Experimental Design Flashcards
What is repeated measure Design
All the same pps take part in all levels of the IV
-we compare the performances of pps on 2 tests
What is a strength of repeated measure design
Fewer pps needed so less time consuming finding them
What is the limitations of repeated measure design
Order effect-the order of the conditions may affect performance -Bored effect-do worse on second test as there bored
Pps in the second test may guess the purpose of study
What is the solutions of dealing with the limitations of repeated measure design
Counterbalancing used to deal with order effects
A cover study can be presented to avoid pps guessing the purpose
What is independent group design
The pps are placed in separate groups-each group does one level of the IV
-we compare the performance of the 2 groups
What are the strengths of independent group design
-no order effects
-Pps are less likely to guess the aim of the study
What are the limitations of independent groups design
-no control over pps variables eg different abilities for characteristics of each pps eg memory ability
-more pps needed to gather the same amount of data - time consuming
What is matched pair design
Pairs of pps are matched in terms of key variables such as age and IQ
-one member of the pair does one condition and the other does another
What are the solutions of dealing with independent group design limitations
Random allocation can be dealt with by putting the pps names in a hat
What are the limitations of matched pair design
- very time consuming and difficult to match pps on key variables
- large amount of pps will b needed so it will be hard to get- time consuming
What are the strengths of matched pairs design
-no order effects
-demand characteristics are less of a problem
What are the solutions of dealing with the limitations of matched pair design
Restrict the number of variables used
Conduct a pilot study to consider key variables that may be important
What is counterbalancing
Used to overcome order effects when using repeated measure design
-ensures that each condition is tested 1st and 2nd in equal amounts