Exam 2: Nicotine Flashcards
what is nicotine
an alkaloid found in tobacco leaves
- large and small leaf varieties
- nicotine content for commercially grown tobacco leaves is as much as 6% for addictive part of tobacco
some history of nicotine
-indigenous people smoked it for religion
-1st encountered by European when Columbus came
-europe commercialized growh of it in virginia colony
-firt medical concern - 17th century
-in 1828 nicotine isolated from tobacco by french chemist
-mainly chewing tobacco before 1900s
-smoking inc
negative ehalth consequences by surgeon general in 11960s
legal status 1994-200s
1994- FDA requested to regulate them - not approved
1996-FDA approved to limit access and ads to kids and adolescents
2000-FDA cannot regulate tobacco products unless granted authority by congress
2009-tobacco products under FDA control
can FDA ask companies to remove nicotine from their products
- can only regulate if there is a concern
reasons people may use nicotine
- establish feelings of independence
- improve self image
- enhance social acceptance
- counteract stress and boredom
- curiosity
factors that predict smoking
- poor academic performance
- rebelliousness
- sensation seeking
- smoking by family/friends
stages in developing a smoking habit
1a: nonsmoking-precontemplation - does not intend to start
1b: nonsmoking-contemplation or preparation-thinking about starting
2: initiation or tried
3: experimentation
4: regular smoker- on regular basis, at parties, weekends
5: established smoker - nicotine dependent
what is smoking a major cause of
illness and premature death
tobacco use counts for 1/3 of all _______
- mouth, pharynx, laryna, esophagus, stomach, lung, cervix, kidney, bladder, throat, pancreas
linked to 90% lung cancer causes
secondhand smoke
inhalation of tobacco smoke by people other than the “active” smoker
- causes 3000 lung cancer death amongst nonsmokers
what does secondhand smoke increase people’s risk for
- cardiovascular disease
- childhood asthma
- sudden infant death syndrome
ADME - what the body does to the drug
routes of administration for nicotine
-buccal (chew), intranasal (snuff), oral (losenge), transdermal patch, nasal spray, inhalation (cigs, vapes)
oral, transdermal, nasal spray are used when people are trying to stop smoking
where is it uncommon for nicotine to be absorbed in the body
GI tract
nicotine absorption is dependent on what
nicotine is a weak base pH= 8
in acidic environment: ionized- poorly absorbed across membrane
in alkaline: nonionized: well absorbed