Exam 2 People To Know Flashcards
Travis Hirschi
Social control theory
Thostein Veblen
Described the class habits of Americans as conspicuous consumption meaning the ostentatious display of goods to define ones social status.
W I Thomas
Differential association theory
Louis Wirth
1920s observed Chicago and argued that the city was a center of distant, cold interpersonal interaction
Herbert Gans
Studied Boston in the late 1950s and concluded that many city residents develop strong loyalties to others characterized by a sense of community.
Georg simmel
Argued that urban living caused people to be uncaring of the many around them.
Kurgan Habermas
Along with Marx contended that the personal feelings of helplessness that accompany modernization are due to inequalities and are inevitable products of the capitalistic system.
Herbert Marcuse
Argues that modernized society fails to meet the basic needs of people, among them the need for a fulfilling identity.
Max Weber
Contented life chances theory
Melvin Oliver and Thomas Shapiro
Sedimentation of racial inequality- wealth accumulates over time
Max Weber dimensions of society
Class (economic)
Status (prestige/cultural)
Party (power)
William Julius Wilson
Analyst of poverty and racial inequality wrote “the ultimate basis for current racial tension is the deleterious effect of basic structural changes in the modern American economy on Black and White lower income groups, changes that include uneven economic growth, increasing technology and automation, industry relocation and labor market segmentation”
Immanuel Wallerstein
World systems theory
Wrote “The Modern World System 1 and 2”
Cornel West
Race matters and still matters a lot
Lawrence BoBp
Such post racial dreams must confront American realities
Nell Painter
Historian who contributed to the development of the new field of “whiteness studies”in demonstrating the racial formation and social construction aspect of defining who is white.
Oliver and Shapiro
The blacks were the first in and the last out