Bull BSE, Reproductive Diseases of the Bull Flashcards
Taught by Dr. Hilari French
What are the surgical management options for preputial laceration in the bull?
- Resection and anastamosis (circumcision)
- Amputation of affected prepuce (plastic ring technique)
- Preputial reconstruction (scar revision)
You note this single, pedunculated growth on the penis of one of your young bulls. He’s also been hesitating to breed. What is the most likely diagnosis?

penile papilloma (warts)
- Bovine papilloma virus
- Homosexual riding among young bulls
- Enters via wounds
- Treatment: surgical excision
What structures should be palpable upon rectal exam in the bull?

- Prostate
- Seminal vesicle
- Urethralis mm.
- Inguinal Rings
- Ampulla

_P_rostate’s _S_omewhere _U_p _I_ts _A_ss
What is the minimum acceptable percentage of progressive semen motility in the bull?

List all of the accessory sex glands found in the bull:
- Prostate
- Bulbourethral glands
- Vesicular glands
- Ampulla
Vesiculitis occurs most frequently in young bulls. The ________ will be painful on palpation
vesicular glands

Is preputial prolapse more commonly seen in Bos taurus or Bos indicus?
Bos indicus
Conservative/medical treatment of penile hematoma involves systemic antibiotics and absolute sexual rest for at least ___ days. Roughly ___% return to service.
Conservative/medical treatment of penile hematoma involves systemic antibiotics and absolute sexual rest for at least 60 days. Roughly 50% return to service.
Conservative treatment for preputial lacerations in bulls involves “Petercillin,” which is a combination of tetracycline powder, scarlet oil, and anhydrous lanolin.
What is the action of the scarlet oil and lanolin?
pulls fluid out of edema and tissues
Surgical treatment of penile hematoma requires surgery be performed between ___ and ___ days after the injury occurred. Roughly ___% return to service.
Surgical treatment of penile hematoma requires surgery be performed between 3 and 7 days after the injury occurred. Roughly 80% return to service.

T/F: Epididymitis in bulls is most commonly seen bilaterally
Epididymitis in bulls is most commonly seen unilaterally

T/F: Rectal examination in the bull aids in semen collection by pre-stimulation for electroejaculation

What is the minimum recommended scrotal circumference in the bull > 24 months of age?
34 cm

Penile hematoma occurs most commonly in what bull breed?
- Ruptures at dorsal aspect of distal bend of sigmoid flexure; insertion of retractor penis mm
Clinical signs:
- Swelling in sheath immediately cranial to base of scrotum
- Usually symmetrical swelling

T/F: Test mating is included in the routine breeding soundness exam

How is minimum scrotal circumference measured in the bull?
scrotal tape

__________ is the closest correlation with daily sperm output in the bull
scrotal circumference

Upon semen evaluation, a secondary morphologic abnormality is a defect that originates:
in the epididymis
This is a “transit defect”
What is the minimum recommended scrotal circumference in the bull < 15 months of age?
30 cm

Upon semen evaluation, a primary morphologic abnormality is a defect that originates:
in the testis during spermatogenesis
This is a “production problem,” usually involving the head and middle piece
What is the most commonly employed semen collection method in the bull?

Identify this condition in the young bull

Persistent frenulum
Etiology: incomplete separation of penis and prepuce
- Thought to be inherited
- Treatment: surgical excision (towel clamp, local anesthetic, suture)

How do you diagnose penile deviations in the bull?
test mating

What is the minimum acceptable percentage of normal sperm morphology in the bull?

Under the bull BSE guidelines, to be a satisfactory potential breeder, a bull must pass all four parts of the examination. What are the four parts?
- Physical examination
- Minimum scrotal circumference based on age
- Minimum progressive motility of 30%
- Minimum of 70% morphologically normal cells
One of the major keys to success after surgical correction of preputial laceration is _____ days of sexual rest post-operatively
60-120 days
What structures are palpable on rectal examination of the bull?
ampulla, seminal vesicles, prostate, urethralis muscle, and possibly inguinal rings

Name the three different semen collection methods:
- Electro-ejaculation (most common)
- Manual massage (usually with young bulls and bulls that don’t like EE)
- Artificial vaginal collection (almost exclusively used at bull stud operations)
What is the etiology of this juvenile condition of the bull?

body hair accumulation on penis
- (The image shows penile hair rings)
- Treatment: removal
- Necrosis of urethra –> fistula
- Amputation of glans penis