Exam # 3 Flashcards
What are the associations surrounding Turmeric in pet food? Is there any published data? Any known risks?
- Curcuminoids are phytochemicals with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti neoplastic
- Few studies in companion animals, none conclusive (Comblain et al. 2017)
Psittacines: What birds are more commonly affected by obesity? What are the multisystemic problems? What is the treatment?
Amazons, budgerigars, and Quakers most commonly affected
Multisystemic Problems:
hepatic lipidosis, lipomas xanthomas, arthritis, atherosclerosis, etc
Controlled weight loss/diet modification/exercise (flight –in a safe area)
What other nutritional related diseases can you see in hedgehogs ? Are they common? How are they managed? What causes them How can you detect them
• Diarrhea may be the result of infectious disease, but also can be associated
with some commercial diets or inappropriate foods such as milk
• Hedgehogs are lactose intolerant
• Hepatic lipidosis is relatively common especially in sick overweight
• Diagnosis is supported by testing for hepatic enzymes, plasma bilirubin, and bile
What are the 3 main disorders seen in chicks deficient in vitamin E?
The three main disorders seen in chicks deficient in vitamin E are encephalomalacia, exudative diathesis (=accumulations of blood plasma under the skin), and muscular dystrophy
How can you manage ferret obesity?
- Meal feeding is preferred to ad-lib
feeding and allows for intake restriction
and adjustment (will go into more
depth in dogs/cats)
• Eliminating/reducing high fat treats
could be sufficient in some cases
• Encouraging play and activity may be
helpful too
• Area should be ‘ferret-proofed’
What occurs in manganese deficiency? What is the prevention?
- Similar to calcium and phosphorus deficiencies, manganese deficiency may result in joint disease and thin egg-shell
- A manganese-deficient breeder diet can result in chondrodystrophy in chick embryos
- Chicks would have short wings and legs
- Prevention: diet should include sufficient manganese
What are Rhamphastids? What should you feed them? What are they very susceptible to?
Highly specialized beak
Fruits and commercial low-iron formula
Related to woodpeckers (Order Piciformes, family Rhamphastidae)
Highly susceptible to hemochromatosis
What are the signs of rickets in birds? How can you prevent rickets?
- Young broilers and turkey poults can exhibit lameness at ~10–14 days of age
- Rickets is not a failure in the initiation of bone mineralization. But an impairment of the early maturation of this process.
- Young birds have limited ability to digest saturated fats
- Undigested compounds can complex with calcium to form insoluble soaps leading to an induced deficiency of
calcium and low absorption of vitamin D3
25(OH)D is more bioavailable and is now popular in us in lieu of vitamin D3
- There is often an enlargement of the ends of the long bones, with a widening of the epiphyseal plate
- Prevention- vitamin D3 supplementation
- A diet with sufficient fat to facilitate fat soluble vitamin absorption

What is a broods lifecycle? When do young workers emerge? How can bees shut off brood?
Bees can’t ‘shut off’ brood / except by eating it. Remember the brood life cycle:
- 3 days as an egg
- 6 days as a larvae
- Young workers emerge on day 21
What occurred in dogs who ate raw turkey necks?
• Associated dogs who ate raw turkey necks, developed acute polyradioculoneutitis in dogs.
What fat sources can change the fatty acid composition of the egg yolk in birds?
Use of certain fat sources such as fish meal, flaxseed, corn and various oils can change the fatty acid composition in the egg yolk
What are GMOs? What are the concerns with GMOs in pet food? What is the reality?
• Genetically modified organisms (GMO) are
thought to have been modified in ways where
their benefits are for production, which comes at
the expense of nutritive value • No substantial nutritional difference between
GMO and non-GMO
Do bees defecate in the hive? Where do they old their wastes? What happens if food is not clean or if they could not take a cleansing flight?
Bees do not defecate in the hive.
They must hold waste in their rectums.
If food is not clean (i.e high ash content), or they cannot take a cleansing flight, bees can have issues.
What can you see in undernourished reptiles? Overnourished? What can be factors contributing to weight loss or gain?
- Undernourished reptiles may be cachectic, with poor body condition and palpable ribs, vertebral processes and pelvic bones
- Over-nourished reptiles will become overweight or obese
• Juveniles may grow too fast and develop orthopedic disease
- Lack of space for physical activity can be an important factor in unwanted weight gain
• Make sure tank size is adequate
What can cause vitamin A deficiency in birds?
- vitamin A deficiency can result when the level in the diet is inadequate or the vitamin added to the diet is oxidized by rancid fat in
the diet
- Vitamin A deficiency may also occur as a result of neomycin, a common antimicrobial that reduces its absorption
- Inadequate fat content would also cause vitamin A deficiency
What is important about carnivourus reptile feeding? What is prefered in terms of diet preparation? Why is frozen preferred over live prey?
• The nutritional value of the prey changes as it ages
- The calcium content of a pinky mouse is much lower than an adult mouse
• Killed, frozen mammalian prey is preferred over live prey - Less risk of parasites
- Less risk for trauma
• Chicks should also be frozen and heated to reduce risk of salmonella
What do guinea pigs lack naturally and what do they need supplemented?
• Lack L‐gulonolactone oxidase
• Cannot convert glucose to vitamin C and
require dietary vitamin C
What is crazy chick disease?
Chicks with neuro signs. This results from hemorrhage and edema within
the granular layers of the cerebellum
What can be used to encourage feeding during hotter months? What about scratch feed?
- Crumbled diets can be used to encourage feed intake during hotter months.
- Scratch feed should not be considered a complete feed for any type of bird
- It should only be thrown out as an occasional treat
What are the associations surrounding Ginger in pet food? Is there any published data? Any known risks?
- For stomach pain, anti emetic
- No published data on efficacy for pain
- Few studies suggest anti-emetic effect 25 mg/kg PO (Sharmaa et al 1997)
- Strong flavor
What is the treatment of secondary nutritional hyperparathyroidism in birds?
Diet correction
Calcium +/- Vitamin D supplementation
Cage restriction
Fractures require external coaptation
What has been proven about enzymes in dog food and the need for supplementation?
◦ EPI -> only time enzyme supplement is needed.
What supplements are used in bees? What is important to remember?
Some (lemongrass oil) can act as feed stimulants.
- No evidence for other claims
- Bees have very sensitive digestion
- Bees are sensitive to scents
- especially oils that build in the wax.
What are the causes of CKD in reptiles?
• Common causes include
Chronic dehydration/contaminated water
Vitamin D toxicity
Vitamin A deficiency
NSAIDs in dehydrated reptile (meloxicam)
Medications injected in the caudal body (renal portal system)
What is the interest in raw diet?
People thing dogs are mini wolves, they are not. They also are concerned for the loss of enzymes during cooking. Some vets support it which is wild.
How can we tell if our colony has enough food?
We are evaluating the food needs for the next month.
• What will the bees needs be?
• What will the weather be like?
• What food is available in my area?
Very common beginner mistake – Not think about what will happen over the next few weeks
What fish are carbohydrates important for? What do they do? What sources contain carbohydrates? What is converted to? What kind of fish may not do well with a high carb diet?
Important in omnivores
No requirement for them, but provide energy
Sources: grain, cereal
Just like other species- excess energy is converted to lipid and stored
Carnivores may not do well with a high carbohydrate diet • Like cats, they have low hepatic glucokinase enzyme
what is the ratio to mix syrup?
1: 1 standard for growth
2: 1 fall feeding.
What determines a fish’s nutritional requirements?
- Species differences
- Carnivore, omnivore and herbivore
- Life stages?
- Fry→juvenile→adult→broodstock
- Feeding preferences
- Floating / sinking / slow sinking / live / size
What can calcium and phosphorus deficiency cause?
Calcium and phosphorus deficiency can cause:
- developmental and reproductive disease
- During growth, a deficiency in either mineral would cause poor skeletal maturation and mineralization
- Poor calcium intake would result in poor shell quality in a laying hen
- This would cause depletion of skeletal calcium stores as well ‘cage layer fatigue’
- Low calcium can also result in ‘egg binding’
What kind of feed should meat type birds receive? What will this improve? What about diet for starting broilers? What about egg laying birds?
- Feed for all meat-type birds will be pelleted
- This results in 4% improvement in feed efficiency - Diets for starting broilers will be a “crumble”
- Feed for egg-laying birds most often comes as a mash (no pelleting process)
What is the recommended guinea pig diet?
Feed hay ad-lib
• Hay is important for GI motility, normal
GI microflora, normal occlusion
• Alfalfa/legume hay in juveniles (high in
protein, calcium)
• Grass hay in adults
• Formulated high quality pellets
(additional vitamins and minerals)= 1
• Vitamin C supplement- minimum 2
• Vegetables and fruit
(peppers, parsley, kiwi,
What should you avoid for carnivous reptiles that eat fish based diets?
- Wild caught fish for risk of parasites
- High fat fish for vitamin E depletion
- Some fish contain thiaminase which breaks down vitamin B1 and can lead to a deficiency [sardines, herring, carp, mackerel, and anchovy may all contain thiaminase]
- Crayfish are not recommended because they may harbor the bacterium (Beneckia chitonvora) which has been implicated in shell disease in turtles
What are the protein sources for birds? What is needed for complete protein in birds. What may need to be supplemented in avian diets?
- Protein can come from plants or animal protein (such as protein
meals) - Several plant proteins are needed to provide a complete protein (legume + grain may come close)
- Lysine and methionine may be deficient but are available as a supplement
What quantity of water is needed for guinea pigs? What is the ideal waterers and feeders for guinea pigs?
10‐40 ml of water per 100 g body
weight • Automatic waterers better than sipper
• Pre‐masticated food spit into sipper
bottle, causing clogs
• Raised, mounted feeders are preferred
• Prevent overturning
What is the cause of curled toe disease/ or curly toe paralysis? Who is more susceptible?
- This is the result of riboflavin (vitamin B2) deficiency
- Chickens are more susceptible to this compared to other birds
What is a vitamin A deficiency in reptiles? What are the clinical signs? What can you see in red eared sliders?
- Vitamin A deficiency often occurs in reptiles (lizards and tortoises) fed an un-supplemented diet with vegetables, fruit and insects with low vitamin A or beta carotene content
- Clinical signs typically include squamous metaplasia which results in conjunctivitis, respiratory disease, and stomatitis
- In red ear sliders, respiratory disease may make them swim lopsided
What occurs in carnivore fish if there is high carbohydrate intake?

What is important in a nutritional assessment of a reptile? Why?
• History- what is the diet that is provided?
- How often it is provided Bowls, cleanliness
• Reproductive status-
- Nutritional needs for reproductively active reptiles are higher: females need energy for development of ovarian follicles, oviductal eggs and embryos and require calcium for egg laying
- Male snakes may refuse food during courtship and copulation or during times that seasonally correlate with these activities
- Females may not accept food while gravid
• Health status-
- Sick reptiles may feed differently and may have different requirements
What honeybees need a lot of carbohydrates?
What is a sign of dehydration in reptiles ?
Enophthalmos ( corneal abrasion?)

What is the prognosis of secondart nutritional hyperparathyroidism in pisttacines?
- Fair to good if detected early and corrected
- Some deformities will be permanent
- Spinal fractures and paralysis denote grave prognosis
What is the treatment of ferret insulinomas?
In an emergency- glucose or corn syrup on the gums can stabilize blood sugar
• This is not a good option long term- high blood glucose stimulate of additional insulin secretion
• Long term treatment
• High protein high fat food (‘duck’ or ‘dook’
soup recipes) can be used temporarily • Food should be available at all times • Ferrets should be encouraged to eat every 2-4
hours/ food available 24 hours/day
• Surgical treatment/glucocorticoids
What is important to remember about flowers?
Flowers are not created equal. Some flowers are good for pollen, some good for nectar, some for both.
What is the issue with feeding a bird seed only diet? (Psittacines)
Most seeds in bird diets are:
High in Fat Low Calcium, iron, copper, manganese, iodine Low Vitamin A, C, D3, B
Low in protein and specific amino acids (lysine, methionine)
Sometimes high in phosphorous
Millet: high in starch
Peanuts: high in fat and potential foraflatoxicosis
How yan you diagnosis secondary nutritional hyperparathyroidism?
Examination and palpation
CBC, Plasma biochemistries, ionized calcium (Low Ca++ in chem) (increased ionized calcium)
Radiographs to evaluate general bone density -Fractures, bone deformities, poor bone density

In an emergency how can I administer calcium?What about in chronic situations?
In emergency: Calcium gluconate 100 mg/kg IM (dilute in 0.9% saline or injectable water)
For chronic hypocalcemia: in addition to dietary changes, calcium glubionate up to 100 mg/kg PO SID for most species
Is this larvae healthy/ receiving enough protein? How could you tell?

Bad- Little royal jelly visible
What is important about queen nutrition in honey bees?
Queen’s pheromones elicit feeding and care from workers.
Queen nutrition is really a sign of worker/colony nutrition.
What occurs with calcium deficiency and egg binding? When would this situation become urgent?
During reproductive activity- calcium demands are highly increased
Serum total calcium increases in a reproductive hen to levels that can exceed 15 mg/ dl.
Diet that does not provide enough calcium may predispose the bird for shell abnormalities and egg binding
- Can become emergent with egg rupture.
What is a toxic vegetable in birds and what can it cause?
Avocados are toxic, can cause dyspnea and respiratory distress.
What is important about feeding a carnivorus reptile? What are preferences to note with certain species?
- Reptiles are attracted to prey by smell, movement and temperature
• This can be a challenge transitioning to frozen prey
- Thaw frozen prey quickly to prevent bacterial growth (‘intestinal bloom’)
• This is usually best done in a bath with hot water
- Some snakes can be ‘finicky’
- For example, ball pythons prefer gerbilles that are their ‘natural’ prey
- Sometimes ‘animating’ the prey can help increase interest
What are common beekeeper mistakes?
- Underestimating the amount of feed bees need
- Underestimating the time needed to take the feed in and
dry it
What is critical in maintenence of an aquatic reptiles? How can their excrement effect their environment? What testing may have to be done frequently?
- Aquatic reptiles are not at risk of dehydration usually, but water quality is critical
- Bacterial cultures may be a part of the routine water quality assessment
- Aquatic turtles secrete ammonia that can change water pH and support bacterial growth
What other major symptom is typical in hypervitaminosis A? What is the treatment?
▪ Correct dietary deficiencies and convert to pelleted diet
▪ Offer foods high in beta carotenes (dark-leafy greens and yellow-orange veggies)
▪ Parenteral supplementation carries risk of iatrogenic hypervitaminosis
Why is tube feeding important in birds?
Tube feeding provides:
Nutritional support
Caloric intake
Avoid if bird is too weak or is in shock, stabilize first with fluids Daily weights
If more than 5% weight loss in a day
Volume: depends on size of bird
How should you offer water to ferrets? What percentage of their diet is treats? What are acceptable treats, human food, ect?
- Water should be always available in spill-proof bowls or sipping bottles
- Treat should be limited to 10% of the diet
- Commercial high protein treats, human foods (meat, egg) are acceptable
What is likely causing the pododermatitis seen in this picture?

Hypervitaminosis A
What is important to remember about a physical exam of herbivorous mammals?
Prey species- pay attention to signs of distress
• Start exam by observation from a distance • BCS, bodyweight should be evaluated every time • Care must be given to gentle abdominal palpation • Oral evaluation
What is the concern with ferret obesity? What are the causes? Are males or females normally larger with more adipose tissue?
Ferret obesity is increasingly recognized as an important nutritional disease
• Some weight gain is seasonal
• Males are typically larger and have more
adipose tissue compared with females
• Many ferret owners feed ad-libitum and mix
commercial pelleted diet with canned cat
food, and other treat items
• Excessive administration of high fat
supplements, such as Ferretone (8-in-1,
Spectrum Brands, Inc. Islandia, NY)
What other nutritional diseases can sugar gliders have?
• Sugar gliders are also at risk of
becoming obese due to excess caloric
intake and lack of exercise
• They are also prone to hepatitis
associated with iron storage disease if
fed too much high iron foods such as
meat and some leafy vegetables
What is a rat? What can they be used for?
A good representative of most murine
• Used as pet, research animal
What changes the amount of saliva during eating? What is the crop?
- The amount of saliva differs between species according
to diet (less in fish eating birds, more in birds that eat grain/seed) - The crop is an enlargement of the esophagus, cranial to
the thoracic inlet (not present in gulls, penguins) - The crop can be palpated in a physical exam
- The crop can become impacted with dry food in a
dehydrated bird
What can be seen about nutritional status during physical exam of a bird?
- Visual inspection can suggest fat deposition
along the pectoral region - Body condition score in birds is best appreciated by assessing the musculature and
fat coverage in the pectoral region - Crop palpation: is important to make sure there is no impaction or stasis of food in the crop.
- Visual inspection of the plumage can also suggest malnutrition. For example, this bird should be bright green and not dark
- The oropharynx should be inspected Most birds would have a choanal slit and choanal papilae
- The overall skin, feet, and feathers may all be indicators of malnutrition
What animal is the general structure of the GI tract in reptiles similar to? Where does enzymatic digestion begin? What is the reptile stomach divided into?
- The general structure of the GI tract in reptiles is generally similar to birds
- Enzymatic digestion (pepsin) may begin in the distal esophagus
- Reptile stomachs are divided to fundus and pyloric parts
- The fundus is the muscular part, similar to gizzard in birds
- The pyloric part secretes acid and enzymes
How will foragers find the scouted locations?
Foragers will find the scouted location using information learned during the dance, visual cues, and scent (from nectar offered by dancers and foot pheromones on flowers.
What are clinical signs of reptile kidney disease?
- Clinical signs are often non-specific: lethargy, dehydration, inappetence, poor BCS
- May have bad odor, tail tip necrosis
- May be constipated due to kidney enlargement
- Gout tophi may be present
- With chronic dehydration- urate uroliths may also occur
In some cases- MBD
- Vitamin D activation include the activity of renal 1-alpha hydroxylase. Without this- MBD may ensue
What is important about food stores of both protein and carbohydrates?
- Protein – There should ALWAYS be excess pollen/ bread stored
Carbs – incoming nectar
What requires an enormous amount of nectar in the summer?
Wax production
How much you feed will depends on?
• Time of year
• Age/strength of colony
• Weather • Comb building needs
• Amount of brood
• ETC.
You can only tell by looking at the hive, the plants, and the weather. Experience!!!
What is a seconodary issue that would arise from vitamin A deficiency? What is the treamtent?
- Bacterial infections may be secondary complications in these animals
• Usually this would progress to poor hydration, weightloss
Treatment: Correct diet, provide additional vitamin A by mouth or by injection oral administration of vitamin A (200 to 300 IU/kg body weight)
Be careful with injection of over supplementat
Is there a correlation between water intake and food intake? What is a few ways to ensure the bird drinks?
Don’t forget the water!
- There’s a direct correlation between amount of water consumed and amount feed consumed
- If a chicken stops drinking it will stop eating soon after
- Water should be kept at appropriate
temperature and freshness
- Always provide at least two or three additional drinkers in excess of the estimated water consumption
What is the treatment for CKD in reptiles?
- Correct husbandry: ensure adequate intake of calcium, vitamin A, vitamin D
- Improve hydration: soaking, humidity, water supply, SQ fluids if needed
• Reducehighphosphorusfooditemsandsupplements
- For example, in insectivore reptiles make sure to gutload the feeders with high calcium supplements, otherwise they are low Ca:P ratio
Are ferrets normally intact when sold? What family do they belong to?
• In the US, ferrets are typically sold after
being spayed or neutered and descended by the breeding facility before they are 6
weeks of age
• Few private breeders exist (limited genetic
• Ferrets belong to the Mustelidae family that
also includes mink, weasels, badgers, etc
What is important about rabbit teeth? What kind of teeth? How do they maintain them?
• Continuously growing incisors,
molars and premolars
• Rabbits have two sets of incisors (peg
teeth) • Require roughage for gnawing and
mastication to wear teeth
What can foraging be used for? How can you have foraging occur?
- Foraging can be used as enrichment and can improve
the performance of many avian species including chickens - Foraging can be achieved by allowing to have free
access to a natural environment or to with foraging
tools or toys
What nutritional deficiency can cause lesions like this?

Hypovitaminosis A
When can dehydration be seen in reptiles? What are the consequences?
- Dehydration is common, especially in sick reptiles
- Water intake is important to allow for normal uric acid secretion in terrestrial species and urea in aquatic species
- Chronic dehydration may cause long term complications including kidney disease and urolithiasis
what are hedgehogs? What do they prefer in terms of climate? What variations are there? What kind of stomach do they have and can they vomit?
• Most common species of domesticated
hedgehog is the African Pygmy hedgehog
• Hybrid of the White-bellied or Four-toed
Hedgehog (Atelerix albiventris) and the Algerian Hedgehog (A. algirus)
• Smaller than the European hedgehog
• Domesticated species prefer a warm climate (above 70 °F) and do not naturally hibernate
• Several color mutations exist (albino, pinto) • They are omnivores with a simple stomach • Vomiting reflex present
How should you wean an adult bird off a diet seed?
Address and correct the patient’s health status first
Slow and progressive
Various options:
Cold turkey
Feeding times
What urinary disease occurs in rabbits and guinea pigs?
• Urolithiasis is a common presentation
in rabbits and guinea pigs
• The etiology is not completely
understood, but likely involves diet
and body condition
• The vast majority of uroliths in
rabbits and guinea pigs are calcium
carbonate in composition
What is cagelayer fatigue? Who is it seen in? How can it be preventted?
- Can result in neurological signs due to hypocalcemia or even spinal fractures due to poor bone mineralization
- The condition is rarely seen in floor-housed birds, suggesting that reduced activity within the cage is a predisposing factor
- Diets must provide adequate quantities of calcium and phosphorus to prevent deficiencies
- Providing calcium carbonate or limestone can help as it will remain in the gizzard and slow-release calcium

What nutritional related disease is common in hedgehogs? How is it managed? What causes it? What is the prognosis?
- Dilated cardiomyopathy is common in hedgehogs
- Etiology is unclear-genetic? Nutritional?
- Possible benefit to providing taurine and carnitine supplementation
- Medical management with pimobendin, furosemide
- Prognosis is poor
How much honey can a colony of bees use in a year? How many acres will they forage?
A colony of bees can use over
400 lbs of honey per year.
• Requires thousands of floral
• They will forage over 20,000
acres (3 mile radius from
- Estimate 1 acre in constant
bloom supports one colony.
Can vegan/ vegetarian diets be done successfully?
Dogs - Can be done, commercially done and home cooked. Vegan much more difficult, recommend diets that has undergone feeding trials. Need to account tof digestibility and bioavailability.
- Example Purina HA - Growth
Cats - Can be done- in THEORY as long as you can synthetically produce essential nutrients. More essential nutrients required are from meats. No commercial diets currently. Possible serious deficiencies Taurine, B1, Methionine
How do you diagnose Metabolic bone disease in reptiles?
• MDB diagnosis is based on physical exam findings and imaging
- Ionized calcium: limited data, not simple to analyze (should be analyzed immediately)
Also- reference ranges may not exist in all species
- In a study evaluating healthy green iguanas, the mean ionized calcium concentration in blood was 1.47 (0.105 mmol/L), with no significant variation by gender or age
- Markedly low ionized calcium may be an indication of MBD

What commercial diets are good for rabbits to prevent GI stasis?
- There are several commercial diets that can be used to provide assisted nutrition to herbivores
- These consists of blends of chopped hay that can be mixed with water and provided through a catheter-tip syringe
- Choose a diet that provides the longest fiber possible with consideration to the animal’s size and route of feeding
- very fine powdered fiber is less likely to stimulate gastrointestinal motility
- Fine fiber particles may enter the cecum and undergo fermentation instead of reaching the colon, where longer fiber promotes motility
Brands: Oxbow Critical Care, Oxbow Animal Health, Murdock, NE, USA; Emeraid Herbivore, Lafeber’s, Cornell, IL, USA
What is a sign of hypovitaminosis A?

What is the treatment and prevention for hemochromaosis?
Serial Phlebotomy
Iron Chelators
Low iron diet (<100 ppm)
Avoid Citrus fruits
Add Tannins to diet
What is ferret urolithiasis? What diet can cause this? What occurs with the metabolism of plant proteins?
• Ferret fed diets high in plant-based proteins, such as yellow corn, are at risk to develop struvite urolithiasis (magnesium ammonium phosphate)
• For example, low quality dog or cat
• Metabolism of plant proteins produces
more alkaline urine than the typical acidic
urine of ferrets
• Struvite uroliths develop in alkaline pH
• Usually, these struvite uroliths are sterile
and not due to an infection (unlike in
dogs, like cats)
What is vulnerable to nutrient leaching? How long do vitamins C, B12 Choline and pantothenic acid dissipate in water? How must it be provided?
- Water soluble vitamins vulnerable to nutrient leaching
- Vitamin C, B12, choline and pantothenic acid dissipate in 30 seconds of feed hitting water
- Need to be provided in a protected form
Is there a breed association with DCM from grain free diets? What about the diets themselves?
- Golden Retriever’s, mixed breeds, labradors, great dane and pitbulls had the highest # of DCM reported but it was found in both large and small breeds.
- Association with Dry food being primary formulation fed for large number of cases.
- Variety of companies and manufacturers were implicated.
What are nectarivorous birds? What should you feed them? What is important about their stool quality ? What is an important part of their upkeep?
Lories and lorikeets (Loriinae)
Many commercial diets, formulas, solutions
Messy diet, messy feces (not diarrhea)
Need to keep clean (bacterial contamination, yeast infections)
How do you interpret diet history for herbivores?
- Is the diet of adequate freshness
- Is there sufficient calcium?
- Does the diet provide enough protein?
- Does the diet provide sufficient vitamin A or vitamin A precursors ?
- Is there sufficient insoluble fiber?
How do bees get food?
Scouting – bees will scout to find good sources of food within a ~ 5km range.
What are the clinical signs and diagnosis of hemochomatosis?
Liver failure, ascites, dyspnea
High suspicion from signalment, history, and physical Radiographs/Ultrasound
- Liver Biopsy is definitive
What are medicated feeds for fish? What are they susceptible? What complications can they have?
Medicated feeds
- Some feeds are mixed with antibiotics, antifungals, antiparasitic medications
- May be used to treat diseases; however, it is an opening for misuse
- Some medicated feeds can also increase the fish weight and increase growth rate
- On the other hand, this can contribute to antimicrobial resistance
How does diet effect fish coloring? Why?
- Some fish can utilize diet to change coloring
- There are more than 600 types of carotenoids.
- There are two broad classifications of carotenoids: carotenes and xanthophylls:
- xanthophylls contain oxygen
- carotenes are hydrocarbons and do not contain oxygen.
- Absorb different wavelengths of light during plant’s photosynthesis process
- xanthophylls are more yellow
- carotenes are orange
- Many fish have chromatophore cells that can utilize these compounds to change color
What is kidney disease in reptiles? Who is more prone to it? What does it result from? What species is it more common in?
- Common in older reptiles, reptiles with poor diet or reptiles with inadequate husbandry
- Especiallylizards,chameleons,tortoises
- Chronic kidney disease is insidious, results from poor diet, chronic dehydration
- Acute kidney injury can occur due to toxins, severe dehydration, infection Can occur in any age
What is occuring in this picture?

Hepatic lipidosis

What accounts for the cause of up to 75 % of all medical problems in birds?
Up to 75% of all medical problem in pet birds have a
nutritional background
What must you do to insectivorous reptiles diets to ensure it is comeplete and balanced? What is a way you can make sure they are receiving correct nutrition?
- Make sure the prey provides a complete and balanced nutrition
- Invertebrate prey may be dusted with a calcium vitamin D powder
- Although dusting is not always the best way to provide nutrients
- May cause excess or deficiency, or reduce palatability
- The chitin exoskeleton is low in calcium
- Also recommend to ‘gut- load’ [prefeed the prey so its nutritional value is increased]
What determines the rate of digestion for reptiles? How long does it take a boa constrictor to digest the skeleton of a rodent?
- The rate of digestion for reptiles may vary depending on temperature, hydration, food type, and meal size
- It takes 120 hours for a boa constrictor to digest the skeleton of a rodent
What is the importance of temperature in fish habitats?
The optimal temperature is that when the fish energy efficiency is highest, and more energy can be invested in growth
• Appetite is high
• 25-30 °C for tropical fish
• There is about 2.5 times increase in growth rate for every 10 °C
What are the feeding guidelines for rabbits?
- Grass hay – ad libitum in adult rabbits
• Juvenile rabbits may benefit from alfalfa/legume hay
• Formulated pellets – 1/4 c per 3 kg body
• “Treats” – vegetables, limited fruit ( avoid high sugar)
• Water ad libitum via bowl or sipper bottle
• High water consumption of 120 ml/kg
what is the benefit of complete feeding?
Complete feed does not require additional supplements - Easiest and simplest method of feeding
- Downside: Usually a bit more expensive, so can be mixed with grain (v/v) to reduce cost
- Its important to feed the animals according to their
respective life stage
- A laying hen mash is too high in calcium for a growing bird
as it can cause orthopedic disease
What is a dearth? What can be a consequence?
- Scarcity or lack of nutrients
- If bees cannot find enough flowers, they will rob resources from other hives.
- Especially weak ones
- Significant cause of disease spread.
What is the most common form of MBD in reptiles? When is it diagnosed? What causes the condition typically?
- Nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism is the most common form of MBD
- It is usually diagnosed in young/juvenile reptiles
This condition usually stems from poor husbandry:
- Poor diet with low calcium or vitamin D3 (or both)
- Low UV light exposure
- Stress (overcrowding for example)
Why is nutrition variable between backyard flocks and large scale commercial facilities?
- Nutrition for small flocks and backyard poultry tends to be
more variable than nutrition for egg laying hens or meat
birds in a large-scale production setting - Diet can affect the health of the bird or affect productivity
- When animals are used for production, feed is a major
expense of the overall investment
What can adult honeybees eat?
• Protein
• Amino Acids
• Lipids
• Micronutrients
What are protein sources for fish?
Protein sources
- Mixtures of animal and vegetable protein can provide a good balance of essential amino acids
- Fish meal- can also be used as a highly digestible protein source
- Temperature affects protein digestion, therefore protein requirements can change at varying temperatures
What is the largest component of poultry diets? What is it provided by? What fibers are included? What is the concern with excessive fiber?
Carbohydrates. It is usually provided by grains.
Includes fibers such as cellulose which is indigestible by the bird but can support gi health.
Excessive fiber can decrease digestibility and decrease production
What determins energy requirements for reptiles? What are they?
Energy requirements
• Reptiles are poikilothermic
- There is no energy investment in maintaining body temperature. Therefore, energy requirements are relatively lower than mammals and birds (less than 50% of an mammal of the same size)
- Ambient temperature affects metabolic rate, activity and digestion
- Cold temperature will reduce appetite, food intake and can even dangerously slow digestion
- A temperature gradient would help the reptile find an optimal temperature
What is the issue with hive beetles?
Hive beetles can grow and destroy hive if too much protein powder/ protein is left for bees to eat
What kind of sugar should be used for simple syrups? Which should not?
Do not use sugar in the raw. Bees cannot use them well because of high ash content. Otherwise they do not care which one to use.
What diagnostics can be run on reptiles to assess their health? What is important to remember about diagnostic labs?
Reptiles may not show signs of illness on physical examination • Diagnostic tests can help identify early signs of illness
• Its important to use a laboratory that is experienced with processing reptile blood
- Hematocrit tends to be lower • RBCs are fragile
- Quick analysis is best
What other conditions can occur due to raw diets? Who is most at risk?
- Risk for toxo, brucella- both may cause severe adverse effects
- Puppies more sensitive
- Treat with Abs only if clinical disease is present. However may increase shedding of salmonella.
What are the benefits of feeding pellets or crumbles vs. Mash? What is the cons?
- Feed is compacted in pellet form
- the bird is able to consume and metabolize a greater amount of feed
- Pelleted feeds are a complete unit of feed
- Birds are unable to pick out different ingredients
- This form of feed also makes it possible for producers to formulate high-energy, high-protein diets that aid in maximizing the amount of
feed used to produce a pound of meat
- Some mash feeds are extremely dusty and difficult to handle
Added cost to conversion of mash to crumble/ pellet
How do you do a physical exam and assess nutritional status?
Start the physical exam from a distance, before you disturb the patient
• Review all body systems of the patient
• Pay attention to anything that could indicate nutritional factor
• For example, opacities in the cornea, conjunctivitis, respiratory signs could be related to vitamin A deficiency
• Orthopedic disease, bone deformity could be a sign of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D deficiency
• Mucus membranes should be pink and moist, not pale or yellow (except bearded dragons) and not tacky
What can be given to acidify urine in ferrets? Alkalize?
Acidify: Methionine
Alkalize: Potassium citrate
What is IBD in ferrets? Is it common? What is the most common presentation? How can it be managed?
• Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is relatively common in ferrets
• Similar to other species, the etiology of this condition is unknown
• On histology, most common presentation is
lymphoplasamcytic infiltrates
• Some ferrets respond well to diet change, and some ‘limited ingredient’ commercial diets are commercially
• Some ferrets would benefit from added fiber
• This appears to be very idiosyncratic
• Best to try a small amount of fiber and evaluate the response
How could ingredients be implicated in issues with Grain free diets and DCM?
- Dogs can produce taurine from methionine and cysteine
- If a company calculated the protein % as total, rather than animal protein this could mean that much protein is vegetable protein
- Legumes are high in protein, but relatively low in methionine and cysteine
- In addition- legumes have several antinutritive compounds:
- Phytates
- Glycoproteins
- Phytosterols
- Phenols
- These reduce digestibility, but are usually destroyed in cooking
What is important to note about commercial fish diets?
Many available, not always easy to assess their quality and nutritional content, how appropriate they are for the species
Use a manufacturer with adequate expertise, quality control
Cancomeindifferentsizesand textures for different species
Somecomeasgelstobe reconstituted
What drives bees to forage for pollen? Nectar?
Pollen: Amount of brood and genetics
Nectar: Food availability • Weather
Bees do not gather honey based on what they need!!!!!!!
What causes changes in bee nutritional needs?
Seasonal changes ( particularly winter)
What should you feed passerines? What are passerines? What condition is common in mynah birds?
Softbills: canaries, finches, mynah birds
Do well on fortified seed mix, but good idea to supplement
Mynah birds often have iron overload disorder:
(hemosiderosis, hemochromatosis)
What is a thiamin deficiency in snakes? Who is it seen more commonly in? What is the clinical signs and the treatment?
- Seen often in garter snakes and water snakes fed a high raw fish diet
- This is again caused by thiaminase in the fish
- Clinical signs: neurological signs- ataxia, seizures, rolling
- Treatment: diet change to fish low on thiaminase, thiamin hydrochloride (25 mg/kg body weight, per os or intramuscularly)
What effects can be seen in Psittacines from seed based diets?
• Over time, will see effects from these diets: poor feather and skin quality, liver disease, kidney disease, etc. Addictive; difficult to convert a bird from seeds to pellets
Seed inhalation: small birds, big seeds (cockatiels & millet seed aspiration)
What is hemochromatosis? What bird is it most common in? What is the cause of this condition?
“Iron-storage Disease”
Mynahs, toucans, starlings, and birds-of-paradise
Very efficient GI iron absorption + high iron diet = hemochromatosis
Can carbohydrates in diets be detrimental?
Both dogs and cats digest and absorb carbohydrates (Kienzle
et al. 1994; Morris et al. 1977)
• Cats are in constant gluconeogenesis
• Cats have lower glucokinase activity and are slower in
clearing glucose (hexokinase has lower vmax)
• However they are certainly able to digest, absorb, and
utilize carbohydrates
• No proven role for excess carbohydrates in inducing diabetes& cancer
What is important about guinea pig teeth? What do they need in order to do this, What kind of fermenters are guinea pigs?
Guinea pigs have continuously
growing molars, premolars and
incisors • These require roughage to wear down
and prevent malocclusion and dental
disease • They are monogastric hindgut
fermenter herbivores
• Long colon • Large cecum
What is mash feed? Peletized feed? Crumbled feed?
- Mash feed consists of all ingredients ground into particles and mixed loosely together
- Pelletized feed is mash that is held together with a binder and then heat-treated, extruded, and cut into various lengths and diameters
- Crumbled feed consists of pelletized feed broken down into smaller pieces
- Scratch should only be given as a snack.
- Chickens can forage around for bugs and greens but always provide them with appropriate formulated balanced feed.
What are common deficiencies seen in regards to pet foods?
- Zinc
- Vitamin D
- Chlorine
- Copper
- Vitamin E
- Calcium
What are sugar gliders? Where are they found? What kind of food do they like? What kind of digestive system do they have? What is important about their large intestines?
• Sugar gliders are small, omnivorous,
nocturnal gliding possums
• Found throughout the northern and
eastern parts of mainland Australia,
Tasmania, New Guinea
• Able to glide in the air
• Attracted to high sugar foods
• Hindgut fermenters
• Well-developed cecum that utilizes
bacterial fermentation to break down
complex polysaccharides
What is the significance of weight loss in a reptile?
- All weight loss in reptiles would include loss of adipose tissue as well as lean body mass
- As a general rule- acute loss of 10% or more would require intervention
- Same for chronic loss of 20% or more
- Loss of lean body mass is accelerated with illness or during recovery from trauma or surgery
- This takes long to replenish
What do bees do in the winter with that requires a lot of carbs?
Bees use their muscles to generate heat.
This process requires a LOT of Carbs.
When may supplements be helpful in reptile diets? Why must you be careful of the supplements you are providing? What is important to remember about vitamin D supplemetation? What is the ratio of vitamin A, D, E in reptiles?
- Supplements may be helpful if fed a non-commercial diet
- Or if the commercial diet is less than 50% of the total
- Be careful with using supplements as: Not always needed, Quality control, Can change palatability
If using a vitamin D supplement
- Use vitamin D3 and not vitamin D2 as its efficacy is unknown Avoid excess
- Do not rely on the calcium in multivitamins to be sufficient to meet the requirements
- Usually not enough calcium is added May need to add a calcium supplement
- As a general rule, vitamin A,D,E should be provided at a ratio of about 100:10:1
Are commercial reptile diets preferred? What questions must you ask when selecting a diet?
- Commercial reptile diets exist and are generally recommended
- Choose a reputable manufacturer, with quality control and expertise
- If in doubt regarding adequacy, you can send to lab analysis
- Guaranteed analysis should be specified on the label and allow to calculate ME protein/fat/ carbohydrate
What is UVB? UVA?
- UVB is the wavelength that converts 7-dehydrocholesterol to previtamin D3 in the skin
- UVA provides additional light that stimulates activity (and also helps with conversion of vitamin D with secondary importance)
Are the allergens more likely to cause an adverse response in an animal that ingests them?
- Any antigen may cause an adverse response in
predisposed dogs - There is no elevated antigenicity in certain food
ingredients • IgE/IgM/IgA tests in blood or saliva, and
intradermal tests are inaccurate
What kind of stools do guinea pigs have?
- Guinea pigs have two types of stool
- Regular feces/pellets
- Cecotrophs
What is normal in reptiles that is abnormal in other animals?
Some bacteria, protozoa and nematodes that you may not expect in a healthy mammal are normal in reptiles
Some can be opportunistic pathogens
- Oxyurids are very common on fecal exams, and they are mostly nonpathogenic
- Strongyloid nematodes are found throughout the reptilian GIT
Is this larvae healthy/ receiving enough protein? How could you tell?

Good = Larvae floating in royal jelly
What is the treatment for metabolic bone disease?
- Treatment includes correcting the diet (add calcium as powder or formulated diet, correct Ca:P, adequate vitamin D)
- Ensure adequate UV lighting
- Underlying or concurrent disease is common
Consider analgesia/anti-inflammatory medications if needed
Injectable calcium usually not recommended
Salmon calcitonin can be used as long as blood calcium is normal
Fluids may be needed in many cases
What should we do in regards to patients on a grain free diet?
- Recommend diet change for dogs on a GF diet
- Measure plasma or whole blood taurine levels
- Supplement? Only if low.
What change in weight would indicate / warrant further assessment
An acute decrease of 5% bodyweight, or a chronic
decrease of 10% warrant further assessment
Why do rabbits have high blood calcium?
They are efficient at ingesting calcium
what can cause obesity in a rat? What does obesity predispose rats to?
• Rats evolved to eat anything and will
overconsume high fat and high
carbohydrate treats • Seed based diets, table scraps can be
high fat/high calorie
• Rats on high quality formulated pelleted
diets rarely become obese
• Obesity predisposes to osteoarthritis,
pododermatitis, neoplasia, renal
What is important about rats in terms of their teeth, gall bladder, lifespan ect?
- Teeth: incisors continuously grow
- Requires gnawing on material to wear teeth • Lacks a gallbladder to store bile
- Adapted to small frequent meals • Omnivorous • Cannot vomit • Short life span: 2-3 years
What kind of stomachs do they have? What stool do they produce?
Monogastric, hindgut fermenting
• Long colon and large cecum • Produce cecotropes
- fermentation creates cecotropes
How do you diagnose hypovitaminosis E and Selenium deficiency? What is the treatment? What is the prevention?
History, physical exam, and response to treatment Serum vitamin E levels
Parenteral therapy followed with oral supplementation
Oral supplementation to fish eating birds as preventative measure
What occurs with colony growth in the springtime? What drives the growth? What do beekeepers have to do as a result?
- Colonies start to raise a little brood in winter, and then - colony growth explodes in spring.
- This growth is generally driven by incoming food.
- Beekeepers have to actually manage for space to accommodate incoming food.
What are the reasons insect protein is being utilized in some pet foods/ human food?
- The risk for insufficient global protein supply drives many companies to search for alternative protein sources in pet food
- Some alternative proteins considered include fungal protein, bacterial protein, and insect protein
What is a consequence of spilled syrup?
What can occur with excess protein in the diet of fish? Extra phosphorus? What is algae plant growth symbolize? What is important to condsider when selecting fish diets?
- Excess protein- excess ammonia in the water
- Excess phosphorus in the diet
- Phosphorus can have negative impact on water
- Algae plant growth→decaying matter→reduced dissolved oxygen→fish deaths
- Diets need to be optimized for ‘healthy’ growth of fish whilst minimizing waste
When should food be offered to sugar gliders? How?
Food should be offered in the evening,
when sugar gliders are active
• Preferred on an elevated platform,
because gliders feel more secure
eating up high, as they would in trees in
the wild
What are cecotropes?
• Cecotropes are the product of the
cecum, and are partially fermented • Cecotropes are high in B vitamins,
vitamin K, amino acids, and short-
chain fatty acids • Guinea pigs would typically produce cecotropes at night and ingest them right away ( sometimes called night feces)
What can increased urea production caused in birds? When are protein requirements are high? What is the general trend of protein digestibility and bird species?
- Increased urea production can also increase smell and airway irritation if excrements are not cleaned
- Protein digestibility differs between species according to their natural diet
- Protein requirements during egg laying are high, especially in chickens that lay many eggs. Also higher during growth.
What are the associations surrounding coconut oil in pet food? Is there any published data? Any known risks?
- Supposedly a source of medium chain triglycerides and other beneficial, oxidation resistant, fatty acids
• Only 15-20% of the FA are MCTs in coconut oil
• No proven benefits in pets (Fagua et al. 2015)
• MCTs may be substrates for ketone bodies and may provide an energy source for CNS (Pan et al. 2010)
• Potential risks for high fat diets
What shouldn’t you feed to hedgehogs?
- Dairy
- Hard nuts/seeds
- Raisins
- Garlic/onion
- Avocado
- Raw meat
- Wild caught slugs, insects
What birds require calcium supplementation ( in terms of Psittacines)?
1) African Grey Parrots
2) Actively laying birds
What additional amino acids to chickens require ?
proline and histidine
What are potential treatments of ferret urolithiasis? Prevention of reoccurrence?
• Treatment: there are no dissolution diets for ferrets for either struvite or cystine
• Surgical removal is needed when the urolith causes clinical signs
Prevention of recurrence:
• Cystine forms more easily in acidic urine,
therefore urine alkalization with potassium citrate or other supplements may be helpful • Struvite forms more easily in alkaline urine, therefore supplement that acidify the urine
such as methionine supplements may help (but may increase risk of cystine???)
• Urine dilution is always recommended for
• This may be achieved by feeding a high moisture
diet, diluting the food with additional water if needed
What is cystine uroliths? What causes them? What is the causes in dogs? Ferrets? Why does cystine form uroliths but other non essential amino acids do not ?
• Cystine uroliths are cysteine dimers
• Cystine is a non-essential amino acid that comes from the diet or metabolized from methionine
• In dogs, a hereditary trait can cause urinary
leakage of multiple amino acids to the urine,
including cysteine
• Etiology in ferrets is unknown ( Some authors have reported an anecdotal relationship between feeding a high legume
protein diet, rich in protein and sulfur amino acids, and cystine urolithiasis • For example, some grain free ferret diets)
• Other amino acids do not dimerize whereas
cysteine dimerizes into a water insoluble compound
• This builds over time and forms crystals and uroliths
When do we feed protein?
Growth/ Larvae
What are the signs of vitamin A toxicity? What can occur with vitamin A injections in tortoises and box turtles?
- While the exact requirements of vitamin A are unknown, excess can result in toxicity
- ExcessvitaminAmayresultinconjunctivitisandrespiratorysigns(sometimes difficult to differentiate from hypovitaminosis A), accompanied by multiple organ failure
- Tortoises and box turtles are very sensitive to injections of vitamin A, these drugs may cause sloughing of the skin resulting in severe skin ulceration
Why cant rabbits vomit?
- Well developed cardiac sphincter
What are the types of feeders used for bees?
- Frame Feeder
- bucket feeders
- Warre Hive ( top feeder)
What are coccidiostats? What are they labeled by? What may be a reason they need to be removed from the diet?
- A coccidiostat (antiprotozoal agent, for example, Amprolium) is generally added to the diets of pullets and meat birds that are raised on the ground
- Feed manufacturers label feed according to the type and age of poultry (for example: starter, grower, layer) with appropriate instructions for use
- Some coccidiostats need to be withdrawn if the animal or its products are used for food ( not for human consumption, egg laying birds of meat birds cannot be on coccidiostats)
What are some issues with the view of honeybee nutrition?
- People tend to view/ discuss honey bee nutrition differently than other animals.
- Ability to forage
- Treatment-free / hands-off movement
- Lack of ethical consideration for invertebrates
What do sugar gliders feed on in nature?
• In nature sugar gliders feed on
• Sap and gum of the eucalyptus and
acacia tree
• Pollen
• Nectar
• Manna (a sugar deposit from the sap
oozing from wounds on tree branches
or trunks)
• Honeydew (sugar secreted by sap-
sucking insects)
• Variety of insects and spiders
What are the advantages to feeding formulated diets to Psittacines? disadvantages?
nutritionally balanced and better health, avoids selectivity by the bird, simple, clean, no vitamin supplementation
Disadvantages: cost, acceptance, boredom (nutrient dense)
What are rats prone to? How can this happen? What kind of watering device is ideal?
- Rats are prone to becoming
overweight or obese
• This can be the result of excess treats
or fruit - Water is best provided in sipping bottle as this prevents spilling
Food should be stored in a dry cool place
and consumed within 6 months
What is the treatment of GI stasis in rabbits?
• Treatment:
- Usually these cases do not require
surgery, even if there is an impaction
- Fluids (try not to use ear vein, not ideal even though its easier, not ideal for large volumes)
- Assisted (syringe) feeding
- Pain control (avoid narcotics that slow
GI motility)
- Correct underlying disease
• Correct diet
• Dental disease
• Pain etc
What environmental stressors affect nutritional efficacy and requirements? What occurs to O2 as temperature rises? What is the effect and preference of light on fish? What about crowding?
- Environmental stressors (flow rate, water quality) affect nutritional efficacy and requirements
- Oxygen: as temperature increases, water oxygen carrying capacity is reduced
- Therefore, there is a narrow optimum for temperature where oxygen carrying is still high
- Light/darkness: warm water fish do well with more light more similar to their natural habitat
- Overcrowding/undercrowding: some species actually do better at high stocking density
Is it normal to see cecotropes in the cage? What could be a reason for this?
It is abnormal to see many cecotopes on the bottom
of the cage
• Can indicate a disease/obesity
• Can occur in wire bottom cages
• Obese guinea pigs
• Arthritic guinea pigs
What nutritional diseases can you see in rabbits?
- Rabbits have a very sensitive GI tract
- They rely heavily on the normal GI microbiota to protect that gut and for normal digestion
What is the concern with antibiotics and rabbits?
• Use of certain antimicrobials such as beta-lactams can be fatal in rabbits (and guinea pigs and chinchillas too) (especially orally, given injectable will be safer, but still can cause issues)
• Especially if given enterally (per-os)
• Causes GI dysbiosis
• Can lead to bacterial translocation
Severe overgrowth of unhealthy bacteria.
What can cause bees to be stressed in the springtime? What can be the result?
If there is a period without food - like a really rainy week – bees can become nutritionally stressed.
Small colonies can starve in spring.
Do honey bees eat stored food or do they eat fresh food?
Honey bees preferentially eat fresh food, but they store food for lean times.
What occurs with hypovitaminosis A? When is it seen more commonly? What conditions can be seen as a result?
▪ Sinuses, oral cavity, and skin most affected
▪ Most common in all- seed-diets
▪ Blunting of choanal papillae
▪ Plaque formation in oral cavity
▪ Abscess formation
Conditions occuring from this: Squamous metaplasia and hyperkeratosis of epithelial cells
What is a backyard flock? What are the two rules to remember?
Pets, or used for eggs and
meat or a combination
Two rules to remember:
- A chicken will only grow
and perform to the
extent it receives proper
- A chicken cannot grow
beyond its maximum
genetic potential
What does it mean to be neophobic (ferrets)? How can you account for that/ work around that?
- Ferrets are neophobic and may not accept a new diet easily
- Recommend to expose them to a variety of foods and diets at a young age
What treatments occur for rabbit urinary disease? How may you prevent reoccurrence? What are high calcium items? What food source may help reduce urinary calcium excretion?
- Surgical treatment may be necessary according to location. Cystotomy may be needed with large cystic calculi.
• Diet change may help prevent
• Review the diet for any high calcium
food items
• Alfalfa hay
• High calcium leafy greens - Grass hay may also reduce urinary calcium excretion compared with legume hay and increased water intake.
In rabbits: What is GI stasis? What causes it? What are consequences of it? How can you tell if the animal has gi stasis?
• GI stasis or ileus can occur for a
variety of reasons:
• Illness
• Pain
• Heat/temperature
• Dental disease
• Diet (inadequate fiber)
• It can progress to severe dysbiosis,
impaction and can be ultimately fatal
( listen with stethoscope for gut sounds/ motility sounds)
What is the source of proteins, lipids, and micro nutrients for honey bees?
What can be seen in an iodine deficiency? What bird is classic for presenting with this? How would it be diagnosed? What is the suggested therapy/ treatment?
▪ Classic disease of budgerigars
▪ Swelling in clavicular region, voice changes, dyspnea, and regurgitation
▪ Diagnosis via history, physical exam, and response to therapy
▪ CT scan would be diagnostic for enlarged thyroid
▪ Therapy is oral iodine supplementation

What is rickets in birds?
- Rickets (a term commonly pertains to vitamin D or phosphorus deficiency) occurs most commonly in young meat birds.
- Calcium deficiency is termed nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism
What is important to remember about using commercial reptile diets?
- Many times, herbivores will not show interest in pellets unless disguised in other vegetation
- Avoid using hay that has been stored for long because of beta carotene /vitamin A depletion
Why do most places not provide sufficient clean forage?
• Abundance – very few
flowers left on the landscape.
• Quality - different species,
protein content
• Diversity - Monocultures
• Safety – Pesticides
• Foraging ability (size of
colony, weather, health)
• Weather - Drought
What is the treatment of gout in birds?
Decrease protein/purine in diet
Allopurinol ?
Often have concurrent renal failure
Fluid therapy
Phosphate binders
What would an unbalanced diet in birds lead to?
An unbalanced diet in birds would lead to malnutrition,
obesity, impaired immune function, poor reproductive
success and more
Is there an issue with feeding byproducts?
• Byproducts: certain parts of carcass that doesn’t meet human standards.
◦ Nothing wrong with some of these byproducts. Just not the typical.
What is the digestive anatomy and function in fish?
- The length of the digestive system of the fish is highly variable
- Stomach tends to be larger in carnivores
- Species with a more vegetarian diet, have a more complex system and a longer intestine

How much honey should you leave for bees to use over the winter?
The amount bees need will be entirely local – talk to beekeepers in the region.
Is feeding raw diet a zoonotic risk?
- Can shed salmonella in feces for up to 2 weeks.
- Can easily give it to owners. Problematic for older/ immunocompromised owners, ect.
- FDA does not advocate for raw meat, poultry, or seafood diet. High pressure is better, kills majority of organisms, but still has risk, make specific recommendations.
- No specific benefits of raw diet, and and proven risks.
What is caused if there is a deficiency of copper and iron in bird diets?
- Deficiency in copper or iron can cause anemia
- Copper deficiency may also cause orthopedic disease as copper is important for cartilage maturation
- Copper deficiency can lead to rupture of the aorta likely related to failure to synthesize desmosine which is integral to the vessel wall.
What are the associations surrounding grain free diets? Is there any published data? Any known risks?
• No evidence of harmful effect for grain inclusive
• Grains contribute vitamins, minerals, amino
acids, essential fatty acids, and fiber
• Highly digestible (>90%)
• Allergies relatively uncommon
FDA warning: potential connection between diet and cases of DCM as result of taurine deficiency.
What should you keep in mind about the food quality presented to herbivorous reptiles?
- Fruits and vegetables from the grocery store are many times not as nutritious as they natural diet (protein and fiber)
- Its important to select the correct vegetables
- For example, good sources of protein: romaine lettuce, collard greens and spinach), alfalfa and mung-bean sprouts, mushrooms and bamboo shoots
- Avoid excess sugary fruit
In Rabbits: Why is GI surgery ( laparotomy) not ideal for impaction?
Rabbits GI is so sensitive, if you go in for laparotomy it is 50/50% if they will survive and high risk of damaging enteric nervous system) Pain with surgery can also make surgical intervention worse.
Dont do surgery if you can help it.
What are important things to know to determine if the reptile has proper husbandry?
Housing: Description of cage, substrate, furniture. Frequency / routine for cleaning. Location (indoors, outdoors) Presence of cage mates, type and size of habitat.
Temperature: Measured temp ranges within habitat (should be gradients of temp), position of heat in cage, safety precautions to prevent thermal injury, type of heating ( radiant, ventral sources)
Lighting: Is light filtered by glass or plexiglas ( this filters UV light) , Length of light cycle, positioning of light source, type of lighting provided (incandescent, fluorescent) , natural sunlight
How do reptiles remain hydrated? What routes do they use?
- There are several water systems and misters that can be used to increase humidity
- Many reptiles benefit from regular soaking as water may absorbed rectally
- Some reptiles will not drink from plastic containers
- Try ceramic or stainless steel instead
What is the water requirements of birds?
Water: Avian water requirements change in different species
- Australian and other desert birds have lower water requirements
- Water requirements are highest in neonates
- Water should be fresh and clean, without supplements
Is there benefit to vegan / vegetarian pet food diets?
- No published benefits
- no abnormalities seen when dogs were on vegetarian diets in bloodwork
- Sled dogs fed this diet were fine
- Study by PETA - > 80 % reported in good health (take with grain of salt)
- Vegans are only one feeding vegan dog food.
What are the issues with insect protein diet studies at this point?
They are relatively short term ( only 28 days)
What occurs in birds with Vitamin E/ Selenium Deficiency? What bird group is it most common in? What are the clinical signs?
Most common in piscivorous birds
Can occur in seed-eaters, especially with rancid oils/fats
- Neurological (tremors,
paralysis, ataxia) - Myopathies
- Steatitis
What is bee bread?
Bee bread is made by mixing pollen, honey, and honey bee salivary secretions that contain bacteria commonly found in the honey bee digestive track.
What is the signs of hypocalcemia in African Grey Parrots? How do you treat it? What monitoring is necessary? Why are African Greys specifically at risk?
▪ Present for tremors or seizures, or even cardiac arrhythmias but not orthopedic problems
▪ Treat with parenteral calcium and long term dietary calcium supplementation
▪ Monitor plasma calcium every 4-6 months and supplement as needed
- Increase exposure to UV light
African Greys have higher calcium requirements than other birds?
What do you give to bees to supplement carbs? When should you feed it?
Simple syrup
1) Starter colonies
2) Before winter
3) Dearth
4) Sick colonies
What can you use radiographs for in terms of assessing nutritional deficiencies/ illness?
Radiographs can be helpful to determine bone quality
• Can help detect hypovitaminosis D, calcium, phosphorus
What are the clinical signs of metabolic bone disease in reptiles?
• Mandible may be swollen, soft Cheilitis
Stomatitis Gingivitis
Fractures in long bones and spinal fractures
Constipation/ cloacal prolapse/diarrhea

What are the associations surrounding Omega 3 fatty acids: Marine sourced in pet food? Is there any published data? Any known risks?
Studies known in these areas that prove benefit:
• Anti-inflammatory effect ( more than those found from palm seed oil ect)
• Dermatological disease (Scott et al.1997)
• Cardiovascular disease (Rush et al. 2000; Laurent et al. 2008)
• Osteoarthritis (Barrouin-Melo et al 2016; Roush et al 2010 )
• Renal disease (Brown et al. 1998; Brown et al. 2000;…)
• Hyperlipidemia (Bauer 1995)
• ect
- important to know quality you are receiving, cold extraction is most preferred.
- Takes time to work
What is important about fall nutrition for honey bees?
Storing food in preparation of a period without food.
1) Store food in the hive
2) Store food in their bodies
If fat bodies are not maintained than they will not be able to take care of the brood.
When can bees get sufficient food from the environment?
- There must be flowers in bloom
- Flowers must be within flight range
- Flowers must be the right type
- Flowers not stressed
- The weather must be good for foraging
- The colony must have enough excess bees to forage.
What is important to remember about feed quality for birds?
- Feed should not be stale, rancid, or moldy
- Feed storage: dry cool area (away from direct sunlight,
moisture or heat) - Do not use/buy feed that is not fresh
- vitamins may degrade
Why are so many recipes not balanced?
- Alot of emphasis on palatability/ presentation
- Lack of supp use.
- Miss-use of supp
- Use of ingredients with hight or low caloric density.
- Use ingredients high in very specific nutrients ( i.e vitamin D or Omega 3- FA)
- Lack expertise/ knowledge
- Don’t use appropriate software/ nutritional data
What must you determine in order to treat the reptile for opportunistic pathogens? Why is this important?
- You may need to judge if the clinical signs and findings warrant treatment or not
- Unwarranted treatment with antimicrobial or antiparasitic medication can do more harm than good
What are the water requirements of reptiles? How should you previde them with water? What is a high concern for a reptile without adequate water?
- Water should be provided in sufficient amounts
• Water should be accessible, in adequate temperature, fresh and clean - Most turtles and lizards drink from bowls
- Some lizards (geckos, anoles, chameleons) may lick droplets from plants if water is misted on the plant
- The habitat for reptiles that live in high moisture environments in nature should be very high in humidity to avoid chronic dehydration and risk of renal injury
What should you give to all sick guinea pigs as a supplement?
All sick GP should receive vitamin C
parenterally 100 mg SQ/ per day
What is avian kidney disease? Is it common? What is the major nitrogenous waste in birds?
Relatively common (up to 30% of avian patients!)
Uric acid is the major nitrogenous waste product in birds (rather than urea or ammonia)
When the kidneys don’t function properly the glomerular filtration rate is reduced
What is the hedgehog diet?
• Commercially prepared hedgehog diets are
• Lower fat cat food can also be used
• Additional acceptable food items such as
cooked meat, eggs, mealworms, crickets, earthworms, waxworms and fruits and vegetables can be provided in small amounts
• Food intake should be adjusted as
hedgehogs are prone to obesity
What is ferret pancreatic beta islet cell neoplasia? What are the signs of hypoglycemia?
Also known as insulinomas
• The most diagnosed neoplasm in ferrets with a reported incidence of 22-25%
• This disease often remains undiagnosed for prolonged periods of time, due in part to free- choice feeding strategies for ferret
- Signs of hypoglycemia: Signs of hypoglycemia in ferrets include
lethargy, ptylism, and weakness
• seizures are uncommon
What do bees do to accommodate for the winter?
To reduce the amount of heat and energy needed, bees stop brood production in winter.
What is the composition of nectar?
- Nectar is mainly water • Contains sugars
- Fructose
- Glucose
- Sucrose
- Traces:
- Proteins
- lipids
- antioxidants
- Alkaloids
- Phenolic substances
- Glycosides
What can affect the metabolic rate in fish? What happens if you underfeed a fish? Excessive feeding? What are the energy requirements in regards to mammals or birds?
- The metabolic rate can be affected by physiological changes such as spawning
- For most species, this is in late summer
- During winter, requirements are usually lowered
- Underfeeding does not let the fish reach full potential
- Excess feeding is wasteful and can contribute to water pollution
- Fish energy requirements are lower than terrestrial animals (5-6% of mammals or birds)
- Low expenditure on supporting locomotion, heat production
What diagnostics can you use for secondary hyperparathyroidism?
Recheck within 1-2 weeks of starting on treatment
- Radiograph after 6 weeks to check the mineralization
of its bones. • A lengthy treatment as many gliders take 3 to 6
months to recover • Recovery may not be complete in some cases due to
bone remodeling
What are sugar gliders prone to in terms of nutritional related diseases? What would you see with this condition? What can be a cause?
- Nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism is not uncommon in sugar gliders fed a high
sugar/fruit diet
• Calcium, vitamin D, phosphorus deficiency or skewed Ca:P ratio
• Should rule out kidney disease although less common
• These animals usually have poor skeletal
• Multiple fractures- can include spinal fractures too
• Seizures due to hypocalcemia may occur
What is the issues with home cooked diets? Why do owners opt in?
• Many owners and vets prefer to feed pet home prepared diets.
◦ Distrust in pet food companies
◦ Family members-> anthropomorphism
◦ Decreased cost
• The reality
◦ Nutritional imbalance more common
◦ Usually more expensive, and more time consuming.
How can a beekeeper tell if a colony is malnourished?
- The amount of stored food
• The rate of incoming food
• The amount of royal jelly surrounding the larvae
What is important about the feeding biology of ferrets? What GI organs do they lack>
• Strict carnivores • Dentition designed for grasping and tearing
• Strong bite capable of crushing the skull of small prey
• Simple carnivore GI tract, with stomach,
duodenum, jejunum, and colon • Lack ileum and cecum, and colon is non sacculated
What occurs in the birds small and large intestines?
The small intestines:
- Bile and pancreatic secretions are transported into the distal duodenum and help with digestion of carbohydrate, protein and
Large intestines:
- The large intestines consists of paired caeca and a short straight
- The caeca are a site of fermentation and lymphatic tissue
- The straight intestine ends in the cloaca, along with the
urogenital tract
What occurs in birds with a thiamine deficiency? What is it most common in? What are the clinical signs? What is the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention:?
Most common in piscivorous birds (thiaminase release from fish)
Can occur in birds on all meat diet
CLINICAL SIGNS Neurological : opisthotonus, tremors, paralysis, ataxia
History, physical exam, and response to treatment
Parenteral therapy followed with oral supplementation
Oral supplementation as preventative measure
What changes in terms of requirements when birds are molting?
Molting (replacing feathers) requires specific nutrients, and has higher energy costs
- The energy is needed for the production and maintenance of feather pulps
- It can increase by 3-20% (at peak molt)
What are the energy requirements of rabbits? How do you syringe feed a rabbit? When should you abort trying to provide assisted feeding?
• Energy requirements: RER= 70 X Bodyweight (in kg)0.75 • Feeding with a syringe should be done slowly, allowing the patient to chew and swallow
• Do not feed a patient that is reluctant or when struggling, make sure they are also fully awake and able to masticate or they risk aspiration.
(though they tolerate it well normally)
How can fiber be a potential cause for issues relating to grain free diets and DCM?
• Taurine is conjugated to bile acids in
dogs and cats • Indigestible protein and fiber may alter
bacterial flora • Result in production of cardiac toxins
(as in people/rodents) or depletion of
How do you diagnosis birds with hepatic lipidosis?
DIAGNOSIS Serum liver enzymes and bile acids
Liver biopsy/aspirate (with pathology review)

How do bees know where the best forage locations are? What will be communicated to the other hive members?
Honey bees communicate food locations through dance language.
- Bees that have found a good source will return to the hive to tell others.
- She will communicate both the distance (energy needed) and direction (in relation to the sun.
What is swim bladder disease? How can this be treated?
- Swim bladder disease (swim bladder disorder or flipover) is common in aquarium fish
- The swim bladder is an internal gas-filled organ that contributes to the ability of a fish to control its buoyancy
- The disease may be caused by intestinal parasites or by constipation induced by high nitrate levels from over-feeding
- Some fish respond well to a high fiber meal such as cooked green pea (helps with constipation)
- If not- surgical repair
What are the groups of vegetarian birds and what do they eat?
- Frugivore (eats primarily fruit) - Granivore (eats grains)
- Nectarivore (feeds on flower nectar)
- Palynivores (feed on pollen)
What is the intestinal length of reptiles related to? What impacts gastric motility? What is the role of the pancreas? What about the liver?
- The intestinal length is related to the diet- herbivores have a longer GI tract than carnivores (takes longer to digest high fiber materials)
- Gastrointestinal motility is impacted by the presence of ingesta
- The pancreas has an important role in secreting digestive enzymes
- In some species it is mixed with the spleen to form ‘splenopancreas’
- Chitinase is secreted in species that eat insects
- Amylase is secreted in higher amounts in herbivorous and omnivorous reptiles
- The pancreas also secrets bicarbonate to alkalinize the intestinal lumen and allow for the activity of enzymes
- The liver produces bile that is secreted to the duodenum
What is malnutrition in fish? When is it usually not seen?
- Diet poor in protein, calcium and phosphorus or vitamin D can cause skeletal malformation, poor growth, and ascites
- These are not often seen with commercial formulated diets
What happens to the colony if the colony does not have sufficient food?
- The bees withhold food from the foragers
- The foragers die off
- The lack of forager hormones causes nurse bees to become
- The nurse bees eat the eggs and young larvae
- The colony has a dip in population
- May miss later bloom / not get enough honey/ raise enough
- The larvae that survive are stunted
- They are poor nurse bees, and are less able to raise the next generation
What are the clinical signs of hypervitaminosis A?
▪ Sinusitis/upper respiratory disease
▪ Recurring bacterial infections
▪ Blunted choanal papillae
▪ White nodular plaques in the oral cavity
▪ Hyperkeratosis of skin
▪ Gout and renal failure if ureters affected
▪ Decreased reproductive success

What are the associations surrounding CBD? Is there any published data? Any known risks?
- Hundreds of chemical compounds: Cannabinoids, Terpenoids, Flavanoids
- Growing use for a variety of conditions- cancer, joint disease, epilepsy, pain
- Very little published data- several clinical trials are underway
What are the clinical signs of hepatic lipidosis in birds? Is it primary or secondary?
Can occur as primary disease but more often secondary to obesity + anorexia
CLINICAL SIGNS Varies with severity- anorexia, depression, diarrhea, dyspnea, liver failure
What percent of a bees diet is from flowers?
What is controversial about assessing a pet who is on a raw diet?
- Pet owner opinion doesn’t mean the dog is healthy
- Dogs sometimes will present with intestinal / hepatic mysterious diseases that could be caused by raw diets.
What should you feed to raptors and piscivorous birds? What should you avoid? Should you provide supplements?
Feed whole prey. Do not gut prey. All meat diet leads to SNHP
Avoid fat prey items (e.g guinea pigs). Good source of properly euthanized preys
Fish high in PU fats, so feed fresh or properly stored fish and supplement with Vitamin E/Se
Fish: thiaminase, so add thiamine
Wha tis a common mistake beekeepers make in the summer?
Common mistake is to not provide enough carbs when colonies need to make wax.
The colony needs to create the comb AND fill it AND ripen it – in one season!
What occurs if there is a zinc deficiency in bird food? When must it be supplemented? What do you see in young chicks with zinc deficiency?
- Clinical signs are similar to those in other species including skin dermatosis, poor growth, and musculoskeletal disease - Zinc needs to be supplemented where plants with phytates are used as part of the meal unless phytase (an enzyme that breaks phytates) is included
- Zinc deficiency causes decreased laying and poor embryo development
- In young chicks: retarded growth, shortening and thickening of leg bones and enlargement of the hock joint, scaling of the skin (especially on the feet), very poor feathering
What are the energy requirements of birds?
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is used rather than RER
- Activity increases the metabolic rate.
- Perching requires 2x BMR
Preening Requires 2.2-2.5 X BMR
- Flying ( very taxing) requires 11-20 x BMR.
What is gout in birds? What lab values / diagnostics can be seen?
Elevated serum uric acid levels lead to crystal formation in joints or on organs surfaces
Excess protein (purine), calcium, Vitamin D3, renal disease and hypovitaminosis A have all been implicated
When can diets with appropriate vitamin E cause deficiencies?
- The diet should have sufficient vitamin E, especially if high in unsaturated fatty acids
- Diet that is stored long -> fat oxidation and vitamin E depletion
How can you hand rear baby psittacines?
Reasons to Hand Feed:
Tamer pets, double clutching, bad parenting
Formulas are very important
Problems for inexperiencedowners:
beak malformation, oral
trauma, crop burns and fistulas
How do you diagnose CKD in reptiles?
History and physical exam Kidneys may be enlarged Coelomic ultrasound
Biochemistry: elevated plasma phosphorus, calcium (low or high), uric acid and urea sometimes potassium may also be increased
What is grit? What does it do? How frequently should it be made available to birds? What about calcium grit?
- Hard insoluble granite grit should be available to the birds
- It helps food digestion in the ventriculus
- Should be made available 2-3 days a month
- Calcium grit can be provided but it does not last long as the calcium dissolves and absorbed
How should supplements be utilized in Psittacines?
Unnecessary when on balanced (formulated) diet
May be useful in a sick bird or when weaning to a pelleted diet
In the food, not in the water ( some vitamins will degrade in water, some change taste of H2O
Some birds will have difficulty changing to peletted diet.
Is it safe or ideal to feed a reptile cat or dog food? Who should it be avoided in?
- While these are not formulated for reptiles, dog food and cat food can be used temporarily in carnivorous reptiles
- Herbivores should not be fed these diets as the protein intake is excessive and can promote renal disease
- Avoid dog and cat food with high fat content since can cause GI signs
What occurs during winter?
Bees are adapted to survive long periods without incoming food.
In most temperate climates this is winter. In tropical climates this is often a dry season.
In either case, bees must rely on their stores.
Are nutritional deficiencies common in reptiles? What are the most common deficiencies? How can you minimize these risks?
- Except for reptiles that consume whole prey, nutritional deficiencies are common in pet reptiles
- VitaminD3andcalciumareamongstthemostcommonnutritionaldeficiencies in pet reptiles
- The risk of nutritional deficiencies can be minimized with a complete and balanced diet, gut loaded prey, correct husbandry, nutritious and varied vegetables, and sometimes supplements
How do we feed bees?
- Protein Patties
- Combo of egg/ soy proteins
- Many different brands
- Can buy premade or mix powder with syrup.
What causes secondary nutritional hyperparathyroidism in birds?
- Diets low in calcium, low in Vitamin D, or high in phosphorus
- All meat diets (and not whole prey) in raptors
- Bone is resorbed to maintain blood calcium concentrations leading to osteopenia
- Increased PTH seen
What is renal disease in reptiles? What can be seen? What lab values may be affected?
- Renal disease is common in reptiles
- Many reptiles don’t form much urea
- Uric acid (rather than creatinine) is used as major indicator of kidney function
- Uric acid can increase in carnivorous reptiles post prandially
- Phosphorus may increase
- Calcium may be decreased
- Inverse Ca:P ratio
- These can be early indicators
In rabbits: What is the common presentation of gI stasis in terms of diet? What are the clinical signs?
• Common presentation- rabbit fed an all
pelleted diet without hay, or ‘party mix diet’,
or due to diet change
• Inadequate fiber intake contributes to poor
• Clinical signs:
• Hyporexia/anorexia , Low fecal production- feces hard, small , Diminished GI sounds- borborygmi, Lethargy
What is the ratio of Ca++:P that can cause kidney failure in cats? What is the issue with cat food regarding this?
• currently no limitations of phosphorus that can be put in cat food. Need to establish maximum
What are ferrets amino acid requirements? What are their diets generally high in? Low in? Are there commercial diets available? What other diets are there?
• Ferrets have a requirement for
10 essential amino acids
• Diet generally high in fat
• Low glucokinase activity (like cats), diet typically low in carbohydrate
• Ferrets have a commercial diets available
• Relatively few brands
• Many grain-free diets
• Some people feed raw (or previously frozen-thawed) whole prey
What are the main take homes about fad diets, marketing, and impacts of particular ingredients?
• There are many fads in pet food that are not science based
• Despite this, many advocates are extremely passionate about them
• While arguments are rarely conducive, but providing as much information
can be important
• More research is required to understand the impact of various ingredients,
nutrients, and processing on the health of dogs and cats
When does the crop store food? what occurs while the food is within the crop? What are the two main parts of the stomach? What occurs in each?
The crop stores food when the gizzard is full
- The food softens and swells with water
- No chemical digestion in the crop/esophagus
- The stomach has two main parts- the proventriculus or the
glandular stomach, and the muscular stomach (gizzard)
- Proventriculus: The glandular cells secrete acid and pepsin
- The gizzard physically grinds the food
What reptiles are most affected by metabolic bone disease? What other species are?
- Green iguanas are among the most affected pet reptiles presented with this condition
- Other affected species: bearded dragons (Pogona vitticeps), Asian water dragons (Physignathus cocincinus), various chameleon species, leopard geckos (Eublepharis macularius), uromastyx (Uromastyx spp), Testudo spp, and Geochelone spp.
- Can happen in any reptile, including snakes
- Can also occur in amphibians
What is guinea pig scurvy? What are the clinical signs? How do you diagnosis it? Are there any lab tests?
- Many subclinical cases
• Clinical sigs: rough hair coat, anorexia,
diarrhea, teeth grinding, swollen and painful
joints, secondary infections, delayed wound
healing, lameness, internal hemorrhage
• Diagnosis based upon dietary history
• Serum ascorbic acid levels validated but rarely used
What are the associations surrounding Garlic in pet food? Is there any published data? Any known risks?
- For fleas & parasites
- No published information on efficacy
- Potential to induce Heinze-body anemia
What can birds be categorized by?
Birds can be categorized by their diet
- There are 23 groups of birds according to their diet
There are very many species of birds even within similar
groups- for example 9000 species of psittacine
- Some psittacines feed primarily on high fat nuts (macaws for example)
- Others feed on a much lower fat vegetation (Amazons)
Is calcium absorption dependent on vitamin D? What is Vitamin D required for? What are their calcium requirements?
- Calcium absorption is independent of
vitamin D in rabbits
• Vitamin D is needed for phosphorus absorption in rabbits
• Rabbits have similar calcium requirements to other species but are very efficient in calcium absorption
• Rabbits normally have high blood calcium
• Much higher than dogs or cats
• More calcium is excreted in the urine
What is important about reptile enclosures to prevent metabolic bone disease?
- For reptiles in terrariums and tanks, important to provide unfiltered, high quality full spectrum UV light bulb
- Temperature is critical for reptile metabolism and health
- Make sure a temperature gradient exist to allow the reptile to find an optimal temperature
- The UV light should not be filtered by glass or other filters - If the light is placed in the enclosure, be careful of burns
- Follow a normal day/night cycle
What are the components of a sugar gliders diet in captivity?
• Commercial formulated diet should account for about 50% of the diet
• Calcium-loaded insects (crickets, mealworms, waxworms, cockroaches, moths) • Fruits, nuts, and vegetables should be offered only in moderation
• Nectar/sap substitute (eg, fructose /sucrose/glucose or honey diluted to 10% with water)
• Nectar should account for up to less than 50%
of the diet
• Several nectar substitutes are commercially
• Acacia gum powder • Nectar diets meant for lory birds
• Eggs, lean meat, newborn mice can be
provided occasionally
What are Ratites ? What other birds can be treated simillarly nutritionally? What problems do they face? What should you feed them with?
Ratites, gees and ducks, pigeons and doves, chickens, turkeys, pheasants, quails and peafowl
Commercial diets available but not necessarily adequate.
Problems include rotational and angular limb deformity, angel (oar) wing, paresis and slipped tendon, rolled toes (riboflavin deficiency), etc..
What can you do for bees that do not get enough feed?
If bees don’t have enough food, beekeepers must move their bees to areas that have more food, or they must supplemental feed.
- Plant flowers
What is taurine?
Free amino acid present in several tissues in high concentration : Heart and retina
Taurine is conjugated into bile acids, similar to glycine. Dogs and cats use taurine rather than glycine, whereas other mammals may use either.
Dogs can make taurine from methionine or cysteine
What are important considerations about dental malocclusions? What treatments are available for dental malocclusions?
- Important to consider the molars and
premolars- not only the incisors - Use drill when trying to trim teeth, clippers can cause splinters/ fractures of teeth.
- Treatment: often repeated procedures are
required to evenly reduce crown height with a high-speed burr
• Diet change- once malocclusion is resolved increase fiber intake to encourage proper teeth wear
What is a source of carbohydrates for honeybees?
What occurs during hibernation/ Brumination in reptiles? What is the job of the organ with the crucial role during this time?
- Some reptiles would hibernate during the winter
- During this time, they would not move, feed, drink or defecate and rely on catabolism of fat stores
- The liver would have a crucial role in regulating blood sugar levels and protein metabolism and catabolism
- Its important that the animal is healthy and in good body condition before brumation
What is a sign of dehydration or hypovitaminosis A?
Dysecdysis ( incomoplete shed)

What are the groups of carnivorous birds and what do they eat?
- Avivorous birds: eat birds
- Carnivorous birds: eat meat
- Insectivorous birds: eat insects
- Molluscivorous: feed on mollusks
- Piscivorous: feed on fish
What are common insect proteins used in petfood currently?
The common insect proteins used in petfood presently include black soldier fly larva and crickets
What is tibial dyschondroplasia? Where is it seen? What is its cause? What are the clinical signs? How can it be prevented?
- A disease that is characterized by an abnormal cartilage mass in the proximal head of the tibiotarsus
- Likely genetic + nutritional background
- Mostly in fast growers
- Signs can occur early but more usually are not initially seen until 14–25 days of age
Signs: Pain, Decreased ambulation, Stiff gait
Prevention: Can be preventable by slowing down growth rate and a balanced diet with respect to calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D3

Are all dogs low in taurine that reported DCM from a grain free diet? Were there ingredients that were implicated?
Some ingredients implicated: potatoes, sweet potatoes, legumes
What are the clinical signs of vitamin A deficiency?
Clinical signs:
- Cheese-like, but odorless, discharge from one or more eye
- Extremely thin birds (i.e., emaciation)
- Weak and/or uncoordinated birds
- Ruffled feathers
- Eyelids stuck together (referred to as sicca) - Water discharge from the throat (referred to as roup), nostrils or eyes
- Egg production and hatchability decrease in adults
(Looks like it has pinkeye)
What are the associations surrounding apple cider vinegar in pet food? Is there any published data? Any known risks?
- Used to treat a variety of skin issues, UTI, digestion, clean teeth
- May have some antifungal activity, used in dogs with yeast otitis
- Risks for skin burns, teeth erosion
What is the protein requirements for fish?
- Fish have requirements for protein and essential amino acids
- Carnivore fish are in constant gluconeogenesis (like cats)
- Protein requirements are highest for growth and reproduction
- Requirements for total protein vary by species, but essential amino acid requirements are similar
Excess protein→excess ammonia
Decreased water quality in a closed system
What is the treatment for birds with hepatic lipidosis? What is the prognosis?
Supportive and symptomatic
Tube feedings
Thermal support - O2 cages with warmth typically ideal.
Minimize stress -> only handle when necessary
Lactulose (for hepatic encephalopathy)
Vitamin K as needed ( if hemmorhaging add vit K)
PROGNOSIS: Varies with severity, and ability to correct underlying problems
Grain Free and DCM? Is it real? Should we be concerned?
From January 1, 2014 to November 30, 2018, 300 cases of DCM were reported to the FDA
• November 30, 2018 to April 30, 2019 236 additional cases reported
• The FDA reported that 90% of the diets named in the reports that had received
were grain-free, though 10% do contain grains
- The FDA states that nearly all of the grain-free products had adequate levels of
methionine-cystine (above the Association of American Feed Control Officials
(AAFCO) minimum nutritional requirement of 0.65%) and that they are still
gathering information to understand “if (and how) taurine metabolism may have a role in these reports
What is the concern with dental malocclusions in rabbits? What can contribute to it? How severe can it become, and what complications can occur?
• Dental malocclusion in rabbits and
rodents is much more prevalent in
animals fed a low roughage diet
• Party mixes, grains, excess fruit can all
• Vicious cycle- dental disease may make it
- In guinea pigs- hypovitaminosis C may be a
contributing factor
harder to chew fiber
• Malocclusion may be quite severe and
may develop to secondary abscessation
which may have a significant negative
impact on quality of life
What happens if there is insufficient honey in the hive?
If there is insufficient honey in the hive, the bees will starve/ freeze.
As carnivores do cats need fiber? What purpose does fiber serve?
yes they do
• Fiber:
• Prebiotic
• Promotes satiety
• Protection
• Regulates GI transit • Indigestible tissues such as collagen, hair that
behave similar to fiber in the gut
Why should you not feed bees honey/ pollen from other hives? Where else should you not source honey from?
Do not get honey from the store. This can cause disease spread and is not ideal. Make sure they have enough food to make there own honey.
What can occur with ferrets that are overweight, that become anorexic? What animal is it similar to? How can you intervene/ prevent?
• Like cats, overweight ferrets that are
anorexic may develop complications
associated with a catabolic state,
including hepatic lipidosis
• Therefore, nutritional intervention is
important to prevent this
• There are formulated powdered, high
fat and high protein diets that ferrets
regularly accept
What is problematic for dogs with liver failure?
What should the diet breakdown be for psittacine Nutrition?
Key to proper health
70-80% Main Diet
Pellet based or homemade diet
20-30% Remaining Diet
Fruit -only small amounts
Seeds - only as a treat
If they are not feeding pellets, likely diet is unbalanced.
Avocados are toxic and can cause dyspnea and respiratory distress
What stage of honey bee needs a lot of protein?
Larva + Nurse
What is metabolic bone disease? What is vitamin D important for? Why is lighting paramount in prevention of metabolic bone disease?
- Metabolic bone disease is a general name for diseases that result in poor bone mineralization due to deficiency in calcium, vitamin D3 or unbalanced calcium: phosphorus ratio
- Vitamin D is important for absorption of calcium and phosphorus and for their deposition in the skeleton
- Vitamin D3 in some species is not absorbed as efficiently as it is metabolized by full spectrum UV light
- Therefore, lighting is paramount in prevention of metabolic bone disease
How can pain cause GI stasis in rabbits?
Pain activates sympathetic, which will inhibit parasympathetic which is responsible for GI motility.
What clinical signs can you see in a rabbit or guinea pig with urolithiasis? How can it be diagnosed? What will you feel on physical exam/ palpation?
- Presentation: depression, anorexia, lethargy, hematuria, stranguria, and teeth grinding.
- The urinary bladder may be palpably enlarged and firm (particularly in rabbits)
- Imaging with abdominal ultrasound or radiographs would confirm the diagnosis.
What kind of food do rats eat? What is Neophobic? How do we know what they need? What can provide them nutritionally what they need
• Rats are highly adaptable in their diet
and can eat a variety of foods
• May be neophobic- will not try new
foods unless exposed to them at a
young age
• Since rats are used as lab animals, their nutritional requirements are well researched and understood
• Commercial pellets can provide a rat
their entire nutrition with no need to
What is the concern with processed food in the general population?
• Malliard Rxn products: Mutagenic activity and heterocyclic amine carcinogens in commercial pet foods.
Found to be extremely minimal and non harmful
What are the most common allergens in adverse food responses?
- Beef
- Chicken
- Corn
- Wheat
- Cow’s milk
- Soy
- Eggs
- Fish
What determines fat content in avian diets? What are the kcal/kg content of diets for meat type birds, will it contain more or less fat? When may it be beneficial to use lower fat diets and why?
- Fat content may differ according to the bird and the goals
(meat/egg/pet) - Diets for meat-type birds, for example, will contain over 3,000 kcal per kilogram and are higher in fat
Higher fat and lower protein diets may be used in the summer as less heat is produced by fat metabolism
What is the treatment of nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism in sugar gliders?
• Treatment:
• If fractures are present- adjust the caging to provide less climbing and gliding
• The cage should have smooth sides so that the glider cannot climb
• A plastic container may work or a large aquarium
• Place food and water in shallow dishes on the bottom of its cage
• Do not provide any climbing structures
• Some sugar gliders may not be able to groom, and may need the owner to help
clean them regularly
• Calcium globionate given for several
months until bone quality improves
• Calcitonin may be provided
• Consider analgesia such as meloxicam.
- Seizures can be controlled with calcium lactate.