EXAM 1 Flashcards
Place all flight controls into neutral position. Cyclic centered, collective full down and Pedals neutral
Neutralize Controls
Wait, duties of higher priority are being performed and request cannot be complied with at this time
Above Ground level
Ball is centered in the inclinometer
Aircraft in Trim
Instructions for a pilot to abandon his approach to landing
Go around
Movement around the vertical axis of the helicopter
N1 RPM is the normal operating speed for idle
N1 Stabilized
A: Communicate effectively & timely
B: Sustain a Climate of Ready & Prompt Assistance
C: Provide Situational A/C & Mission Advisories
D: Manage & Coordinate Actions, Events & Workloads
Prioritize actions and equitably distribute the workload
A: Communicate effectively & timely
B: Sustain a Climate of Ready & Prompt Assistance
C: Provide Situational A/C & Mission Advisories
D: Manage & Coordinate Actions, Events & Workloads
All Crewmember must provide prompt assistance regarless of rank, duty position or seniority
Being aware of what is happening around you to understand how information, events and your own actions will impact your mission, both now and in near future.
Internal Awareness
Self Awareness
External Awareness
Situational Awareness
Situational Awareness
Maintaining awareness of a/c avoidance, obstacle avoidance (on the ground and in the air), terrain (for emergency landing), weather, etc
Internal Awareness
Self Awareness
External Awareness
Situational Awareness
External Awareness
The incorporation of crewmembers into cockpit management is called __________ _________
Crew coordination
A: Communicate effectively & timely
B: Sustain a Climate of Ready & Prompt Assistance
C: Provide Situational A/C & Mission Advisories
D: Manage & Coordinate Actions, Events & Workloads
Provide effective decisions and timely actions
Message received and understood
Command to notify
Increase power using throttle
Roll on throttle
“I have the controls”, “You have the controls” and “I have the controls” is an example of ______ _________ __________ transfer of Controls
positive three way
Movement left and right about the longitudinal axis of the a/c
The actual flight path of an a/c over the surface of the earth
I have received your message, I understand and will Comply
When flying, how do you provide the direction to a hazard outside the a/c to the crew? By ____ ______
Clock position
Who is responsible for a/c control? The _________ (P*)
Pilot on the Controls
Who is responsible for reporting safety-related information?
All crewmembers
A: Communicate effectively & timely
B: Sustain a Climate of Ready & Prompt Assistance
C: Provide Situational A/C & Mission Advisories
D: Manage & Coordinate Actions, Events & Workloads
Crewmembers must provide support and mission advisories to the decision-maker, usually the PC.
Look at the trim ball and center it
Check trim
A: Communicate effectively & timely
B: Sustain a Climate of Ready & Prompt Assistance
C: Provide Situational A/C & Mission Advisories
D: Manage & Coordinate Actions, Events & Workloads
Crewmembers should use clear, concise terms, standard terminology and phrases that accurately convey critical information
Will become one of the most important awareness assets you gain as crewmember
Internal Awareness
Self Awareness
External Awareness
Situational Awareness
Situational Awareness
Maintaining awareness of instrument indications, sounds (engine, transmission, etc.), cross monitoring other crewmembers
Internal Awareness
Self Awareness
External Awareness
Situational Awareness
Internal Awareness
Crewmembers must anticipate and offer supporting information and actions to the decision-maker, which is usually whom?
PIC, Pilot in Command
When a fix point or object is approx. 90 degress to the left/ right of a/c track. A general position not a precise point
The rotor diameter is ____ feet and one inch
36 ft
This term is used to express permissivness (when procedure is optional).
This term is used only to indicate futurity, never to express or indicate a mandatory procedure
This term is used to express a mandatory requirement.
Shall or must
An operating procedure or practice that, if not strictly observed, could result in damage to, or destruction of equipment.
______ lines are vertical planes perpendicular to, and measured to the left and right along the lateral axis of the helicopter
An operating procedure or practice that, if not correctly followed, could result in personal injury or loss of life.
Match the VNE airspeed to the conditions listed
Weight < 6615 lbs
Weight > 6615 lbs
One engine Inoperative (OEI)
150 kts
145 kts
110 kts
Click on the Overhead Panel
Yeah… guess where it is smart ass
Where is the instrument panel
Go on. Show it to me you big brain
One Kilogram equals ____ pounds (Conversion factor)
This term is used to express non-mandatory provisions
The ____ _____ carries the weight of the helicopter on the ground and absorbs landing loads
Landing Gear
Fuselage _____ are the vertical planes perpendicular to and measured along the longitudinal axis of the helicopter
The maximum gross weight for the UH-72 is _____ pounds.
Where is my little center console
Oh there shes is!
The UH-72 is a multi-purpose, twin-engine helicopter with a single, _____-bladed main roter.
The three controls in a helicopter that the pilot must use during a flight are called the
Collective, the Cyclic and the Anti-torque pedals
The number 1 engine is located on the ____ side of the helicopter while the number 2 engine is located on the _____ side.
Left, Right
An operating procedure, technique, condition, etc., which is essential to emphasize.
Where is our mean little Slant Console
Ha, if i would have a computer i could show you little monkey
The _____/ _______ switch is used to scroll the cursor through the active screen. ARC 231
Previous/ Next
When using the keypad method to change a frequency, press the #/NUM key, enter the new frequency, then press the _____/____ button. Wulfsberg 5000
Push / Enter
To change the standby frequency to active, press the ___/____ button. Garmin
Flip / Flop
The Garmin GNS 430W provides both _____ and _____ as its two main capabilities-
Communication and Navigation
The switch below “X/E” is used to X-Escape and “E” it to _____ data. ARC 231
Match the transponder codes
VFR Flight
Lost Communications
When using the keypad method to change a frequency, press the ____ key, enter the new frequency, then press Push Enter. Wulfsberg 5000
/ Num Key
To turn on the ARC-231 after battery power is applied, rotate the selector knob to the _____ position. ARC 231
PT Position
The code for VFR flight is 1200. To enter this code in the transponder, the pilot can press the number keys 1-2-0-0 in order, or press the ____ Key.
Which key allows you to select Mode A and C
When entering a code in the transponder, it becomes active as soon as the ____ ____ is entered
Fourth Digit
The Wulfsberg P-2000 radio is installed in the UH-72 but not used for the IERW training mission. It is used to communicate with _____ _____.
First Responders
The Audio Control Unit (ACU) below is at the pilot station (right side) and has failed the Built in Test (BIT). Placing this ACU into the SLAVED position will slave the pilots headset to the _____ ______.
Co-Pilot Audio Control Unit
To monitor a specific radio or NAVAID (Navigation Aid), the respective knob on the ACU must be in the ____ or _____ position.
Up or Out
THE GTX-330 Transponder is automatically placed in GROUND Mode by engaging the _____ _____ _____.
Collective Lever Lock
While receiving your clearance from ATC (Air Traffic Control), a passenger starts talking over the intercom, preventing you from hearing the full clearance. The ______ / ______ button on the ACU enables you to block the passenger intercom transmissions to allow you to receive uninterrupted communications from ATC.
ISOL / Call Button
The ______ switch on the Audio Control Unit (ACU) provides the pilot not on the controls the capability to use the radio/ Intercom System (ICS) to transmit over a selected frequency or channel.
Press to Talk
When entering a code, if you accidentally press a wrong number, you can press the _____ key to remove it. Transponder
Clear or CLR
To change the frequency on the Garmin 430, rotate the _____ knob on the left to change the first three digits, and the _____ on the left to change the last three digits.
Large Knob, Small Knob
When operating the Wulfsberg 5000 using the cursor method to change a frequency, use the large _____ knob on the right to move the cursor and the small ______ knob on the right to change the value.
Large Outer Knob, Small Inner Knob
If you are squawking 1200 and want to return to your previous squawked code, what single button can you press to return?
VFR Button
All a/c whose weight and balance class is not stated in the operator`s manual will be considered Class ____
Class 2
An increase in weight will ______ the hover performance of the helicopter
DD form 365-4 (AWBS Form F) must be reviewed every _____ days except at Ft. Rucker where it is reviewed every _____ days.
90, 365
When gross weight is increased, hover performance is _____.
Overloading an aircraft may result in reduced engine and airframe life or cause ____ ______
Structural Failure
Specific weight limitations of an aircraft cannot be exceeded without compromising ______.
What is the formula for computing the CG?
CG = Total Moment / Total Weight
Several completed DD Forms 365-4 (AWBS Form F) aboard the aircraft for other loads to verfiy the weight and center of gravity may be used. In this case, the actual loading being verified must be within the ______ of the loading shown on DD Forms 365-4 (AWBS Form F) used for verification.
Army Regulations (AR) ________ governs the pilot’s responsibilities regarding weight and balance?
AR 95-1
Per the AR 95-1, the pilot’s responsibilities regarding DD Form 365-4 (AWBS Form F) include all BUT
recomputing the weight and balance form every 12 months
verifying the accuracy of the computations on the DD form 365-4 (AWBS Form F) for the flight
ensuring a completed DD Form 365-4 (AWBS Form F) is aboard the aircraft
verifying the weight and CG will remain within allowable limits for the entire flight, from takeoff through landing
recomputing the weight and balance form every 12 months
Which class of aircraft are those whose weight or CG limits can “readily” be exceeded by loading arrangements normally in tactical operations, or those aircraft designed primarily for transporting troops and other passengers; therefore, a high degree of loading control is needed?
Class 2
What is the moment for a Pilot weighing 200 pounds (lbs.), seated at fuselage Station (arm) 98.60?
What is the formula for computing the Moment
Weight * Arm = Moment
Calculate the CG for an aircraft with a total weight of 6708.1 lbs and a total moment of 11869.77.
Remember to multiply the answer by the constant of 100.
What is the simplified moment (/100) for a passenger weighing 200 pounds (lbs.), seated at the fuselage station of 133.8? (round to the nearest hundreth)
What is zero fuel weight?
Operating Weight + payload.
The pilot’s responsibilities regarding weight and balance is accordance with AR 95-1 paragraph 5-2 (h) are; that a completed DD Form 365-4 (AWBS Form F) is aboard the aircraft to verify that weight and center-of-gravity will remain within allowable limits___________.
for the entire flight
at takeoff
while in the air
upon landing
for the entire flight
What is the term used when the aircraft is at its heaviest (with all its contents onboard and fuel)?
Gross Weight
If an aircraft is not weighed within the time requirements in AR 95-1, its status changes to? ______
Red X or Non Flyable
Basic Helicopter + Required Standard Equipment + Optional Equipment + Unusable Fuel + Full Operating Fluids (including transmission, gearbox and engine oils, hydraulic fluid and rotor brake oil). This is the weight of the helicopter when it is delivered from the factory, or weighed for record.
Basic Weight
Basic Weight + Aircrew + Passengers + Baggage/ Cargo + Fuel =
Gross weight or takeoff weight
Vertical planes perpendicular to, measured along the longitudinal axis of the helicopter. In the Army’s aircraft this term is referred to as an “arm”
Fuselage stations
The point about which the helicopter would balance if suspended
Center of gravity (CG)
The extremes of movements to which the helicopter CG can travel. The loaded helicopter must remain within these limits at takeoff, throughout flight, and at landing.
CG limits
An imaginary vertical plane forward of the nose of the helicopter, from which all horizontal distances are measured for balance purposes
Reference datum / Station 0
Basic Weight + Aircrew + Baggage/ Cargo + Steward Equipment + Survival Equipment Kits + Emergency Equipment + Special Mission Fixed Equipment + all other non-expandable items not included in the aircrafts basic weight =
Operating weight
Operating Weight + Payload (passengers and cargo) or Gross Weight minus fuel
Zero fuel weight
Which class of aircraft are those whose weight or CG Limits can “sometimes” be exceeded by loading arrangements normally in tactical operations, therefore, limited loading control is needed?
Class 1
What is highlighted on the Navigation Display below? (Blue arrow, off-centered to the left)
Course Deviation Indicator (CDI)
Show the Caution and Advisory Display (CAD)
What does the symbol represent on the graphic below (VEMD Lane 1; FLI Scale 14; red dot - cut in middle)
OEI Transient, Max 12 seconds (torque only)
What is highlighted on the Navigation Display below? (points of compass)
Compass Rose
What indication is shown on the left side of the Primary Flight Display (PFD)
Select the Warning Panel
Show it to me you smart little thingy
Select the Vehicle and Engine Multifunction Display (VEMD) Lane 1 also called the First Limit Indicator (FLI)
You know where that dirty little needle is, dont you?
Click on the CAD where #1 system Cautions will be displayed
left info box
What does the symbol represent on the graphic below? (VEMD Lane 1; FLI Scale ~11; red dot )
AEO Transient, Max 12 seconds (torque only)
Select the Engine and Electrical Vehicle Parameter Page on the Vehicle & Engine Multifunction Display.
Lane #2
Which parameters to the First Limit Indicator (FLI) needles provide indication for? Use abbreviations from FLI
Select the ARC-231 Mulitband Radio
Its the Matrix Computer looking one.
The maximum remaining operating time as depicted by the graphic below is? (Caution: CPDS OVHT)
30 Minutes
Select the Attitude Ball on the flight display.
Yep. you are right. Its the blue/ orange ball. How could have known that.
Select the Autopilot Mode Selector Panel (APMS)
There is all the good stuff we’re not allowed to use :)
What do the highlighted symbols represent on the graphic below? (VEMD Lane 1; FLI Scale; One empty red triangle and one filled red triangle)
Engine Start Limits
Select the Audio Control Unit (ACU)
Many, Many, Many knobs. And Com is written like an hundred times on it. Are you the next sherlock?
What does the symbol represent in the graphic below? (VEMD Lane 1; FLI Scale 11; yellow dotted line)
OEI Max Continuous Power
What color are Advisories displayed in on the CAD?
Select the vertical speed indication on the flight display.
Thats the VSI. Wonderful done!
This instrument measures the static pressure and indicates the resulting barometric height in feet and is used as a back up to the indication on the primary flight display. What is this instrument
Standby Altimeter
Select the Instrument Control Panel (ICP)
It says like NAV SOURCE and you set the QNH here.
Click on the CAD where #2 system Cautions will be displayed.
Right box on CAD
Select the Barometric Altimeter scale on the flight display
right side you nerd
What does the symbol represent on the graphic below? (VEMD Lane 1; FLI Scale ~ 11; red dot)
AEO Transient, Max 12 Seconds (torque only)
What does the symbol represent on the graphic below? (VEMD Lane 1; FLI Scale yellow stripe aligned with scale from 8.5 to 10)
AEO Takeoff Power Range, Max 5 Minutes
This instrument shows the pitch and roll attitude of the helicopter in relation to the earth surface and is used as a backup for the primary flight display. What is this instrument?
Standby Attitude Indicator
What symbol is highlitghted on the graphic below? ((VEMD Lane 1; Linear scale on bottom of display, MM written on it)
Linear Mast Moment
Select the Pilots Navigation Display
Could it be, that this Display is on the right side beneath our PFD? HM…..
What symbol is hightlighted on the graphic below? (VEMD Lane 1; Circular scale with cross-hair in it. MM written aside with %)
Circular Mast Moment
Select the Wulfsberg-5000 Multiband Radio
Right beneath the ARC 231 with a computer like Numpad
This instrument has 3 needles and indicates the rotor speed and the speed of the two engines power turbine sections (N2)
What is this instrument?
This instrument indicates the acutal horizontal speed of the helicopter and is used as a back up to the indication on the primary flight display
Airspeed Indicator
The highlighted symbol indicates that the #2 Engine bleed valve is______. (striped green flag (right upper corner) on VEMD Lane 1)
The __________________ is comprised of the Caution and Adivisory Display, VEMD Lane 1 (FLI) and VEMD Lane 2 (Vehicle & Engine Multifunction Display).
Central Panel Display System (CPDS)
Which system limitation is shown exceeding a normal value on the graphic below? (VEMD Lane 2; lower middle section right indication is underlined in red)
Transmission Oil Temperature
Select the Central Panel Display System (CDPS)
You know? Where the CAD and the VEMD lanes are?
Which system limitation is shown exceeding a normal value on the graphic below? (VEMD Lane 2, lower left, left indication is underlined in red)
1 Engine Oil Pressure
Select the Main Switch Panel
Give me a B, Give me an A, Give me a T and give a a MSTR
Select the Barometric pressure setting on the flight display.
Can you see these weird american style numbers for pressure. Yes? Here you go!
Select the Garmin 430W Navigation System?
Who has two big knobs and leads you the way?
Select the First Limit Indicator (FLI).
My back is killing me, while sitting here for hours and typing this :(:(:(
Select the Garmin 330ES Transponder
How can you show EVERYBODY with a radar that you fucked up?
Select the Analog Instruments
Do every Cockpit has a 6 Pack?
What indication is highlighted below? (ND AGL)
Radar Altimeter or Height AGL
This instrument is used to time engine start and shutdown operations.
Click on CAD where Advisories will be displayed
CAD upper middle
Which Page automatically displays flight number and flight duration data on lower VEMD screen on Shutdown?
Flight report Page
What limit is being shown by the FLI needles? (White Squares next to TRQ)
Select the Primary Flight Display
If you dont know where this is… Go home
Select the Reconfiguration Uni (RCU)
Center Console (4 N 1 R)
Click on the CAD where Miscellaneous non-redundant Cautions will be displayed
What does that symbol represent on the graphic below? (VEMD Lane 1; FLI Scale 12; red dotted line)
OEI 2.5 Minute Power