exam 2 class 14 Flashcards
use surface electrodes to record internal electrical
activity because salt solutions, such as our NaCl-based extracellular
fluid, are good conductors of electricity
electrocardiograms, or ECG or EKG
The father of the modern ECG: Dutch physiologist?
Walter Einthoven
triangle created around
heart when electrodes
are placed on both arms
and left le
When an electrical wave
moving through the heart is
directed toward the positive
electrode, the ECG wave goes?
up from the baseline
If net charge movement
through the heart is toward the negative electrode, the wave points?
ECG is extracellular recording that represents ____________________taking place in many heart muscle cells
the sum of multiple action potentials
Upward deflection:
Downward deflection:
greateramplitude because it is recorded close to signal
Action Potential:
provides information on
heart rate and
rhythm, conduction
velocity, and even
the condition of
tissues in the heart
what is the heart rate?
R to R interval
faster than normal heart rate
what is a normal resting heart rate?
60-100 beats per min
slower than normal heart rate
irregular rhythm, benign extra beat or from more
serious conditions such as atrial fibrillation, in which the SA node has lost control of the pacemaking?