Exam 1: Introduction to Drugs and Behavior Flashcards
___ is an administered chemical substance (not food) that can influence physiological function in order to ___ ___ and ___ physical or mental health
restore, maintain, enhance
the study of drugs and their actions and effects on living systems is
the study of drug effects on mood, perception, cognition, behavior
drugs that have effects on mood, perception, cognition, and behavior by acting on the central nervous system !!!
psychoactive drugs
is tylenol a psychoactive drug?
no! it does not cross the BBB
___% adults in the US take prescription drugs
___% of people who use illegal drugs prior to age 13 develop substance abuse disorders
2 ways of using drugs?
instrumental and recreational
taking prescribed or over the counter drugs to relieve symptoms
most therapeutic drugs
instrumental drug use
drinking coffee to feel awake
take antibiotics for strep throat
examples of instrumental drug use
using a drug without medical justification of psychoactive effects for fun
issues related to drug dependence often arise when a drug is used recreationally
recreational drug use
legal use: 21 yr old drinking alcohol
illegal use: using LSD to experience perception changes use of drug
recreational drug use
generic name
nonproprierty name that classifies a drug in a given category and distinguishes it from other drugs in a category
EX: Ketamine HCl
chemical name
details chemical structure per rules set by international Union of Pure and applied chemistry
ex: 2-(2-chlorophenyl)-2-(methylamino)….
trade names
brand name - trade marked name for drug assigned by company that created drug
ex: Ketaset
street names
used by individuals who made, use, or sell drugs for recreational use
ex: special K, K, Kit Kat, Vitamin K, Cat Valium
non-legend drugs
over the counter drugs
legend drugs
approved by the US FDA and state/federal law
- require prescription
- noncontrolled drugs have no potential for abuse (antibiotics, BP meds, insulin)
controlled substances
have potential for abuse and regulated by DEA
licit drugs
legal drug prescribed by physician
illicit drugs
illegal drugs
2 types of controlled substances
licit and illicit
Schedule of controlled substances
Class 1-5 with Class 1 being most dangerous and most addictive
Class 5 is least dangerous and least addictive
List the history of drug laws in chronological order
- pure food and drug act
- harrison narcotics act
- 18th amendment to constitution (prohibition)
- marijuana tax act
- presidential commission on narcotics and drug abuse
- controlled substances act
FDA administration created to regulate and enforce labeling ingredients on drugs
- no restrictions on drug use just tell ppl what is in things
pure food and drug act
passed in response to growing drug abuse problem in US
- non medical use of opium and cocaine banned
- needed to be prescribed certain drugs in order to get them
harrison narcotics act
banned sale and distribution of alcohol
repealed in 1933
18th amendment to constitution (prohibition)
marijuana taxed highly
effectively criminalized possession/growth of marijuana
- how often and how much used had to be reported
marijuana tax act
called for congressional support of addiction treatment and start of the “war on drugs”
presidential commission on narcotics and drug abuse
created DEA
drug schedules/classes created and regulated by DEA
controlled substances act
drug development process
- takes 10-12 yrs to get from lab to patients
- cost in successful drug $2.6 billion
- drug discovery and development (3-6yrs)
- preclinical trials
- clinical trials
- FDA approval
Phases of a clinical trial
1,2,3 before the drug is approved for widespread use
4: for long term consequences
btwn 3 and 4 is when approval occurs
- takes several months
- purpose; safety and dosing
- participants: 20-80 healthy ppl with NO underlying conditions
70% will move to next phase
looks at how the drug interacts with the human body - side effects (at what dose to bad things begin to happen)
phase 1 of clinical trial
- several months to 2yrs
- purpose: efficacy, dosing, side effects
- participants: hundreds of ppl WITH disease
33% drugs move to next phase
what dose do you start to see benefits in treatment - if it does not work or it is not better than existing treatments it will not go through to next phase
phase 2 of clinical trial
- 1 to 4 yrs
- purpose: efficacy and safety
- participants: 300-3000 with disease
compare drug efficacy to other treatments
phase 3 of clinical trial
- purpose: long term safety and efficacy
- participants: thousands with the condition
- carried out during post-market safety monitoring
post approval
phase 4 of clinical trial
inactive metabolites
excreted by kidneys or bile
active metabolites
returns to blood and has own biological actions in body (psychoactive)
- effect can be weaker or stronger than parent drug
- wit methamphetamine - parent drug is stronger
drugs administered in an inactive form that needs to be metabolized to become active
factors effecting drug metabolism (3)
drug competition
genetic polymorphisms
age,sex,nutrient levels
elevated levels of one drug reduce metabolism of the second, causing potentially toxic levels
ex: alcohol and valium both compete for cytochromep450 (when taken together effects increase)
drug competition
contribute to variety in metabolism
caused by changes in DNA
genetic polymorphism
ex: some asians getting “asian glow” and vomiting with alcohol
contribute to variety in metabolism
caused by changes in DNA
genetic polymorphism
ex: some asians getting “asian glow” and vomiting with alcohol
the last pharmacokinetic step
ways drugs can be excreted (6)
sweat, feces, saliva, breath, breast milk, urine
kidney function
filter water soluble materials from blood unless large or bound to plasma proteins
excreted as urine (common route)
drug elimination from the blood is usually through ______
first-order kinetics
constant fraction removed, exponential
the more drug present…
the faster you metabolize it
amount of time required to remove 50% of the drug from the blood
half life
some drugs eliminated according to____
zero order kinetics
drug is cleared at a constant rate regardless of amount of drug consumed or concentration of drug in blood
ex: alcohol
zero order kinetics