Chapter 4 Flashcards
Significant others
Those with whine we have a close affiliation.
Life course
The connection between people’s personal attributes, the roles they occupy, the life events they experience, and the social and historical context of these events.
How one defines oneself.
Age discrimination
Different and unequal treatment of people based solely on their age.
A process by which a part of culture becomes incorporated into the personality.
Looking glass self
The idea that people’s conception of self arises through reflection about their relationships to others.
The process by which existing social roles are radically altered or replaced.
Psychoanalytic theory
A theory of socialization positing that the unconscious mind shapes human behavior.
Self concept
A persons image and evaluation of important aspects of oneself.
Those of similar status
Generalized other
An abstract composite of social roles and social expectations.
Play stage
Th stage in childhood when children begin to take on the roles of significant people in their environment.
Rite of passage
Ceremony or ritual that symbolizes the passage of an individual from one role to another.
Disengagement theory
Theory predicting that as people age, they gradually withdraw from participation in society and are simultaneously relieved of responsibilities.
The process through which people learn the expectations of society.