Exam 15 Flashcards
Question 1:
As the Chief, the potential of a structure collapse is a major concern. All of the following are “indicators” of a collapse except?
A: Heavy floor loading
B: Soft or spongy feeling as you walk on a floor or roof
C: Rumbling noises or heavy puffs of smoke
D: Fire/destruction of wood, heating of cast iron or unprotected steel
D - Explanation:
Collapse 1.4
D Fire/destruction of wood, heating of cast iron or unprotected steel is a CAUSE of a collapse
This section is tricky (differences between cause and an indicator of a collapse) Ex: A water main break is a cause of a collapse
Question 2:
On the way out the door at the end of the tour, BC Gottago asks you to review four CIDS cards submitted by the Engine 99 officer during the day tour. According to department guidelines, which request is CORRECT regarding Tower Ladder responses on the initial alarm for fires in these buildings?
A: Ensure a TL response on the initial alarm for responses to Foreign Embassies.
B: Ensure a TL response on the initial alarm for responses to EIFS buildings.
C: Ensure a TL response on the initial alarm for responses to Con Edison facilities.
D: Ensure a TL response on the initial alarm for responses to Cell Site building.
D is correct. AUC 331 6.4
C – Incorrect – AUC 338 mentions TL’s extensively, but CIDS and initial response are not mentioned.
B – Incorrect – AUC 362 Special call an additional eng and truck including a TL if not on initial assignment in an EIFS building. 2.8
A – Incorrect – ABC 1/2010 – CHIEF OFFICERS (not company officers) shall evaluate if an enhanced minimum response is required for these facilities, and/or if the response of a Tower Ladder is required on the initial alarm. 3.1
Hopefully this isn’t viewed as too tight. Choice A was specifically listed a chief responsibility.
Question 3:
For the first time in FDNY history, BC Nugent responded to an Iroquois pipeline leak and a Buckeye pipeline leak during a category 3 Hurricane. He only acted correctly in which choice?
A: BC Nugent responded to the predetermined Command Post located at 500 Food Center Drive and transmitted a 2nd alarm for a confirmed leak for the Buckeye pipeline
B: Upon arrival at a confirmed Buckeye pipeline leak, BC Nugent transmitted a 10-75 for the street box closest to the reported location
C: During the shutting of the Buckeye pipeline valves, BC Nugent ensured the units turned the wrench 48 half turns counter clockwise to shut valve
D: While operating at the Buckeye pipeline leak, a RRV Task Force unit approached BC Nugent and claimed the DARS and 800 MHz are not working. BC Nugent told the FF from the RRV unit to use the contingency communication method, which is the cell phone
A- The highest-ranking FDNY Officer shall be designated the IC and respond to the ICP which is located at 500 Food Center Drive for an Iroquois gas pipeline leak (AUC 150 sec 4)
B- Upon arrival at a confirmed Buckeye pipeline leak, BC Nugent transmitted a 2nd alarm for the street box closest to the reported location (AUC 149 sec 5.3.2
C- 42 full turns, 84 half turns clockwise ……LIC terminal valve is 24 full turns, 48 half turns clockwise (AUC 149 2.3.2)
C- AUC 159 add 8 sec 4.1
Question 4:
When an Officer receives notification from a member of an EEO incident, the Officer should take a number of actions. Which of the following actions is incorrect?
A: The Officer shall inform the member of available filing options.
B: If the member making the complaint voluntarily provides information about the incident, the Officer shall include in the Confidential EEO Incident Report all information regarding the alleged incident.
C: If the Officer is requested by the EEO Officer to investigate the alleged incident, the Officer may then disclose information regarding the alleged incident to whomever the Officer chooses.
D: Company Journal entries shall not be taken with regard to any EEO Complaints.
C - Explanation:
If the Officer is requested by the EEO Officer to investigate the alleged incident, the Officer shall disclose only to those members who have a “need to know”, the minimum amount of information regarding the alleged incident that is necessary to conduct the investigation.
PAID 1-77 6.1, 6.5, 6.6, 6.8
Question 5:
Which 10-25 code did BC Manhole transmit correctly?
A: 10-25-4 for a popping noise coming from a transformer
B: 10-25-2 for smoke seeping from a manhole
C: 10-25-3 for a popping noise coming from a manhole
D: 10-25-1 for a transformer fire that extended into a building
D - Explanation:
A- 10-25 without code
B- 10-25-3
C- 10-25 without code
10-25-1 Fire has extended from a manhole, conduit, or transformer into a building
10-25-2 Fire has blown one or more manhole covers, or smoke is issuing from a manhole under pressure
10-25-3 Smoke is seeping from a manhole
10-25-4 Fire or smoke condition from a transformer at any location (pole, vault, room, etc)
10-25 without code situation other than described in codes 1,2,3,4
AUC 180 sec 1.1
The B in BUST is Building (extension to)
Question 6:
Dunn mentions several reasons for venting a fire in a place of worship. Which choice below is an incorrect regarding the reasons for venting?
A: To prevent fire from extending into the attic area
B: The place of worship could suffer a smoke explosion raising up the roof and pushing out the walls
C: Prevent fire from flashing over on the FF’s
D: Prevent smoke and heat from banking down on FF’s inside
A - Explanation:
A…never is mentioned …Dunn claims that if fire is found in concealed spaces it may spread up to the large attic space via hidden voids behind the sidewalls and via hollow imitation stone columns
Ch 8
Question 7:
Battalion 44 is the first arriving chief officer at a fire on the 38thfloor of a 50 story HRFPMD. You arrive in the lobby where you begin carrying out your responsibilities. Which action taken below is not generally assigned to the first arriving Battalion Chief? (INCORRECT)
A: Verify the attack and evacuation stairs
B: Ensure the fire floor evacuation stair door is being maintained in the closed position to reduce smoke contamination on the upper levels of that stairway.
C: Utilize the building’s existing communications system to direct and control evacuation of the fire floor and floors above.
D: Ensure all elevators are recalled, searched and controlled.
A - Explanation:
A is Incorrect – 6.2.3C – That duty is assigned to the 2nd arriving Battalion Chief.
NOTE ABOUT CHOICE B – The 1st Arriving Chief ENSURES the evac door is closed, the 2nd BC CONFIRMS it.
Question 8:
The Office of Public Information (OPI) plays a key role in maintaining the Department’s Social Media Policy. A knowledgeable BC should know which choice below to be incorrect?
A: No Department-related social media site or application is to be created or maintained, except as authorized by the Fire Commissioner and OPI.
B: FDNY personnel shall not post photographs of themselves in uniform, unless the uniform was worn during an event for which a uniform is required (promotions, Medal Day, etc.)
C: Employees shall not disclose or allude to their status as a member of the FDNY without prior, written authorization from OPI.
D: Employees are prohibited from revealing Department affiliations of other individuals (e.g., co-workers, supervisors, etc.) without the express consent of that individual.
C - Explanation:
Employees should be MINDFUL about disclosing or alluding to their status as a member of the FDNY.
PAID 2-2013 4.1.2, 5.2.1, 5.2.2, 5.2.5
Question 9:
During winter operations, there are several operating techniques and tactics that can be used to assist the first arriving BC in mitigating fires and emergencies during this time. Choose the correct tactic used during winter operations.
A: Never assign members on foot to investigate
B: Have all units respond to reported location even though the exact building location of emergency or fire has not been determined
C: Have only the first arriving Engine and Ladder Companies enter a block where poor street conditions exists, except where proper placement is assured and the extent of the fire dictates
D: Where building is 3 stories or higher, preference shall be given to Ladder Company apparatus entering block first with the engine company personnel hand stretching from the nearest hydrant, if necessary
C - Explanation:
A- Assign members on foot to investigate
B- Apparatus remain on maneuverable avenues or streets until exact building location of emergency or fire determined
D- Where building involved is HIGHER than 3 stories, preference shall be given to ladder company apparatus entering block first with the engine company personnel hand stretching from the nearest hydrant, if necessary
Where building is 3 stories or less, preference shall be given to the engine company apparatus entering block first with ladder company personnel carrying portable ladders
AUC 200 page 17
Question 10:
Battalion 99 is 1084 at a fire in the cellar of a private dwelling where the first line does not advance down the main interior cellar entrance due to fire conditions and a second line is entering the secondary entrance. As you get an accounting of the location of your companies, a mayday transmission is received from the second due ladder company’s Irons firefighter. After receiving no response to your immediate request for additional information, you activate the fast truck which just arrived. As a chief officer, you should be able to tell the fast truck that the location they would most likely make contact with him would be…
A: Augmenting searches on the first floor.
B: Conducting primary searches on the upper floors.
C: Operating in the cellar conducting searches.
D: Making portable ladder removals in the rear.
C - Explanation:
Private Dwellings Chapter 4 pg 23
C is correct – 10.4.2 – 2nd Due truck assumes responsibility for searches of the cellar. 1st due conducts primary of the first floor and upper floors.
Question 11:
Battalion issued padlocks with attached tags may be used to secure premises at which no owner or authorized representative is present. From the choices listed below, choose the only one where the BC on scene used the padlock correctly.
A: The BC on scene used the padlock on an apartment door in a MD when minimal damaged occurred when forcing entry
B: The BC on scene used the padlock on a commercial occupancy where a 2nd alarm had just occurred
C: The BC on scene used the padlock on a restaurant in a taxpayer where the owner left a small candle lit after closing, causing minor damage to business and while gaining entry
D: The BC on scene used the padlock on a Cell phone store in a taxpayer where forcible entry was required by cutting the rear door with a power saw
C - Explanation:
AUC 231 sec 2
* Commercial occupancy
* very minor fire or emergency incident had occurred
* Egress gained through forced entry that was accomplished with minimal damage (padlocks removed, through the lock means, etc
Question 12: When it comes to the Air Rescue Plan for hi-rise structures, under normal conditions it can be anticipated that a time span of approximately \_\_\_\_ minutes can be expected between the orders to "Assemble" and “Airlift." A: 15 B: 30 C: 45 D: 60
AUC 269 Add 1 3.4.1
3.4.1 Under normal conditions, it can be anticipated that a time span of approximately
30 minutes can be expected between the orders to “Assemble” and “Airlift.”
In developing a strategy, the FDNY IC should give consideration to this time lag
and also communications with the Air Recon Chief, who will already have been
mobilized and on scene in the air in an NYPD Helicopter.
Question 13:
When responding to a bridge or tunnel incident, the first arriving chief officer must access the risk and possibility of localized or progressive collapse, before committing FFs to an extensive and time consuming rescue plan. To assist the decision making process, all units have received the MTA Bridge/Tunnel guidebook. When it comes to the MTA Bridge/Tunnel guide book, choose the incorrect choice.
A: Assessment of a bridge/tunnel incident, must be relayed to the Command Chief by the first arriving chief officer (IC), if DC not on scene
B: If DC not on scene, the first arriving BC shall maintain information sharing with the Command Chief via radio or cell phone
C: The Risk Management manual can be obtained on scene by the highest-ranking MTA Police Official on duty at each bridge
D: The First Responder’s Bridge/Tunnel manual is red in color
D - Explanation:
First Responder’s Bridge/Tunnel manual is GREEN carried on all units with the ERG guidebook colored ORANGE
Risk Management/Executive manual is RED
AUC 344 pages 1-5
Question 14:
You arrive as the Incident Commander at a fire in a private dwelling just as the 1st due truck transmits three 10-45’s for fire victims. There is an urgent need for EMS yet you don’t see them anywhere near your command post. Which of the following represents CORRECT procedure when contacting EMS regarding your 10-45’s?
A: You have the aide contact EMS Citywide on the UHF Radio advising that we have three 10-45’s in need of urgent care.
B: You switch to channel 10 in an attempt to raise them on the HT.
C: If unable to contact EMS via HT, contact the FD dispatcher with full particulars for relay.
D: Use the DARS radio for direct communication on the EMS Borough frequency for relay to EMS units.
C - Explanation:
Communications Chapter 14 – Addendum 1
A – Incorrect – No 10 codes during relay on EMS Citywide (only plain speak. 3.6C
B – Incorrect – When the use of HT Channel 1 is impractical, EMS/Fire frequency (Channel 10) may be used at non-fire emergencies to facilitate communications. 2.4
C – Correct 3.6B
D – Use the DARS for direct communication with EMS Citywide Dispatch for relay 3.6 Note
Question 15:
When requesting power off to an electrified track involving a subway or railroad, the IC shall make this request via FDNY dispatcher through the apparatus radio. Choose the incorrect procedure when power is removed using the power removal box.
A: In every case when the power removal box is used, confirmation will be assured via FD radio
B: When power is removed, lights in the right of way, station lights, signals, drainage pumping equipment, tunnel ventilation equipment, and train headlights will not be affected
C: Anytime power is removed by use of a power removal box, the IC shall forward a letterhead report with full particulars through the chain of command to the Chief of Operations
D: When members are required to operate under a subway car, request other FDNY FFs to protect the contact rail shoes of the affected cars with wooden slippers to further ensure that no power can be transmitted
D - Explanation: Transit personnel will do this AUC 207 sec 3.2.6 A-3.2.4.C B-3.2.5 C-3.2.4.note …new as of 1/29/2019
Question 16:
At a Haz-Mat incident with no actual crime or suspected criminal activity or terrorism suspected, the NYPD will be responsible for overall site management, with FDNY responsible for Life Safety Operations and mass decontamination. At this incident, who would be most correct for making final assesments to the hot, warm, and cold zones?
A: For a chemical incident, the FDNY Haz-Mat Group supervisor
B: For a Biological incident, DOHMH
C: For a Radiological incident, DEP
D: For a chemical incident, FDNY Haz-Mat Chief in Charge
B - Explanation: AUC 276 add 1 sec 1.1 A- DEP C- DOHMH D- DEP