Exam 2: Lecture 16: Pelvic Cavity, retroperitoneum & urinary system Flashcards
What is the main component of the pelvic cavity?
-The bony pelvis
What makes up the “bony pelvis”?
-Sacrum (dorsal part of pelvis)
-Os Coxae (fusion of ilium, ischium, pubic)
-Pelvic symphysis
How does the pelvic symphysis ossify in the horse?
-Ossifies from the pelvic bone 1st, then goes caudal to the ischial bone
-(ossifies cranial to caudal)
What is the terminal line of the pelvic inlet?
-The pelvic brim
What does the pelvic brim look like in mares and stallions?
-Mares = rounder
-Stallions = ovoid (ventral part narrower in stallions)
What makes up the terminal line of the pelvic inlet?
-Body of ileum laterally
-Right and left cranial branch of the pubis
The pelvic outlet is ____ than the pelvic inlet
Which is more flexible, the pelvic inlet or the pelvic outlet?
-Pelvic outlet b/c of the ligaments and muscles
When looking at the pelvic outlet from the outside, what is the central part?
-The anus
The vulva is ___ in the pelvic outlet and “sits” _____
-Vulva is ventral in pelvic outlet
-“Sits” in ischial arch
What are the dorsal, lateral, and ventral borders of the pelvic outlet?
-Dorsal: 1st caudal vertebrae
-Lateral: Sacrosciatic lig. & pelvic diaphragm
-Ventral: Ischiatic arch
What is indicated by the pink line?
-Sciatic ligament
What type of joint is the sacroiliac joint & why?
-Modified synovial joint b/c the auricular surfaces of the wing of sacrum & wing of ilium meet
What is inside the sacroiliac joint?
-Hyaline cartilage
-Supporting ligaments (dorsal sacroiliac lig., ventral sacroiliac lig., interosseous lig.)
Does the sacroiliac joint move much & why does this matter?
-Important b/c this joint is going to pass all the force from the strength from the left to the spine (so need a little bit of movement but not too much)
What is indicated by the red arrows?
-Sacroiliac joint
The dorsal sacroiliac ligament is ____ to the sacroiliac joint
The ventral sacroiliac ligament is ____ to the sacroiliac joint
The interosseous ligament is ____ the sacroiliac joint
What ligament is indicated by the pink star?
The sacrosciatic ligament in the horse is similar to what ligament in the dog?
-Sacrotuberous ligament
What is the fancy name for the sacrotuberous ligament?
-Sacrotuberale latum
What are the boundaries of the sacrosciatic ligament?
-Lateral sacrum (& 1st caudal vertebrae) to ilium & ischium
-Greater ischiatic notch (foramen)
-Lesser ischiatic notch (foramen)
What goes through the greater ischiatic notch (foramen)?
-Lumbosacral trunk
-Cranial gluteal artery & vein
What does through the lesser ischiatic notch (foramen)?
-Tendon of internal obturator in the horse
What is important to remember about the ligaments in the sacroiliac joint?
-There are strong ligaments inside this joint
The urinary system consists of 6 organs, what are they?
-2 kidneys
-2 ureters
-1 urinary bladder
-1 urethra
What do the kidneys do?
-Filter blood & produce urine
-Remove waste products & convert filtrate into urine
-Produce renin & erythropoietin (2 important physiologic hormones)
What do the ureters do?
-Transport urine from the kidney to the bladder
What does the urinary bladder do?
-Expandable muscular sac
-Blind sac that stores urine
What does the urethra do?
-Eliminates urine from the body
What is the difference in the urethras between males and females?
-The length of the urethra (longer in males)
What is indicated by the blue arrow?
-Adrenal gland
What is indicated by the blue arrow?
What is indicated by the blue arrow?
What is indicated by the blue arrow?
-Urinary bladder
Where are the kidneys located?
-Retroperitoneal “behind the peritoneum”
The ____ kidney is more cranial
Where is the right vs left kidney located?
-Right = ~16th-17th rib
-Left = ~ last rib & 1st transverse process of lumbar vertebrae
Where exactly is the right kidney located (more than rib #)
-Cranial pole is in the renal fossa in the liver
-Dorsal border against the diaphragm
Both right and left kidneys are between
-The thoracolumbar junction & paralumbar fossa
The kidneys are covered in
-Perinephric fat and a fibrous capsule
What is located medially and close to the cranial pole of both kidneys?
-The adrenal glands
What is the shape of the left vs. right kidney of the horse?
-Left kidney = bean shaped & smooth
-Right kidney = heart shaped & smooth
The outer part of the kidney is the _____ and contains
-Contains renal corpuscles & convoluted tubules
The inner part of the kidney is the _____ and contains
-Contains long loops of Henle & collecting ducts
The union of every single papillae of every single pyramid in the kidney is called
-Renal crest
What is indicated by the blue arrow?
-Renal pelvis
What is indicated by the blue arrow?
-Terminal recess
What is indicated by the blue arrow?
-Unipapillary with renal crest
What is indicated by the blue arrow?
-Terminal recesses
What is indicated by the blue arrow?
-Renal pelvis
What is indicated by the blue arrow?
-Terminal recess (w/ injected papillary ducts)
What is indicated by the blue arrow?
-Terminal recess (w/ injected papillary ducts)
What is indicated by the blue arrow?
The right kidney is located _______ and is found _____ on ultrasound
-Located ventral to last 2 or 3 ribs & 1st lumbar transverse process
-Find transcutaneously on ultrasound
The left kidney is located _____ and is found _____ on ultrasound
-Located ventral to the last rib & 1st 2 or 3 lumbar processes
-Find transcutaneously & rectally on ultrasound
What is the nephrosplenic (renosplenic) ligament?
-Peritoneal fold between organs (joins the spleen w/ the kidney)
-Entrapment zone for small & large intestines
What would you do to the spleen to fix an entrapment in the nephrosplenic ligament?
-In horses the spleen has ~30% of the whole blood of the body (so a lot) so you can take blood out of the spleen (by exercise or drugs) to remove the entrapment
-Last resort: consider surgery for entrapment
What is indicated by the blue arrow?
-Left kidney
What is indicated by the blue arrow?
What is indicated by the blue arrow?
-Dorsal left colon
What is indicated by the blue arrow?
-Ventral left colon
What is indicated by the blue arrow?
-Nephrosplenic ligament
Where is the urinary bladder located?
-Retroperitoneal (behind the peritoneum)
-Sits inside the pelvic cavity when empty
What ligaments are attached to the bladder?
-Two lateral ligaments
-One median ligament
The urethra is wrapped with
-Urethralis muscle
What is the urethra like in mares?
-Short and wide