Exam 4: Anxiety Part 2 Flashcards
hormones and neurotransmitters involved in anxiety (5)
- CRF (cortisol)
- NE
- Serotonin
- Dopamine
Corticotropin releasing factor (CRF)
- released from hypothalamus in response to stress
- CRF causes anterior pituitary to release ACTH which releases glucocorticoids like cortisol from adrenal cortex
neurochemistry of CRF - normal person
- glucocorticoids induce changes to adapt to environmental challenges
- inc blood sugar, inc BP
- reduces inflammation/immune response
- mobilizes resources and energy in response to immediate environmental challenge
high cortisol acts as negative feedback to HPA system to bring cortisol levels down to normal
CRF interacts with brain regions - anxiety
CRF acts as a ____
CRF neurons originate in amygdala and project to locus coeruleus (NE center of brain) and activate adrenergic component of stress response
CRF release starts to activate arousal networks, inc vigilance
CRF acts as a neurotransmitter
released at target visceral organs in sympathetic activation
prepares response to danger
NE and epi are important in formation of emotional memories!!!
high NE helps remember that something was a threat
what impairs the formation of emotional memories
B-adrenergic antagonists
-propranolol - modifies BP - blocks NE B receptor preventing memory to underly long term causes of PTSD
NE and anxiety evidence (4)
-associated with inc activity in locus coeruleus - hyperarousal, hypervigilant
-a2-autoreceptor antagonist Yohimbine can produce panic attacks in PTSD
drugs blocking autoreceptor inhibit further NE release, disinhibiting LC can inc panic attacks
- they have abnormal autonomic nervous system activity - dramatic responses to neg stimuli
- veterans with PTSD have higher than normal NE levels
LC projects to ____ that has roles in attention and working memory
activation of a2 autoreceptor in PFC
enhances working memory
activation of a1 receptors (excitatory)
deleterious effect on cognitive functions
-overstimulated and now you cannot focus or concentrate
for a normal person NE has a higher affinity for what receptors in the PFC
a2 receptors
In cases of inc NE, under stress or anxiety what receptor activation is inc
a1 receptor activation inc which can lead to cognitive impairment
gltamatergic neurons from PFC stimulate GABA in the amygdala
-if threat PFC says do not worry and activates GABA
GABA and anxiety
impaired GABA function - overactive amygdala activity
glutamate sends to GABA to stop but it cannot - indicating an aversive event
where are GABA receptors found in high concentrations (3 areas)
amygdala, limbic system, cerebral cortex)