to board and Water Level
Prior to ACK final load sheet:
PIC shall compare following:
SCCM level
After servicing level
SI (special instructions) from final load sheet
Where is potable water uplift not approved?
All India and some China
Expect 75% PW for prelim load sheet
And actual figures for Final load sheet.
Does PIC need to cross check the potable water levels against SCCM and etechlog info?
Needs to be within 1 bar on FAP (Flight attendant Panel)
What procedure to be used if:
Incorrect portable water value on load sheet
Communication failure between E tech log and CLC
Any departure after return to Bay or Flight return
Relay actual water quantity to CLC via ACARS or IOC chat function:
“Water X/16”
What are the procedures for potable water at a port without Cx ENG?
Flight crew will enter “after servicing” level into etechlog:
Reporting … potable water Qty (%) … after servicing
Normal cross check with SCCM and self check 
As a gross error check what are the expected portable water levels for regional and rest of world?
Regional: 2/8 to 3/8 (4/16 to 6/16)
(Beware if you only see 3 bars)
Rest: 7/8 to 8/8 (14/16 to 16/16)
(Basically full, can be two down)
NOTE: this assumes full passenger load, be practical)
On EFF airports section, what to
DX is depress with 1 EO
DC is decompression
1X is 1 EO
Glide sLope interference has three key altitudes what are they?
Note for all scenarios :
The indication will be
EICAS Caution - Auto pilot
EICAS caution/advisory - no Autoland
Amber line through GS on PFD
Above 500 feet with Glide slope interference greater than 15 seconds the auto pilot will automatically disconnect
Below 500 feet auto pilot remains engaged
Below 200 feet:
Indications occur with interference greater than four seconds
No Autoland will not show up
(IE: if you’re LVO, below Alert height, you could continue)
Where is the SAP normally located on an ILS approach?
At the end of the fan.
The Maltese cross is usually only referenced for a localiser approach
Not automatically the number in the box next to Final Approach Course.
(However, book says FAP or FAF, which ever lower)
What is required to input into the E tech log if no uplift of fuel was required?
Np 21.10
Verify fuel distribution on EICAS
Enter the total departure fuel as seen on EICAS and the arrival fuel from the previous sector into Etech
Enter zero for the expected uplift and actual uplift
Check that the certificate of release and aircraft released for Flight signature blocks have been signed by the engineer
Sign Outbound commanders acceptance
What does signing the AML or ETL indicate with regards to fuel?
NP 21.11
Indicates that the commander is satisfied that the fuel grade distribution and quantity is sufficient for the intended flight
For digital refuel Ing when is the standby figure sent and how much is it?
SP 12.1
Approximately two hours prior to departure
Latest OFP minus 5000 kg
Is it required to confirm the time Stamp is displayed when you accept the final fuel for a digital refuel Ing?
Yes. Confirm receipt and timestamp is displayed.
SP 12.1
What shall the commander do when the digital refuelling is complete?
SP 12.1
Cross check final fuel with the total fuel displayed on EICAS
Confirm distribution
Tap refuel complete
- Review the refuel receipts
(Picture not required IMO)
Look at quantity:
Calc uplift to enter into AML and cross check the auto populated actual uplift
Tap on accept to check receipt ID, supplier (which shows they’ve done water check)
Verify volume and SG have automatically transferred
Confirm total uplift
Note discrepancy
Add to Etech log or AML
If manually refuelling do we need to sign the fuel docket?
SP 12.3
Signed the fuel docket if required
(IE: ask refueller or ENG)
What is the minimum the Captain has to do when reviewing the E tech log?
NP 21.8
Review NTC ‘s
Review recent sector defect history (at least one sector)
Review maintenance in progress
Any MEL items p.m. should refer to the relevant items in the Mel
Pf and Pm will verify the operational procedures
Captain may delegate the task to the RQ or SO
This is an OPT item
Both p.m. and PF Will independently select the applicable MEL in OPT
Manual refuelling:
What will the authorised fuel enter onto the refuel record?
Fuel uplift (L, USG, imperial gallons)
Fuel grade
Certified fuel quality check
(Ticket number and company name)
They should sign it as well.
Does someone need to sign the refill record while doing a manual refuel?
NP 21.45
At Manned stations, the engineer for refueller signs the certification
At unmanned stations, the commander signs the certification
What is the minimum the p.m. needs to do upon completion of the refuelling (manual refuel)?
NP 21.46
Cross check final fuel block with the total fUEL display on EICAS
Confirm distribution
Transfer following to EFF :
Fuel company
Copy of the receipt (SP 12.3 says sign docket if required, just sign in case)
Note discrepancy
Who’s responsibility? Is it to enter the refuelling information into the EFF once the fuel record comes through?
Then Captain enters info into the Etech log:
Total departure fuel (EICAS)
Actual uplift (from EFF)
(limits are +1000 to -500 with no CWT)
(limits are +2000 to -1000 with CWT)
Sign fuel docket required
At what altitudes can be APU provide electrical power and bleed air?
Electrical power all altitudes
Bleed air flight level 220 and below
At what altitudes can be APU provide electrical power and bleed air?
Electrical power all altitudes
Bleed air flight level 220 and below
What are the captain initial thrust setting when SET THRUST for takeoff?
1.05 EPR (300, aim for E)
55% N1 (ER, aim for 7 o’clock position)
Can we take off in +FZRA ?
Now CPA HOT determines if can or not.
Still need to use table for landing
(IE: not allowed in +FZRA/FZRA)
For take off and landing in slippery conditions, what do we use for OPT?
Takeoff: Comtam (ex: 4mm SW)
Landing: braking action
Typhoon flying considerations?
F20 max thrust (cancel AST)
Brief cabin crew
Watch contam crosswind limits
Plan diversion route 2
Seat cabin crew
Auto land and limits
Stabilised app
Max airport wind 55 knots
Holding approx 6-7T per hour
D EDG includes what?
50 knot wind
Cold temp corr
20 nm either side
O2 test,
Who does drop test?
5 seconds
50 PSI (does not decrease more than)
What are the only two checklist that can be initiated by the PM?
Before takeoff checklist
(Opened after selecting TERR)
PM can also seat cabin crew without prompt.
Landing checklist
(Opened after cabin ready)
All the rest are PF initiated
When should the PF call for the final items on the before takeoff checklist?
Only when you can visually see the signboard of your earliest intersection for departure.
This will save your life. And what they are looking for.