Eutocia, Dystocia, Dystocia Management Flashcards
When examining the fetus in a dystocia case, you note meconium-stained amniotic fluid. What does this indicate for the calf?
stressed calf
Identify this piece of equipment:

head snare
Identify this piece of equipment:

eye hooks
Yeah. You put these into the eyes of the calf to pull on it (no chains). Will break the frontal bones. These are used to steer, not for traction.
Does this image show proper chain placement?

You want to make sure you place a loop above and a halfhitch below the fetlock joint. The connecting chain should be on the top of the leg
The left limb of this calf is retained at the:

Turning the fetus on its transverse axis into a cranial or caudal presentation is termed:
this is a rare presentation in cattle; have to turn using its limbs
What is the posture of this calf?
- Anterior, longitudinal
- Dorsosacral
- Front limbs extended, head retained

front limbs extended, head retained
It is expected to see udder edema and milk production __________ prior to parturition
~1-2 weeks

The process by which the fetus is restored to a deliverable fashion is called:
Wedging of the fetus into the cervical canal stimulates oxytocin release, which stimulates more uterine contractions, more oxytocin release, etc.
This process describes __________ reflex
Ferguson’s reflex

Are these chains placed correctly?

You want to make sure you place a loop above and a halfhitch below the fetlock joint. The connecting chain should be on the top of the leg. (See image below)

Abnormal or abnormally difficult birth is termed:

Describe the position of this calf:

Remember, position refers to the anatomic relationship of the dorsum of fetus relative to maternal pelvis
Describe the presentation of this calf:

Remember, presentation refers to the relationship of the spinal axis of the fetus to that of the dam (the portion of the fetus that is entering the birth canal - coming out at you)
Identify this piece of equipment:

OB handles
Describe the presentation of this calf:

Stage 2 of parturition begins with rupture of ____________
chorioallantoic membrane
“breaking water”

What hormone is responsible for relaxation of pelvic ligaments?
Expulsion of the fetal membranes occurs in Stage ___ of parturition
Stage 3

What are the three stages of eutocia?
- Stage 1: Initiation of myometrial contractions
- Stage 2: Expulsion of the fetus
- Stage 3: Expulsion of the fetal membranes

Pushing the fetus out of the maternal pelvis into the uterine cavity to enable correction of an abnormality is termed:
Turning the fetus on its longitudinal axis is termed:
When using chains, it’s important not to apply traction on both forelimbs at the same time. This can result in:
shoulder lock
- The shoulders may become locked in the pelvic canal and that would suck*
- (This can happen with the hind limbs as well - “hip lock”)*
Among common domestic breeds, _________ probably risk the highest incidence of dystocia
What is the most common fetal cause of dystocia?
abnormal presentation, position, or posture

The left limb of this calf is retained at the:

Delivery of the fetus occurs in Stage ___ of eutocia
Stage 2

Ferguson’s reflex is when wedging of the fetus into the cervical canal stimulates __________ release
Describe the posture of this calf:

head and front limbs extended
Remember, posture refers to the anatomic relationship of the fetal extremities to its own body (flexed, extended, retained, etc.)
Identify the correct presentation, position, and posture:
- Caudal, dorso-iliac, hind limbs extended
- Caudal, dorso-iliac, right hind flexed
- Caudal, dorso-sacral, left leg extended, right leg flexed at the stifle
- Caudal, dorso-sacral, right hind retained

Caudal, dorso-sacral, left leg extended, right leg flexed at the stifle
What is the signal to initiate parturition?
fetal cortisol

T/F: J-lube is the preferred lubricant for dystocia cases
- OB lube is the preferred lubricant.*
- J-lube is great, but if you have to do a C-section for some reason or have to open the abdomen, leakage of J-lube into the abdomen can cause illness and/or death.*
Identify this piece of equipment:

Krey Hook
usually used for fetotomy