EXAM// Terrain Flight Flashcards
When considering the use of a building depicted on the map as an aerial checkpoint, in the past a church has been a good choice due to it’s unique construction and ease of identification. Identification has become more difficult for some newly built churches as their construction has become less distinguishable. When considering the use of a church as an aerial checkpoint one that is co-located with a ___________ is a better choice as it will likely be a more traditional looking church making positive identification more likely.
Regarding the Aviation Mission Planning System (AMPS), which of the following is NOT a feature of the system?
En-route Map Updates
Fundamentals of Flight (TC 3-04.4) recommends that when flying at altitudes below 200’ AGL you should use _____ when measuring distance?
What is the best type of map to use for analyzing terrain and vegetation?
Nap of the Earth
characterized by varying airspeed and as close to the earth’s surface as possible. (For NVG training, altitude is further defined as wheels or skids 0-25 ft. above terrain or vegetation).
characterized by relatively constant airspeed and varying altitude. (For NVG training, altitude is further defined as wheels or skids 25-80 ft. above highest obstacle).
Low Level
characterized by relatively constant airspeed and altitude. (For NVG training, altitude is further defined as wheels or skids between 80-200 ft. above highest obstacle).
Regarding the Limitations to Terrain Flight, which of the following is not included?
Insufficient mission planning time.
When applying the Time/Distance barrier it is necessary to know that for every 30 knots of airspeed the aircraft will travel _______ per minute of flight.
One Kilometer
Which is the preferred map to use when conducting en-route planning on most long range terrain flight missions?
1:250,000 JOG
When evaluating a pond or lake for potential use as an aerial checkpoint the most important characteristic from the standpoint of visual significance is?
The area size of the feature.
When evaluating a pond or lake for potential use as an aerial checkpoint the most important characteristic from the standpoint of visual significance is?
The area size of the feature.
“In a non-tactical environment, what is the safest way to negotiate a wire crossing?”
At or near the pole or superstructure
Why might railroad tracks or other linear features be difficult to SEE?
Vertical development of vegetation
Which of the following would be considered In-Flight contingency that may be encountered?
System malfunction
What are the four types of barriers used for terrain flight navigation?
Linear, Funnel, Point, Time/Distance
What is the primary determining factor in selection of the mode of terrain flight?
A good general rule of thumb to use is: “All roads have ____ ”.
Fundamentals of Flight (TC 3-04.4 Chapter 5) recommends you post all hazards not less than __ __ on either side of the course line for safety during intentional or unintentional deviation. (Answer MUST include distance measurement ie. NM, KM, SM)
10 NM
“When flying ““Nap of the Earth””, which navigation technique would NOT be appropriate based on the Factor of Geographic Orientation ““Timing and Sequence””?”
Dead Reckoning
What are the Masking/Unmasking techniques?
All of the answers given are correct for this question.
(In-Flight, Vertical, Lateral)
A stream that contains water less than 6 months of the year and has a width less than 25 meters is depicted by:
Single Broken Blue line.
How many Masking/Unmasking techniques are there?
Restricted Area in View is the dominant factor in which mode of terrain flight?
During mission planning what is a good use for aerial photographs.
Updating maps with current information; LZ, PZ and Enemy locations.
Which “Mode of Terrain Flight” is described as flight conducted high enough to maintain a constant altitude.
Low Level
AMPS information can be generated in what formats?
Electronic and/or printed.
During mission planning what should be considered when designating Ingress/Egress routes.
Ingress and Egress routes should always be different if possible.
What is the difference between contour flight and low-level flight?
Contour flight utilizes varying altitude, while low-level flight utilizes constant altitude.
How does NOE flight differ from contour and low-level flight?
NOE utilizes varying airspeeds, while contour and low-level flight utilize constant airspeed.
When should METT-TC be considered?
Throughout all phases of tactical operations.
If available, what type of map would you use when flying NOE? Why?
Topographic, because it provides the most detail
If a topographic map isn’t availabe, what should your next choice be? Why?
JOG, because it provides detailed terrain relief but not as much as a topographic map
Why should you avoid flying over a large field?
Because doing so would tactically unsound as it would increase the possibility of enemy detection
Why should you avoid flying toward a setting sun?
Hazards such as wires, birds, and other A/C can be very difficult to see.
At which angle do we cross major hydrographic features, major roads, railroads?
90 degrees
Start and Release Point should have what distance from LZ/PZ?
3-8 km/NM
Landmark selected along or adjacent to flight route used to fix A/C’s position
Distance for markings of…
Light sources
10 NM
15 NM
Time and Distance markings are dictated by…?
Use km in a map scale ______ 1:250.000 and NM _________ 1:250.000
below, above
Types of Barriers
Funnel (Most preferred)
Point (Least prefered)
30 KIAS 1 min
60 KIAS 1 min
90 KIAS 1 min
1 km
2 km
3 km
How is the magnetic variation used on your route card obtained?
Add or substract from grid N found on the map legend or on the VFR Sectional
If you’re flying NOE, which navigational technique should you use? Why?
Terrain Flight navigation is difficult due to _____?
near flat visual angle as opposed to the “birds-eye” view
Three navigational techniques
Pilotage, Dead reckoning, Radio navigation
What is the cardinal rule while flying in adverse weather conditions?
Never out-fly your visibility
Where is the safest place to over-fly wires in a non-hostile environment?
Near a pole or superstructure
Which factor of geographic orientation is dominant in the NOE environment?
Restricted Area in view
Which factor of geographic orientation changes the appearance (shape) of features at terrain flight altitudes compared to as depicted on the map?
Oblique view of terrain
Major Terrain features
Minor Terrain Features
Supplementary Terrain Features
Vertical Development
Major consideration in the selection of an aerial checkpoint
Restricted Time in View
Ground features emerge into view and pass out of sight w/in a span of < 1 min
Oblique View of Terrain
Shapes of large features do not appear to the NOE aviator as they appear on the map.
What is a major consideration when selecting an aerial checkpoint?
Vertical development
Railroads are _____ to identify and ______ to see
easy, difficult