Chapters 1-6 Names To Know Flashcards
Harriet martineau
One of the earliest observers of American society, a British citizen. Wrote “society in America” also wrote how to “observe morals and manners”
Auguste Comte
Created the term “sociology” and founded positivism, a belief that scientific observation is the highest form of knowledge.
Emile Durkheim
Founder of functionalism, created famous theories on why suicide occurs.
C. Wright mills
Wrote the Sociological Imagination which defines as the ability to see the societal patterns that influence the individuals actions and groups actions.
Alexis de Tocqueville
Wrote “democracy in America”French, traveled to the US and concluded the tyranny of kings had been replaced by the tyranny of the majority. He thought Americans had little independence. They were anxious about social positions.
W.E.B. Du Bois
Cofounder of NAACP (national association for the advancement of colored people). First PhD ever awarded to a Black person from Harvard University. Wrote “The Philadelphia Negro”
Jane Adams
Nobel peace prize winner, worked with the Chicago school and helped disadvantaged people.
Karl Marx
Founder of conflict theory
Fried rich Engals
Marxs lesser know partner
Edward Sapir
Creator of the Sapir-Whorf theory high essentially states that a persons reality is created by the language they speak. Like a lens
Charles Darwin
Early innovator and creator of the survival of the fittest concept
Max Weber
Studied under Marx and expanded upon Marx’s work. Came up with the three dimensions of society:
- Political institutions
- Economic institutions
- Cultural institutions
Muzafer Sherif
Created the robbers cave social experiment based on group and competitive dynamics.
Sigmund Freud
Creator of the psychoanalytical perspective model and the id, ego, and superego iceberg concept.
George Herbert Mead
A Chicago school theorist, stated that social roles are the basis of all social interaction. Taking the role of the other, came up with stages of development: imitation stage, play stage, game stage.
Charles Horton Cooley
Chicago school theorist, worked with mead. Came up with the concept of looking glass self.
- How we think we appear to others
- How we think others judge us
- How we feel about the first two
Georg W.F. Hegal
A German philosopher whom Marx based his original work upon. An idealist philosopher who theorized that ideas were the basis of human reality. What we think is our reality.
Came up with the dialectic process of social progress.
W.I. Thomas
Creator of the in group vs out group theory.
Erving Goffman
Described coercive organizations as total institutions. Such as prisons.
Stanley Milgram
Created the famous learner/teacher shock experiment. He was measuring the limits of social pressure.
Philip Zimbardo
Creator of the Stanford prison experiment that revealed role fulfilling tendencies and dissociation.
George Ritzer
Theorized that the problems with bureaucracy can have effects on the total society, coined Mcdonaldization. Ritzer noticed that the characterizations of fast food restaurants are starting to bleed into society.
Ida B. Wells Barnett
Barnett lead a campaign against the lynching of African American people, her earlier work is lesser known.
Robert Merton
Creator of the Manifest (intended) and latent (unintended) functions.
Carol Gilligan
Author of “in a different voice” prevalent gender studies.
Robert Putnam
Wrote “bowling alone”
Pointed out the decline in civic engagement. (Participation in voluntary organizations, religious activities, and other forms of public life.
Solomon Ashe
Created the conformity experiment with the line.
Cecilia Ridgeway
Wrote “framed by gender”
Thought that gender was a system of social practices.
Did experiment on women’s advancement