exam 3 class 19 Flashcards
Heme iron is absorbed by?
an apical transporter on the enterocyte
ionized iron is actively absorbed by?
apical cotransport with on a protein called the divalent metal transporter 1
Inside the cell, enzymes convert heme
iron to and both pools of ionized iron
leave the cell on a transporter called?
iron uptake by the body is regulated by a
peptide hormone called
When body stores of iron are high, the
liver secretes ________, which binds to ________
hepcidin, ferroportin
Hepcidin binding causes the
to destroy the ferroportin transporter,
which results in decreased iron uptake
across the intestine
Most absorption of Ca2+ in the gut occurs by?
passive paracellular
Calcium enters the enterocyte through apical channels and is actively transported across the basolateral membrane by either
(1) Ca2+ -ATPase
(2) Na+- Ca2+ antiporter
Most water absorption takes place in?
small intestine
Na+ and Cl- are absorbed via various transporters in __________ and cells of
Large intestine concentrates
chyme enters the large intestine through the ____________, continues to
be mixed by segmental contractions
ileocecal valve
____ liters of unabsorbed chyme enters, most of this is absorbed and
_____liter of water is lost daily in feces
Bacteria inhabiting colon break down undigested complex carbohydrates
and proteins through?
removes undigested feces from the body
The defecation reflex (spinal reflex)