BWS Week 1 Academics Flashcards
5 Key Components of every Plan
Task Organization and Command or support relationships
Mission Statement (Who, What, Where, When, Why)
Commanders Intent
Concept of Operations
Operations Order
What is the most important part of the OPORD?
Commanders Intent
What movement technique would be used if enemy contact is expected?
Bounding Overwatch
When planning a terrain flight route, what should be the first consideration?
Threat/ Enemy
What are the threee terrain fllight modes used in a high threat area and the altitudes associated with each mode of flight?
NOE SFC - 25 ft AHO
Contour 25 - 80 ft AHO
Low Level 80 - 200 ft AHO
To avoid flying over enemy ground forces you should plan routes over what type of terrain?
rugged, swampy and or heavily vegetated terrain
An _________ is the movement of friendly assault forces by RW aircraft to engage and destroy enemy forces or to seize and hold key terrain.
Air Assault
What key personnel serves as the subject matter expert to AATFC and GTC on aviation and their unit capabilities?
Aviation Liasion Officer (LNO)
What is the Decision brief from the AATF staff to the AATFC for approval?
Air mission Brief (AMB)
Air Assault are planned in _________ to ensure timing and synchronization.
Reverse Sequence
What are the 5 stages of the reverse planning sequence?
Ground tactical Plan
Landing plan
Movement plan
Loading plan
Staging plan
What HLZ final update call indicates enemy activity on or near the landing zone above the AATFC’s acceptable level?
To maintain unit fighting integrity, infantry squeads will be assigned to a ____, platoons will remain in the same _____ and companies will remain within the same _____.
Chalk, serial, Lift
What symbol is depicted below?
Attack by Fire
A _______ is an area designated for attack helicopters to maneuver and fire into a designated engagement area.
BP, Battle position
A ______ is an easily recognizable point on the ground used to initiate, distribute, and control fires.
TRP, Target Reference Point
What offensive task is utilized when the enemy situatin is vague?
Movement to contact
______ follows a sucessful exploitation and is designed to cut off and destroy the enemy attempting to retreat.
A ______ attack trades off planning and preparation time for speed of execution.
Hasty attack
Which employment method utilizes 3 attack companies at once for overwhelming the enemy with massed fires?
Maximum destruction
What is the purpose of an aviation check in brief?
To give the ground force the capabilites of air assets on station.
After given an Attack Aviation Call for Fire, it is clearance to fire unless _____, or _______?
Danger close
At my command
The _____ is the commander, or the commanders designated representative who leads a tactical mission involving more than one aircraft and has decision making authority for elements under his command?
Air mission commander
During the TLP an aviation company breaks into functional planning cells to turn commanders visualization into an _____
Actionable Plan
What does the O stand in Fundamentals of Recon?
Orient on the Recon objective
What criteria is a specific condition and size under which enemy unit contact may be avoided (similar to disengagement criteria, accept prior to engagement)
Bypass criteria
What is displacement criteria?
A set of conditions that must be met before assuming a follow on mission.
What are the differences between an area and zone reconnaissance?
Zone: Large “zone”, restrictive boundaries
Area: Smaller “area”, Permissive boundaries
What are the four forms of reconnaissance?
Recon in force
Zone recon
Area recon
Route recon
What forms of recon is utilized to discover or test the enemy’s strength, dispositions and reactions?
Recon in Force
Which form of recon is a larger, more time consuming effort (SQN element or larger), used when existing knowledge of enemy and terrain are vague and limited.
Zone Recon
What does the O stand for in fundamentals of security?
Orient on the protected force, area, or facility
True or False: It is recommended to break and re-establish contact with the enemy during security operations.
Screen primarily provides what?
Early warning
What form of security provides the lease amount of security and primarily provides early warning to the protected force?
When would you condcut Convoy Security rather than Route Security?
When you don’t have enough of a force to secure the entire route.
What form of security is designed to protect helicopters in flight to their objective during an air assault or air movement mission?
Aerial security
What criteria is given as guidance from the commander, as to when you WILL break contact from an enemy force?
Disengagement criteria
___ are a dynamic process used by small unit leaders to analyse the mission, develop a plan and prepare for an operation
TLPs (Troop leading procedures)
During TLPs a company breaks up into functional ___ to turn a commanders visualisation into an actionable plan
Planning cells
What are the forms of security?
- Screen
- Guard
- Cover
- Area
- Local
What form of security is the most robust level of security, capable of operating independently?