Face and Scalp Flashcards
What is this muscle?
What are the layers of the scalp from external to internal?
Skin Connective tissue Aponeurosis (between frontalis and occipitalis) Loose areolar connective tissue Periosteum (pericranium)
What are the arteries that supply the face?
Facial artery (branch of ECA)
Transverse facial artery (branch of superficial temporal artery)
Supratrochlear and Supraorbital branch off ICA to forehead
What is this muscle?
What does levator anguli superioris do?
Elevates the corners of the lips
What muscle allows for this expression?
What muscles make this expression?
Levator labii superioris
Depressor labii inferioris
What muscles are supplied by the buccal branch of the facial nerve? (7)
Zygomaticus major and minor Levator labii superioris Levator anguli oris Buccinator Orbicularis oris Nasalis
What is the clinical importance of emissary veins?
Forms a communication between the superficial veins of the scalp in the connective tissue layer and the dural venous sinuses
Gives a potential route for infection to pass to the meninges
What is this muscle?
Levator Anguli Oris
What is this muscle?
Zygomaticus Major
What is this muscle?
What is this muscle?
Depressor Labii Inferioris
What muscle makes this movement?
What is highlighted?
Sphenoid bone
What muscle is responsible for this expression?
What muscle allows for this expression?
Orbicularis Oris
What is this muscles?
Depressor Anguli Oris
What muscle allows this movement?
Orbicularis oculi
What muscles can create this facial expression?
Zygomaticus Major and Minor
What is this muscle?
Orbicularis Oculii
What muscle allows for this?
What muscles of facial expression are supplied by the temporalis branch of the facial nerve? (2)
Oribicularis occuli
What is this muscle?
Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
What are the dilators of the mouth?
Muscles that help to open the mouth - levator muscles above the mouth and depressor muscles below
What are the branches of the facial nerve (6)?
Posterior auricular Temporal Zygomatic Buccal Mandibular Cervical
What muscle is supplied by the zygomatic branch of the facial nerve?
Orbicularis occuli
What is this muscle?
Levator Labii Superioris
What arteries supply the scalp?
Supratrochlear and Supraorbital arteries supply the anterior aspect of the scalp (derived from branches of ICA)
Rest of scalp is supplied by posterior branches of the ECA
- Superficial temporal
- Posterior auricular
- Occipital
What muscles make this expression?
The dilators of the mouth:
- Risorius
- Levator labii superioris
- Depressor labii inferioris
What is this muscle?
Zygomaticus Minor
What is highlighted?
Mastoid process
What is this muscle?
Describe the dermatomes of the head and neck
C1 dermatome is replaced by the divisions of the trigeminal nerve to the face
C2 dermatome covers the posterior part of the head
C3 covers most of the neck
What muscle makes this expression?
Depressor anguli oris
What muscle is shown?
Frontalis / Occipitofrontalis
What muscle is highlighted?
Corrigator Supercili
What is this muscle?
What muscles of facial expression are supplied by the posterior auricular branch of the facial nerve?
What muscle makes a happy, smiling facial expression?
What muscles are supplied by the marginal mandibular branch of the facial nerve? (3)
Depressor anguli oris
Depressor labii inferioris
What bones are highlighted?
Zygomatic bones
What is the action of the levator labii superioris?
Elevates the lips
What is this muscle?
Orbicularis oris
What veins drain into the Internal Jugular Vein?
Facial vein
Anterior part of the retromandibular vein
What is highlighted?
Styloid process
True or False?
The facial artery is the second branch of the ECA?
False! - Its the third branch
What is highlighted?
The maxilla
Describe the lymphatic drainage of the face and scalp
Drained into nodes in the occipital, mastoid, parotid, submandibular, and submental areas.
Passes into the deep cervical nodes, which are close to the internal jugular vein
What is this muscle?
Risorius muscle
What muscle is supplies by the cervical branch of the facial nerve?
What muscle is highlighted?
Part of fronto-occipitalis
What muscle allows this movement?
What is the role of the mentalis?
Helps to pull down the lower lip