Chapter 7 Flashcards
Medicalization of deviance
Explanations of deviant behavior that interpret deviance as the result of individual pathology or sickness
Index crimes
The FBI’s tallying of violent crimes of murder or manslaughter, rape, robbery, aggravated assault plus property crimes.
Ponzi scheme
A criminal method of using new investors funds to the original investors under the guise that you invested in stocks and bonds.
Racial profiling
The use of race alone is a criteria for deciding whether to stop and detain someone on suspicion of having committed a crime.
Social control theory
Theory that explains deviance as the result of the weakening of social bonds.
Labeling theory
A theory that interprets the responses of others is most significant in understanding deviant behavior.
The condition existing with social regulations/norms in a society breakdown.
Hate Crimes
Assaults and other malicious acts(including crimes against property) motivated by various forms of bias, including that based on race, religion, and sexual orientation, ethnic and national origin, or disability.
Master status
Some characteristics of a person that overrides all other features of the person’s identity.
Elite deviance
The wrongdoing of powerful individuals and organizations.
One form of deviance; specifically, behavior that violates criminal laws.
Anomic suicide
The type of suicide occurring when there are disintegrating forces in the society that make the visuals feel lost or long.
Deviant career
Continuing to be labeled as deviant even after the initial (primary) deviance may have ceased.
Organized crime
Crime committed by organized groups, typically involving the illegal provision of goods and services to others.
Egoistic suicide
The type of suicide that occurs in people feel totally detached from society.
Property crimes
Crimes involving theft of or harm to property without bodily harm to the victim.
Altruistic suicide
The type of suicide that can occur when there is excessive regulation of individuals by social forces.
Differential Association theory
Theory that interprets deviance is behavior one learns through interaction with others.
Structural string theory
A theory that interprets deviance is originating in the tensions that exist in society between cultural goals and the mean people have to achieve those goals
Cyber terrorism
The use of the computer to commit one or more terrorist acts.
Deviant community
Groups that are organized around particular forms of social deviance.
Hate crime
Salt and other malicious acts motivated by various forms of bias, including that based on race, religion, sexual orientation, or disability.
The study of crime from a scientific perspective.
Behavior that is recognized as violating expected rules and norms.
An attribute that is socially devalued and discredited.
Victim-less crimes
Violations of law not listed in the FBI’s serious crime index, such as gambling or prostitution.
A form of terrorism involving the dispersion of chemical or biological substances intended to cause widespread disease and death.
Deviant career
Continuing to be labeled as deviant even after the initial deviance may have ceased.
Deviant identity
The definition a person has of himself or herself as a deviant.
A form of terrorism involving the dispersion of chemical or biological substances intended to cause widespread disease and death.
Deviant identity
The definition a person has of himself or herself as a deviant.
Personal crimes
Violent or nonviolent crimes directed against people
Structural strain theory
A theory that interprets deviance as originating in the tensions that exist in society between cultural goals and the means people have to achieve those goals.