Exam 2, SIMPLE GUIDE Flashcards
What is the definition of “Semiotics”?
The study of signs, semiotics, concerns the principles by which signification occurs. (Study of how communication is possible)
What are the 5 key terms and principles of “Semiotics”?
- Sign
- Signifier
- Signified
- Denotative and connotative meanings
- Text
What is a “Symbol”?
Symbols are meanings that can be experiences with senses and used by organizational members to make meaning.
Can organizational members make meanings of OC through Symbols?
What is the definition of a “Sign”?
Something that can be interpreted as having meaning. Which is something other than itself. Under sign, you have ICON,INDEX,SYMBOL
What is the definition for “Denotation”?
Refers to the literal meaning of the word. The (Dictionary Definition)
What is the definition for “Connotation”?
Refers to the associations that are connected to a certain word or the emotional suggestions related to that word. (EX - The connotation for “Snake” could include evil or danger)
What is the definition for “Metaphor”?
A figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable
What is a “Artifact”?
A tangible, observable entity (See,Touch,Smell,Taste (Example - The honor Code at CU. It is observable in multiple classrooms)
What is a “Practice”?
Generic and routine dimensions of communication acts. Communication is shaped by the culture of the organization. (Example - “Was that a threat?” “Yes it was”)
What is a “Code”?
A set of rules for combining / substituting signs.
What are two types of codes?
- Pragmatic Code
2. Syntagmatic Code
What is a “Pragmatic Code”?
It two signs exist in the same category, they can be substituted for each other. (Ex - A gift for teacher that got promotion)
What is a “Syntagmatic Code”?
Represents how signs could be combined in sequence. (Its a retirement party, for someone you worked with for years, You understand that things should happen in a specific sequence. (Beginning, Middle, End)
What is the definition for “Objective-Time”?
Describes linear, irreversible, and regular units that occur either once or cyclonicly. Like time of birth, time of death, seasons. (Example - “Is it time for lunch?”)
Is “Objective-Time” clock based, or event based?
Clock Based
Is “Subjective-Time” clock based or event based?
Event Based
What is the definition for “Subjective-Time”?
Socially constructed, cultural groups create different types of time that becomes shared meanings (Example - Work or family time, siesta time, prayer time)
What is “Temporal Diversification”?
Different conceptions of time. (Example - Different religions dates, Christianity, Islam.)
What is the definition of “Chronocentrism”?
The human tendency to believe in the truth or superiority of ones conceptions of time.
What is the definition of “Polychronic” time?
The tendency to do multiple activitirities as a time.
What is the definition of “Monochronic” time?
Both at an individual and cultural levels, things that are done one at a time is segmented into precise, small units
What is “Entrainment”?
Synchronized oscillation (movement back and fourth) of activities.
What is “Punctuality”?
Being “on time” or “Schedule Adherence”
What is “Temporal Perception”?
An individual, that has an experience of time.
What is “Temporal personality”?
Individuals actions in regard to time.
What are the 4 levels of the OC pyramid, from bottom to top?
- Basic
- Process
- Subjective
- Satisfaction
What does the “Basic” level mean, from the OC pyramid?
Most basic elements of an organization, that are similar to employees. These are mostly artifacts. (Example - Artifacts, such as the organization mission statement is a basic level.)
What does the “Process” level mean, from the OC pyramid?
Focuses on the transmission of messages and information in the organization. (Example - Voicemail, Email, Bulletin boards, newsletters, memos, meetings)
What does the “Subjective” level mean, from the OC pyramid?
Issues such as trust, identification, cohesion, perceived messages. (example - “I want to know who I can trust, and who I cant, Other employees helped me figure this out”)
What is the “Satisfaction” level mean, from the OC pyramid?
Looks at employee satisfaction, and customer satisfaction. (What is the relationship between your interaction with customers or clients and you interaction with co-workers)
How can “Quantitative Measures” be useful to OC analysis?
Surveys can be useful and efficient in tapping into an organizations culture. (Ex - Can examine how employees evaluate the culture in its present form to what they would prefer. (Number Representations)
What are the three things that can be interpreted under a sign?
- Icon
- Index
- Symbol
Under a sign, what does “Icon” mean?
Something where the sign, and the thing it stands for has a physical resemblance (ex - When you walk in front of old main, and you see a statue of a man, that is the poet Robert Frost, but it is a object that resembles a mortal human. A photograph is a resemblance for a thing that is stands for.)
Under a sign, What does “Index mean?
physical sign that has a physical cause effect connection between the thing and the thing it stands for, (ex - a footprint on the beach)
Under a sign, what does a “Symbol” mean?
Symbols are things that can be experienced with the senses and used by organization members to make meaning?
What are “Messages”?
Discrete symbolic forms that encode and transmit information (EX - the messages behind specific emogies that are used)
What is “Discourse”?
Distinctive ways of speaking or writing in a situation (Ex - Firefighters have specific ways of speaking.)
What is a “Metaphor”?
Associating phenomenon with something that is relatively familiar (Ex - As a company “We are family around here”)
What is a “Narrative”?
A vivid memorable representation f actual or imagined experience (Ex - Construction of cause and effect relationships)
What is a “Text”?
Complex symbolic objects.
What does “Hybrid” artifacts include?
Discursive and non-Discursive elements (Ritual/Performances)
What is a “Performance”?
How employees express to give certain perceptions of an organization. (When employees Dance inCold Stone) - Relate to theater, like playing a role.
What is a “Ritual”?
Something that happens, Out of the ordinary, Carefully planned staged and arranged. (Example - Graduation, After finishing School)
What does “Non-Discursive” Artifacts include?
Space / Time
What does “Discursive” Artifacts include?
Metaphor / Messages / Storytelling