Exam 1 - Chapter 3 Flashcards
A state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirimity
The unique response of a person to a disease; an abnormal proces involving changed level of functioning
An active state of being healthy by living a lifestyle promoting good physical, mental, and emotional health.
Chronic Illness
Usually have a slow onset and may have periods of remission and exacerbation
Acute Illness
A very sudden illness
What are the six parts of the human dimension?
Intellectual Environmental Spirtual Sociocultural Emotional Physical
According to Dunn, what are the four processes of each persons perception of his or her own wellness state
being (recognizing oneself as separate and individual)
belonging (being part of a whole)
becoming (growing and developing)
befitting (making personal choices to befit oneself for the future)
The disease is present but the person does not experience symptoms
The symptoms of the disease disappear
What are the four illness behaviors?
1: Experiencing Symptoms
2: Assuming the Sick Role
3: Assuming a Dependent Role
4: Achieving Recovering and Rehabilitation
Health Equity
The attainment of the highest level of health for all people
Health Disparity
A particular type of health difference that is closely linked with social, economic, and or environmental disadvantages
Social Determinants of Health
Condition’s in the environments in which people are born, live, learn, work, play, worship, ang age that affect a wide range of health, functioning, and quality of life outcomes and risks
Health Promotion
The behavior of a person who is motivated by a personal desire to increase well-being and health potential.
What does the PCAM stand for?
Patient-Centered Assessment Method
What is the PCAM?
A tool nurses can use to assess patient complexity using the social determinants of health that often explain why some patients engage and respond well in managing their health while others with similar health conditions do not experience the same outcomes.
What is primary health promotion and illness prevention?
Directed toward promoting health and prevent the development of disease processes or injury
What is secondary health promotion and illness prevention
focus on screening for early detection of disease with prompt diagnosis and treatment of any found
what is tertiary health promotion and illness prevention?
begins after an illness is diagnosed and treated, with the goal of reducing disability andhelping rehabilitate patients to a maximum level of functioning
Stages of Change Model - Precontemplation
A logical starting point. There is no intention of changing behavior. Person may be unaware that the problem exists
Stages of Change Model - Contemplation
Person becomes aware that there is a problem, but has made no commitment to change
Stages of Change Model - Preparation
Person is intent on taking action to correct the problem
Stages of Change Model - Action
Person is in active modification of behavior
Stages of Change Model - Maintenance
Sustained change occurs and new behaviors replace old ones
Stages of Change Model - Relapse
Person falls back into old patterns or behaviors
Stages of Change Model - Upward Spiral
Each time a person goes through the cycle, he/she learns from each relapse and hopefully grows stronger
What are the six stanges of change
Precontemplation Contemplation Preparation Action Maintenance RElapse