Evolution Timeline Flashcards
Creationism Theory
Everything was unalterable (1)
Carl Linneo
Classified plants and animals from simplest to most complex. This gave foundation to other theories. (2)
George Curvier
Developed paleontology, found each group of fossils in each stratum was different.
Further apart = more different
Proved a species could go extinct and developed the theory of “catastrophism” (3)
Layer of rock
Major events (natural disaster) would destroy a species and another would repopulate
Charles Lyell
Developed the theory of “uniformitananism” which then inspired other scientists to explore that if earth can encounter slow subtle changes maybe populations can too
Changes are slow and continuous not catastrophic (4)
Jean Baptist Lamark
” Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics”
Species will increase in complexity until perfection is achieved
How would Lamark describe the evolution of a giraffe?
Giraffes have long necks because earlier giraffes stretched their necks to reach tall trees and then passed their lengthened necks down to their calves. - Inheritance of acquired characteristics (5)
Use and Disuse
Heavily used body parts get larger and bigger, and body parts not used disappear
Charles Darwin
Developed the theory of “Natural Selection” and survival of the fitttest (6)
Neo - Darwinism
Integration of Darwin’s theory of evolution via natural selection w Gregor Medal’s theory of genetics (7)