Chapter 14 Flashcards
Teacher expectancy effect:
the effect of the teachers expectations on accident actual performance, independent of the students ability.
Brown versus Board of Education:
the 1954 Supreme Court decision that ruled separate but equal public facilities to be unconstitutional
Individualized education programs:
a list of programs and services available at a school to help students successfully learn; programs include options for students with both learning disabilities and physical disabilities.
Stereotype threat:
the effect of a negative stereotype about one’s self upon one’s own test performance.
Self-fulfilling prophecy:
the process by which merely applying a label changes behavior and thus tends to justify the label
socialization that involves formal and institutionalized aspects of education.
Latent functions:
subtle, unintended consequences of an institutional element of which the participants (the people) are usually unaware
Affordable care act:
: the nation’s health care reform law that has extended some healthcare insurance to larger segments of the US population.
grouping, or stratifying, students in school on the basis of ability test scores.
Cultural capital:
cultural resource that are socially designated as being worthy and that give advantages to groups possessing such capital.
an attribute that is socially devalued and discredited.
a classification of someone who is severely overweight and at risk for a variety of health problems
a governmental assistance program that provides healthcare’s assistance for the poor, including the elderly.
Achievement test:
test intended to measure what is actually learned rather than potential
a governmental assistance program established in the 1960s to provide health services for older Americans.