Exercise and cytokines 3.0 Flashcards
Inflammation definition?
a defensive process that a living body initiates against local tissue damage
What can cause inflammation?
Physical agents, chemical agents, biological agents
What are the stages of inflammation?
Onset of inflammation, onset of resolution and resolution
What happens in the onset of inflammation?
Identification of damage, production of proinflammatory mediators, vasodilation and recruitment of white blood cells
Cytokines present in early inflammation?
TNF-alpa, IL1
Cytokines present in resolution of inflammation?
What occurs during the onset of resolution of inflammation?
down regulation of pro-inflammatory signals, up regulation of anti-inflammatory signals, destruction of infecte tissue, clotting factors
Role of clotting factors?
stop clotting
What occurs during the resolution of inflammation?
production of anti-inflammatory mediators, apoptosis of immune cells, vascular repair
Five cardinal signs of inflammation?
Redness, heat, swelling, pain, loss of function
Outcome of increased blood flow?
Redness and heat
Outcome of accumulation of fluid?
Outcome of release of nerve stimulating chemicals?
What are the 5 stages of inflammaiton resolution?
Removal of dead cells, restoration of vascular integrity, regeneration of tissue, remission of fever and relief of pain
Which biomarkers used to assess inflammation?
Acute phase proteins, cytokines
Which proteins increase or decrease in blood acutely in response to inflammation?
Acute phase proteins
What is an example of an acute phase protein?
CRP (C-reactive protein)
What is the role of CRP?
Helps clear dead cells
Where is CRP synthesised?
What are cytokines?
Small (hormone like) acute phase proteins released by a variety of different cells
What does IL6 do in regards to CRP?
induces its release from the liver
Meaning of pleiotropic?
Affects many different cell types in different ways