Aeromed P2 Flashcards
Medication Use
Only with knowledge of aeromedical provider
Grounded, if not cleared by aeromedical provider
Self medication only with “over the counter meds” (Check Aeromedical Policy Letter [APL])
48 hours for General, Spinal or Epidural Anesthesia
min. 12 hours for local or regional Anesthesia
Dietary supplements, herbal and dietary aids, performance enhancer
Prohibited, unless cleared IAW with APL
12 hours after last drink AND until no residual effects
w/o Reaction: 12 hours
w/ Reaction: until cleared by aeromedical provider
Chemical Warfare agent simulants
12 hours AND no symptoms AND clothes decontaminated or changed
Contact with nuclear, biological or chemical: Cleared by aeromedical provider
Blood or plasma donation
200 cc (cubic centimeters; why are these guys measuring like this??????): 72 hours
Plasma: 24 hours
Bone marrow: cleared by aeromedical provider
MAX: twice per year
Decompression sickness, barotrauma etc.
Must be cleared by Aeromedical Provider
hypobaric champer below 25.000 ft
Flight below 10.000 ft allowed
Hypobaric chamber above 25.000 ft
24 hours
SCUBA diving
24 hours
Smoking, Tobacco
Strenous physical activities (i.e. Sport)
check local restrictions (flight commander)
Simulator Sickness
12 hours after symptoms
Centrifugal Runs
min. 6 hours
Ocular medication (Eyes)
24 hours
Stress Definition
Nonspecific response of the body to any demand.
Symptoms of Stress
Physical (Heartrate etc.)
Cognitive (Decrease in Attention or Focus)
Emotional (Anxiety, mood)
Behavorial (Isolation, Motiviation)
Psychosocial (Job, Family)
Environmental (Altitude, Speed, Temperature)
Physiological (D.E.A.T.H)
Cognitive (All or nothing, Living in the past)
Stress and Perfomance
Decrease in:
Attention (Lack of “Multi-Tasking”)
Memory (Oversymplifying)
Communication (Stopping or talking nonsense)
Stress Management
Avoiding Stress (Good planning etc.)
Changing Thinking (The world is full of flowers and we are unicorns)
Learning to relax (Crying under the shower does not count)
Ventilating Stress (Basically screaming in your basemant or punching something [NOT me])