Bovine Non-infectious Infertility Flashcards
Severe inflammation involving all layers of the uterus is termed:

What is the treatment for pyometra in cows?

remove the CL (PGF2a)
What hormone aids in uterine involution?
- Progesterone
- Oxytocin
- Testosterone
- GnRH
Sharing of the chorioallantoic membrane occurs with what condition?

T/F: Presence of progesterone will inhibit uterine involution

An ovarian follicular cyst is a thin-walled fluid filled structure > ___mm and must persist for a minimum of ____ days
An ovarian follicular cyst is a thin-walled fluid filled structure >25 mm and must persist for a minimum of 10 days.

Endometritis occurs at least _____ days post-calving
Endometritis occurs at least 21 days after calving
What is the main factor affecting uterine involution?
retained fetal membranes
What systemic antibiotics are labeled for treatment of endometritis in cows?
All the the antibiotics that are used are used OFF-LABEL

Normal uterine involution usually takes ______ days
25-50 days
In a beef cow, it’s more likely to take closer to 25 days. In dairy cows, it will likely take closer to 50 days

You note the presence of >50% purulent material (score 3) in uterine discharge detectable in vagina 21 days or more after parturition. What is your diagnosis?

Ovarian follicular cysts increase calving intervals by ~____ days
Ovarian follicular cysts increase calving intervals by ~50 days

Metritis occurs within the first _____ days post-calving
Metritis occurs within the first 21 days post-calving
T/F: To treat a cow with retained fetal membranes, it is generally recommended to manually remove the placenta
It’s best to leave it alone! It usually comes out on its own in ~7 days
What systemic antibiotics are best for treatment of metritis?
Ceftiofur, Penicillin, Oxytetracycline
T/F: Treatment of endometritis should always involve an intrauterine flush
Endometritis is inflammation of the endometrium extending no deeper than the __________
stratum spongiosum
T/F: For treatment of metritis in the cow, Dr. French thinks it’s super cool to lavage the uterus
No. No she doesn’t.
What is the effect of oxytocin on the uterus?
increased uterine tone
What is the primary sign associated with the presence of an ovarian follicular cyst?