Exam 13 Flashcards
Question 1:
Which point below would be incorrect for an Incident Commander to consider when operating at an emergency or fire in a foreign embassy?
A: As soon as known, notify the dispatcher that the emergency or fire is in a foreign embassy. The dispatcher shall special call the next level of command.
B: All progress or denial of entry shall be immediately transmitted to the dispatcher.
C: Expect storage of ammunition and explosives. If explosives and ammunition are involved, continue operations cautiously and notify NYPD and Fire Marshals.
D: Saving life is our highest priority. If occupants refuse to leave, we cannot force them to leave.
Expect storage of ammunition and explosives. If explosives and ammunition are involved, EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY and notify NYPD and Fire Marshals.
ABC 1-2010 5.3
Question 2:
Which choice below is incorrect regarding the Department’s anti-hazing/anti-bullying policy?
A: Any incidents or allegations of hazing or bullying shall be reported by supervisory personnel, in writing, up the chain of command to the Chief of Operations.
B: Hazing/Bullying allegations that may also implicate or violate the Department’s EEO policy shall be reported directly to the EEO Office in accordance with the Department’s EEO policy.
C: Any reported hazing/bullying incident that would also be considered a crime will be reported by the FDNY directly to the Department of Investigation.
D: Employees have the option to submit a report anonymously to BITs or EEO. However, providing one’s name and contact information is encouraged.
Any incidents or allegations of hazing or bullying shall be reported by supervisory personnel, in writing, up the chain of command to the CHIEF OF DEPARTMENT.
PAID 1-2013 4.2-4.6
Question 3:
Two BCs discussing the Department’s mutual exchange policy were able to identify which incorrect statement?
A: The Unit Staffing Log is an official Department record and only Company Officers are permitted to make entries in it.
B: Only under extremely unusual circumstances may variations to the Department’s mutual policy be approved by the administrative Battalion for firefighters.
C: The mutual application shall be submitted at least 3 days in advance of the first date involved. Mutual exchanges of tours shall be completed within a 30 day period subsequent to the first date involved.
D: Approved mutual exchange of tours shall be voided if either member will be on any type of leave or detail for which the member has been notified more than 10 days prior to the first date of the mutual.
Approved mutual exchange of tours shall be voided if either member will be on any type of leave or detail for which the member has been notified MORE THAN 5 DAYS prior to the first date of the mutual.
PAID 6-72 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.15, 2.1
Question 4:
Proper recording-keeping is essential according to the Department’s EEO Policy. A member giving advice on keeping a detailed personal journal to provide support to an EEO complaint was incorrect in which comment?
A: Provide specific names, actions, witnesses, times, dates, etc.
B: Use a loose-leaf notebook to prevent the addition of pages.
C: Notarize the personal journal periodically.
D: Copy pages of personal journal entries periodically and mail a copy to yourself leaving the envelope sealed to utilize the postmark as evidence of dates.
Use a BOUND NOTEBOOK rather than loose-leaf to prevent the addition of pages.
TB EEO 3.2
Question 5:
Unless otherwise directed by the Department, a building shall be evacuated or a fire watch maintained when a standpipe system, sprinkler system or fire alarm system is out of service. Which choice below is incorrect?
A: An impairment coordinator or other building staff trained and knowledgeable in conducting a fire watch may conduct a fire watch in lieu of a fire guard during the initial 4 hours of a planned removal from service, provided that the floor or area in which the fire protection system is out of service does not exceed 50,000 square feet.
B: An impairment coordinator or other building staff trained and knowledgeable in conducting a fire watch may conduct a fire watch in lieu of a fire guard during the initial 4 hours after discovery of an unplanned out-of-service condition, provided that the floor or area in which the fire protection system is out of service does not exceed 50,000 square feet.
C: A sufficient number of fireguards shall be provided such that each floor or area in which the fire protection system is out of service is patrolled at least once every 3 hours. The area to be patrolled by each fireguard shall not exceed more than 50,000 square feet of floor area.
D: Persons conducting a fire watch shall maintain a record of such fire watch on the premises during the fire watch and for a minimum of 48 hours after the fire watch has concluded.
A sufficient number of fireguards shall be provided such that each floor or area in which the fire protection system is out of service is patrolled at least ONCE AN HOUR. The area to be patrolled by each fireguard shall not exceed more than 50,000 square feet of floor area.
Note: The area patrolled by each fireguard may be further limited by the Department depending on the configuration of the premises, impediments to patrol, nature of the occupancy, fire risk, and other fire safety considerations.
BISP Ch 5 Ref 1.1 4.5.3, 4.5.4, 4.5.5
Question 6:
While in command of a small fire, the second arriving ladder company reports illegal LPG cylinders found in an apartment on the floor above the fire apartment. As the Incident Commander, you know that all notifications regarding contraband material shall be made via the FDNY dispatcher to ensure a time-taped record. You would be most correct to provide the dispatcher with all of the following information except?
A: The number of cylinders to be removed.
B: The type of cylinders (LPG).
C: The size of the cylinders.
D: The name of the owner of the premises, if that can be determined.
Whether cylinders are full or empty, if it can be determined.
BISP Ch 4 Add 6 2.2
Question 7:
Following a good job in a private dwelling of lightweight construction, the chief officers huddled for a critique of the operation. Which of the actions taken at the fire needs to be corrected for future operations?
A: On arrival, there was heavy fire in the cellar & 1st floor so the BC assigned a member to exposure 2 (similar construction) to check the type of construction.
B: Once he discovered the building was constructed of lightweight materials, he special called an additional engine to the box.
C: Once fire extended to the top floor, all members were removed from the roof after a small vent hole was ordered cut over the fire area.
D: Prior to indications of extension to the cockloft, members were allowed to conduct preliminary duties, including visual check of the sides and rear and venting skylights and top floor windows.
C Explanation: PRIVATE DWELLINGS CHAPTER 6 C is incorrect – Under no circumstances shall the roof be cut in any peaked or flat roof building of lightweight construction. 4.3.8 A – Correct 4.3.2 B – Correct 4.2.2 D – Correct 4.3.10
Question 8: You receive a CIDS card from one of your units. The CIDS is for a cell site on a MD. All of the following information should be included except? A: Location of the cell site room B: Back-up power supply C: Location of shut offs D: Building Superintendents phone number
BISP ch 5 ref# 7.1 sec 2.3
D- Emergency telephone number of the cellular phone company
The Administrative Company must notify their Battalion, Division, and all first alarm units via telephone and written memo of a cell site
Question 9: Knowing your company designations is as important as knowing some of the specialties of some companies. You are a BC operating at a small lithium battery fire in a warehouse where you require the use of Lith-X extinguishers. Your current assignment on the box is as follows – ENG 95P, ENG 96P, ENG 97S, ENG 98I, LAD 90, LAD 91S, LAD 92F, RESCUE 2, SQUAD 1, BATT 99, HAZ MAT 1, ENG 99H, HAZ MAT BATT. Based on your assignment, how many Lith-X extinguishers do you have available at the scene? A: 4 B: 5 C: 6 D: 7
Training Bulletins Tools 34
B is Correct 6.1 Rescue, Squad, Haz-Mat, HMTU’s, Soc Support Trucks, Purple K Units.
NOTE – Engine P designation is High Pressure Pumper, S is Communications Unit, I is Fire Ice Unit, Truck designation S is Soc Support Truck, F is Fast Truck.
Question 10: You have just arrived at a scene of an occupied stalled scaffold. You radio your Ladder Company Officers and ask if there 1) any known problems, 2) injuries, 3) are there workers available inside. Then you ask the Ladder Company Officers to check the electrical contacts/breakers on the roof. At this point, you think that the hoist motor has overheated and should wait how long for the hoist motor to cool down before attempting to restart? A: 5 minutes B: 10 minutes C: 15 minutes D: 30 minutes
Do not restore power without permission from units below
AUC 337 OCL-7
Question 11: At a fire in a HRFPMD, which unit is responsible for coordinating WCD deployment, if ordered deployed by the IC? A: 1st arriving Ladder B: 2nd arriving Ladder C: 3rd arriving Ladder D: Either Squad or Rescue
B Question 11: At a fire in a HRFPMD, which unit is responsible for coordinating WCD deployment, if ordered deployed by the IC? A: 1st arriving Ladder B: 2nd arriving Ladder C: 3rd arriving Ladder D: Either Squad or Rescue
Question 12:
Which choice below contains incorrect information regarding the Iroquois Pipeline?
A: The Iroquois pipeline consists primarily of a single 24” high strength steel pipeline, various valves and a meter/regulating station interconnection with Con Edison.
B: The pipeline has a maximum allowable operating pressure of 1,440 psig, however it typically will operate in the 400 psig to 1,100-psig range.
C: A buried manual valve outside the meter/regulating station at Food Center Drive requires 213 full turns to close.
D: All assigned and alternate units carry the special manual wrench to operate the valve outside the meter/regulating station at Food Center Drive.
There is a special manual wrench for this valve just inside the entrance gate with a sign attached identifying it. Rescue 3 carries a special hydraulic wrench for this valve and a backup hydraulic wrench is stored at the FDNY Command Post building at 500 Food Center Drive.
AUC 150 1.1, 1.2, 3.4.1
Question 13:
Which of the choices below requires a telephone notification to the Public Transportation Safety Unit (PTSU) following an operation?
A: Battalion 1 operates at a smoky fire in an underground station at which there was a mass evacuation and at the conclusion the chief officer is made aware that the HEET gate does not have a 1620 lock.
B: Battalion 2 operates at a man under where there is an extensive delay in removing power to the tracks.
C: Battalion 3 operates at a track fire where units discover the Subway Repeater is OOS.
D: Battalion 4 operates at a small fire in an escalator machine room where members forced the door to the room in order to shut the power.
A – Incorrect – Report sent through the chain of command – Addendum 3 4.2
B – Correct AUC 207 – 10.1
C – Incorrect – Notify dispatcher via dept radio. Addendum 16 6.1
D – Incorrect – Email PTSU and report to Chief of Operations. Addendum 21 2.2
Question 14:
Be aware that there is a possibility that those engaged in the theft of copper bus bars may become trapped and/or electrocuted in the transformer vault during the theft. Which choice contains correct information in relation to this crime?
A: Members are not to enter these vaults until Con Edison has made their examination.
B: Members are not to enter these vaults until the FDNY IC has made his/her examination.
C: The FDNY IC will make the determination that the vault is safe for entry, if necessary, by FD personnel.
D: Personnel receiving authorization for entry will conduct a detailed and painstakingly complete search of the vault for victims.
Con Edison will make the determination that the vault is safe for entry, if necessary, by FD personnel. Personnel receiving this authorization will conduct a CURSORY search of the vault for victims.
AUC 180 2
Question 15:
BC Strawberry, working the 9x6 tour in B-300 on January 30, 2019, received a phone call from the officer of E-100 located within his battalion about scheduling out-of-service training with his company (2 hours) at a nearby auto salvage yard on February 11, 2019. BC Strawberry told the officer of E-100 that it shouldn’t be a problem and followed all of the correct procedures in granting his request. Choose the incorrect procedure.
A: After further review, BC Strawberry denied the request because he had insufficient notice
B: BC Strawberry phoned the scheduling unit directly and requested the OOS training so as to not interfere with existing training or BISP, etc.
C: BC Strawberry filled out a TR-1 form and emailed directly to the Scheduling Unit bypassing the chain of command
D: Since this is private property, in addition to the TR-1 to the Schedule Unit, BC Strawberry shall prepare and forward a letterhead report via chain of command to Bureau of Operations, Planning
No phone call…..send email
look at choice A…“To ensure a timely response, the TR-1 must be received by the Scheduling Unit and Planning Units at least 14 days in advance of the date of the proposed training/event”
In-Service training also requires an email to the Scheduling Unit, but the TR-1 is not required
Know both procedures for OOS Training and In-Service Training. especially when operating on private property AUC 347 page 1 and Regulations ch 22 sec 22.5.7
Question 16:
Reports of special importance shall be preceded by an immediate telephone communication to the Deputy and Battalion Chief on Duty. Which of the following would not require an immediate notification to the Battalion?
A: Ladder 1 responds to a car accident where two civilians were killed.
B: Ladder 2 is involved in a minor accident causing damage to the mirror and bumper of a car.
C: Ladder 3 loses a thermal imaging camera during a fire in a vacant.
D: Ladder 4 is involved in an altercation with civilians at a stuck elevator.
Regulations Chapter 30
C is incorrect – Lost property reports do not require immediate telephone notifications. 30.1.6
A – Loss of life at a fire or other operation
B – Accidents
D – Unusual Occurrences