Exam 4: enzymes and proteins Flashcards
made in the seminal vessicle, sugar molecule that gives energy to spermatazoa for mobility, 70% of semen
Serine protease
enzyme in prostate that makes prostate-specific antigen (PSA)
prostate-specific antigen (PSA)
protein made in the prostate; it liquifies semen
Androgen-binding protein
protein made by setoli cells, prevents androgens from leaving the seminiferous tubule
protein made by sertoli cells, promotes Ad division
protein madde by sertoli cells. stops Ad division
transport protein for ADH + oxytocin, ships hormones from nucleus in hypothalamus through the hypothalamo-hyposeal tract into axon terminals/herring bodies in neurohysin (pars nervosa)
protein made in the adrenal cortex, zona fasiculata, after stimulation