Exam 2 - Infant Feeding Flashcards
name at least 4 newborn feeding cues
(1) rapid eye movement under lids
(2) suckling movements
(3) hand to mouth movements
(4) body movements
(5) small sounds
(6) rooting
(7) crying is LAST hunger cue
at one month, the baby’s stomach is as big as ___
an egg
day 3 of a baby’s life, the stomach is as big as ___
a walnut
what are the 3 types of milk?
(1) colostrum
(2) transitional milk
(3) mature milk
when does colostrum occur?
first 2-3 days
yellow in appearance, thick, high in protein, includes fat soluble vitamins, minerals, and immunoglobulins
higher concentration of fat, lactose, and water soluble vitamins
transitional milk
when does transitional milk occur?
3-4 days to 2 weeks after birth
_____ is 10% carbs/protein/fat and 90% water
mature milk
high in H2O, vitamins, and protein
higher fat concentration
name the 3 types of feeding
(1) direct
(2) breastmilk fed (bottle)
(3) formula
colostrum development begins as early as ___
12-16 weeks
milk is produced in the ____ of the breasts
most of the milk is produced when ___
an infant is sucking
which hormones are involved in milk production?
prolactin and oxytocin
____ stimulates milk production made by the anterior pituitary
____ causes milk letdown or milk-ejection reflex made by posterior pituitary
milk letdown increases in response to ___
nipple stimulation
_____ is supply & demand
human milk removal
if milk is not removed from breast, what happens?
negative feedback results in decreased prolactin secretion and decreased milk production
name the benefits of breastfeeding for the infant
(1) reduces allergies, infections
(2) tailored to meet specific nutrition needs
(3) easily digestible & reduces constipation
(4) promotes healthy portion control
(5) not reliant on clean water access
name the benefits of breastfeeding for the BF person
(1) oxytocin release enhances uterine involution, reduces blood loss, and delays return of menses
(2) reduce risk of certain cancers
(3) promotes rest during feedings
(4) frequent skin-to-skin
(5) more convenient and economical
_____ release enhances uterine involution, reduces blood loss, and delays return of menses
what are the benefits of formula for the infant?
(1) lactose free formulas
(2) high calorie formulas
(3) supplemental if need to gain weight
what are the benefits of formula for the caregiver?
(1) not every breast is made to BF
(2) other people can help
(3) mental health benefits
what is the nursing role in breastfeeding?
(1) assist with first latch
(2) assess patient’s breasts & nipples
(3) assess knowledge & provide education positioning
(4) address common concerns
(5) provide resources
(6) assist with prep and cleaning of bottles
how do you elicit a latch?
wake the infant and open mouth
what is the typical suckling pattern?
suck, swallow, breathe
the frequency of feeding should be
on demand
in general, the length of the feedings should ___
be decided by the infant
when should the length of feedings NOT be decided by the infant?
(1) poor weight gain, (2) poor transfer
LATCH stands for
L = latch
A = audible swallowing
T = type of nipple
C = comfort
H = hold (positioning)
how do you know if baby is getting enough food?
counting wet and poopy diapers
key areas for discharge teaching include
(1) bra choice
(2) feeding frequency
(3) feeding process
(4) engorgement relief
(5) nipple care
(6) hydration
non-breastfeeding clients should learn ___ and ___
lactation suppression; engorgement relief