Ethics, Rules of Conduct and professionalism Flashcards
What are 5 ethical standards for RICS?
- Act with integrity
- Always provide a high standard of service
- Act in a way that promotes trust in the profession
- Treat others with respect
- Take responsibility
What do you understand by Act with Integrity?
This means being honest, trustworthy and straightforward in all you do
Not taking advantage of a client, a colleague or third party of whom you might have duty of care for
Making clear if there is a conflict of interest
Ask yourself how would my actions look if they were published to the press, colleagues?
What do you understand by ‘always provide a high standard of service?’
- client receive the best possible advice, support, and performance of the terms of engagement you have agreed.
- Be clear about what service your client wants and the service you are providing.
- Act within you scope of competence, if it something you can’t do, refuse to do it, obtain consultation
- Be transparent about fees
- Encourage your firm or organization you work for to put the fair treatment of clients at the center of its business culture.
Do I explain clearly what I promise to do and do I keep that promise?
Do I look at ways to improve the service I provide to my clients?
What do you understand by ‘Act in a way that promotes trust in the profession’?
Act in a manner for both professional and private life to promote your firm or organization you work for and the profession in a professional and positive way
Doing what you say you will.
Always trying to meet the spirit of professional standard and not just the letter of standards.
Do my actions promote the profession in the best light possible?
What do you understand by treat others with respect?
This means threating people with courtesy , politeness regardless of their race religion age gender. Also being aware of cultural sensitivities and business practices
Do not discriminate for any reason
Are my personal feelings, views, prejudices or preferences influencing my business decisions?
How you would feel if somebody treated me this way?
What do you undertand by ‘Take responsibility’ ?
This means being accountable for all your actions – don’t blame others if things go wrong and if you suspect something isn’t right be prepared to do something about it.
If someone makes a complaint you need to address it with a professional manner and aim to resolve the mater in the satisfaction to the complaint.
If something is not right be prepared to question it.
Am I approachable?
Does my firm or organization have a clear complaint handling procedure?
Do I learn from complaints?
Do I take complaints seriously?
Have I considered taking advise from RICS?
What are the rules for Firms in the RICS?
- Interpretation
- Communication
Communicate with post, fax, email, telephone , in person - Professional behavior
A firm shall always act with integrity and avoid conflicts of interest and it avoid any situations that are inconsistent with its professional obligations - Competence
A firm shall carry out its professional work with due skill, care and diligence and with proper regard for the technical standards expected of it. - Service
Carry out work with a proper regard for statnads of service and customer care expected of it - Training and Continuing Professional Development
A firm shall have in place the necessary procedures to ensure staff are properly trained - Complaints Handling
Firms should have a complaints handling procedure and maintain a complaints log. It should include an ADR mechanism that is approved by Standards and regulations Board - Clients Money
A firm shall preserve the security of clients money entrusted to its care in the course of its practice - Indemnity
A firm shall ensure that all previous and current professional work is covered by adequate and appropriate indemnity cover which meets standards approved by the standard and regulation board. - Advertising
A firm shall promote its professional services only in a truthful and responsible manner - Solvency
A firm shall ensure that its finances are managed appropriately - Arrangements to cover the incapacity or death of a sole practitioner
- Use of designations
A firm registered for regulation must display on its business literature in accordance with the Standards and regulation Boards published to resignation. - Information to RICS
Provide information about its activities - Cooperation
A firm shall cooperate fully with RICS Staff
If you were setting up your own firm tomorrow, what would you have to do?
- Inform RICS
- Register my company to HRMC
- Set up PI insurance and any other appropriate insurances
- Set up a complain handling procedure
- Open a bank account to finance the company
- Locum
What are the rules for members?
- Interpretation
- Communication
- Ethical behaviour
- Competence
- Service
- Solvency (ensure personal and professional finances are managed appropriately
- Information to RICS (Members should provide information tat the standards and regulation board may reasonably require)
- Cooperation
The Standards and Regulation Board has exclusive responsibility for strategy, policy and operational oversight of the standards, entry, and admission to the profession (through RICS’ education and qualification standards), and regulatory functions of RICS.
What is CPD? How much time should be doing if you become MRICS?
- 20 hours minimum a year 50% should be formal. Must be recorded by 31st January
- Member must maintain a relevant and current understanding of professional and ethical standards during a rolling three-year period
Are there any exemptions in the CPD rules?
Members who are unemployed
Go to maternity paternity, adoption etc. leave
Long term sick and may non- practicing for other compassionate reasons.
What are components of Complain handling procedure?
- Fit for purpose (reflect size and structure)
- Made available to all staff
- Be understood by all staff – keep records of staff training
- Readily be shared with complainants
- Be regularly reviewed
- Be agreed with PII brokers
- Provide details of access to independent redress if the firm cannot resolve the complaint.
What happens if a complaint is not resolved?
• Stage 2 - Independent redress system
Why do you want to become chartered?
- Through chartership I would be part of a global network of professional where I would be continuedly learning new skills.
- I will be able to promote the profession that I am passionate about in good light and in the advantage of the public.
Difference between Red book and Black book?
- Red book provide guidance on asset valuations
* Black book provides guidance for quantity surveying and construction professionals.
Why do we need the RICS ethics?
- It aids members to act in a professional capacity and to deliver ethical, robust and proper service.
- Also, the rules promote the usefulness in the profession for public advantage
- Maintain high professional standards.
What is the Bribery Act 2010?
It is a legislation that covers criminal law in regard to bribery. It has 4 main offences:
• General offence of bribing
• General offence of being bribed
• Offence of bribing a foreign official
• Corporate offence of failing to prevent bribery by individuals that associated with the cooperation. That’s why companies need to have adequate procedures in place.
What procedures does the Bribery Act 2010 enforce?
- Training to employs about bribery
- Due diligence on who the company is doing business with (asking for anti-bribery procedures)
- Clear, practical, and accessible policies and procedures: everyone you are in business with you should be enforcing the procedures
- Monitoring and review like auditing your finance department
How do you assess risk of bribery to your organization?
Firstly, you can make sure that you trust the people you work with.
Also might use simple internet searches to find out about the levels of corruption or bribery in the particular country you propose to do business in
What is a bribe?
A reward offered, promised, or provided to gain any commercial, contractual, regulatory or personal advantage.
What are 6 principles that apply to the Bribery act?
- Proportionality – procedures put in place should be proportionate to the risk and the size of the company
- Top level commitment -Senior professional have no risk of bribery
- Risk Assessment- Carry out risk assessment
- Due Diligence: This is about having a risk-based approach to business relation ships
- Communication – Employers will need to communicate their policies and provide any additional training
- Monitoring and review -as risk may change you will need to regular review this.
How do you comply with the Bribery Act?
- My company has a anti bribery policy that I follow, I undertake any possible trainings that are offered
- If I noticed any bribery I would report it to the serious fraud office or national crime agency.
What other legislation are you aware of in terms of ethics?
• Money laundering and terrorist Financing Regulations 2019
What is PI insurance?
- Professional indemnity insurance
- An insurance product design for professional firms and people which covers them in the event of an error made during their business.
Why is PI insurance needed?
- Policy covers legal defense costs, investigation costs, and any damages awarded.
- Ensure that the firms’ clients do not suffer financial loss which the firm cannot meet
What does the PI insurance need to include?
- Any one claim or aggregate plus unlimited round the clock reinstatement basis.
- Wording should be comprehensively written on full civil liability basis (minimum RIC wording)
- The minimum level of indemnity based on the firm’s turnover in the previous year.
- Cover past and present employees
- Underwritten by a listed insurer
What is the limit for professional indemnity ?
How do you avoid a PI Claim?
- Record recommendation and advice given
- Do not advise on a specialism outside your field of experience
- Avoid poor management and excessive workloads
- Follow RICS rules of conduct
What was the substantiation discrepancy at Anglian Water?
• They provided signed timesheets that were not accounted in their applied amount. As I checked that they were valid, I included them in the amount due
How do you split an activity schedule according to NEC?
• Clause 54.1
What is your company’s policy on Gifts and Hospitality?
• Zero Gifts policy but with the exemption that if a Promotional Item is offered bearing a company’s logo and shall and not exceed EUR 20 (twenty euros) per item.
• Gifts are allowed if they don’t make the recipient obliged to the giver
• Hospitality offered or received should serve a business purpose
• Employees shall not participate in activated organized solely for entertainment by customers.
• The value of hospitality should not exceed 100 Eur per person.
• Do not create an obligation to reciprocate.
Timeline for complain handling procedure
Stage 1
• Letter of notification /preliminary notice
• Must be acknowledged in writing within 21 days of receipt
a. We are in receipt of your letter of [date], which is acknowledged. We await a fully compliant Letter of Claim if your clients are intent on pursuing a claim. Any claim will be defended’.
Mention ADR
• 6 months after, if the person making the claim has not send any further correspondence, they should notify the professional of its intentions i.e weather they should notify the professional of its intentions with regard to the claim or dropping it etc.
Stage 2
• Letter of claim (intention for litigiation)
• This will detail the chronological summary on the facts on which the claim is based, what the professional done wrong, estimate of the financial loss suffered by the claimant and how it is calculated.
• Acknowledgement within 21 days
• Reply formally within 3 months
• If you respond by trying to settle then you commence negotiation that you try to resolve within 6 months.
• If not resolved within 6 months there could be an agreement to within 14 days to extend time
• If no, stakeholders review both parties to see if proceeding can be avoided or issues narrow
• If not, claimant commences court proceedings
Stage 3
• After ADR has been exhausted. Litigation (if it cannot be resolved)
• Claim to be valid it needs to be served on a defend within four months of issue.
Stage 4 • Before the court starts, they will except a. ADR to be considered b. Understand each other’s position c. Make decision about how to proceed
What does ‘without prejudice’ mean?
- Statement in a genuine attempt to resolve defense will not be used in court as evidence against the person making the statement
- It allows them to speak freely to settle
What are rules of conduct?
• It’s the different rules and ethical standards that professionals and firms should follow to be part of the RICS.
Why do we need rules of conduct?
• Provide a strong foundation for RICS and its members, helping to protect the public and uphold the reputation of the profession.
How do you become a fellow of the RICS?
• MRICS need to Show how your career experience demonstrates different professional characteristics set out by the RICS
a. Champion – Service to RICE, or to another professional body,
b. Influencer – diversity and inclusion
c. Role model – client care
d. Expert – teaching, qualitifcation
What would you consider not a bribe?
- Buying coffee for a client, the same way I would do for any other collogues
- Its normal practice
- Something that can be reciprocated – does not make the other person feel obliged
- I would consider obviously the time of giving the coffee, for example I wont do it during tendering stages etc
What is locum?
• When a sole practitioner has arranged cover i.e. another practitioner to cover his tasks, in the event of him/her not being able to practice his work i.e illness
How would you implement a Client Handling procedure?
- Have an email address or telephone number so that they can get in contact
- Ensure all staff have access to it and an understanding of it
- Record all the complaints in a register
- Set up a review process
- I would set up timescales that everything needs to be replied to so everything can get replied to quickly
- Where the complainant is a consumer, the firm has to signpost to an approved ADR provider. The Ombudsman can accept a complaint eight weeks after the complaint is made to you
What is money laundering? Money laundering officer
- When funds that have be generated through criminal activity , are being made legal.
- Under the UK’s Money Laundering Regulations 2007, every company should appoint a person to take that role who oversees the firms anti-money laundering systems.
What is a conflict of interest?
- It when a party or an individual providing is influenced by an existing relationship with an other party/individual when carrying out its services.
- For example, instead of serving the interest of the client you might serve the interest of a family member that owns a construction company.
- A conflict of interest can arise when your ability to exercise judgement is seen to be impaired or otherwise influenced by your role in another relationship.
- If an existing relationship with a third party makes you are unable to advise and represent each client objectively and independently.
When dealing with complaints, what redress scheme can be used?
The Ombudsman
What level of PII would you take out in the first year?
Based on your estimated turnover, if it’s something over 2000001 is one million pounds.
What is the assigned risk pool?
It is RICS market facility to provide RICS members PI insurance. It is when RICS firms are unable to get PI insurance but they meet the RICS standard.
How do you deal with a conflict of interest?
• Conflict of interest should be declared at the earliest opportunity to all relevant stakeholders and it is advisable to secure a written agreement to proceed
Why is managing conflicts important?
- Promotes trust
- Maintain reputation
- Strengthens your professional relationships.
- Minimize misunderstandings
What are the types of documents the RICS produce and their status?
- International Standard – Mandatory
- Professional Statements – Mandatory
- Code of practice – Mandatory or recommended
- Guidance notes – Recommended best practice
- Information papers / modus – Information only.
What do you do if you find a member working outside the RICS Rules of Conduct?
- Verify the facts, then politely remind them of their duties as a member of the RICS.
- If they persist I would write to the RICS Head of Regulation and inform them
What is consent order?
• A written instruction from the RICS to improve/implement corrective procedures for the party in question
What RICS document sets guidance to prevent bribery?
• Countering bribery and corruption, money laundering and terrorist financing
What should RICS firms do in regard to Bribery?
- Do not accept, offer, directly anything that could constitute a bribe
- ensure that they have adequate knowledge of bribery and corruption to be able to comply with the requirements of this professional statement
- report any activity they are aware of that breaches applicable anti-bribery and corruption laws to the relevant authorities (as specified in local legislation); where there is no local legislation the activity should be recorded and, if possible, reported to a senior manager.
What should firms do in regard to Money laundering and terrorist financing?
- Not facilitate or be complicit in money laundering or terrorist financing
- Have systems and training in place to comply with the laws
- Report any suspicions of money laundering
- Periodic risk assessment
- Put measures in place to prevent the risks
- Know your client
- Verify the identity of their client by undertaking basic identity checks
- Record and retain information detailing how the firm has met the ‘countering money laundering’ professional statement
What is a price-fixing monopoly-cartel?
• A group of formally independent good or services whose goals is to increase their collective profits by pushing the price of a product as high as possible.
What is reliance?
• When a third party has done satisfactory checks meaning that these checks do not need to be duplicated
What is terrorism?
• Use of thread of violence to pursue ideological objectives committed by governments, non-state actors
What is terrorist financing?
• The solicitation, collection or provision of funds with the intention to support terrorist activity
What is facilitation payment?
• A payment made to a government official with the purpose of speeding up a routine administrative action. Such payments are customary and legal in some countries
What is a triggering event?
• An event that necessitates a firm re-evaluating the risk level of a costumer, client, partner, and possibly conducting enhanced due diligence.
What should firms have in place to prevent bribery and corruption?
- Prepare a written policy for anti-bribery
- Have a gift and hospitality policy
- Clear policy to be understood by all staff
- Carry out due diligence with your costumers
What should members do to prevent corruption?
- Declare items to their employer
- Attend relevant training provided by their employer
- Be familiar and act in compliance with their employer’s policy
- If in senior management position , take a leadership role in attempting to prevent bribery
What should firms do in regards to money laundering and terrorist financing?
- Written policy
- Appropriate governance and systems controls in place, proportionate to the type of work the firm does
- Training
- Record of suspicion of money laundering and terrorism financing
- Identify the beneficial owner of a company/client involved within a transaction
- Appoint a senior person to be responsible for ensuring anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing policy
What should members do to tackle money laundering and terrorist financing?
- Training
- Comply with policy
- Keep reports of suspicion of money laundering and terrorist financing activity confidential
- Top level commitment
What is good practice in regard to bribery?
- Risks to be broken down in a risk register
- Periodic review is necessary to make sure the risks and the controls are still in line with the assessment
- Appointing an ethics champions, who is a senior member with experience of how the business works and with visibility of a department of office.
- Note down Politically exposed persons (PEP) client in a position of influence
- Whistleblowing procedure
What is customer due diligence (CDD)?
• Collecting standard evidence to verify the identity of different types of clients such as companies, trusts, special purpose, vehicles.
What is customer due diligence (CDD)?
• Collecting standard evidence to verify the identity of different types of clients such as companies, trusts, special purpose, vehicles.
What is simplified due diligence and enhanced due diligence?
- Full CDD is not needed due low risk
* EDD – more checking is required to evaluate risks
How does a complaint handling procedure change if you are a sole practitioner?
- You will require a Locum
* Can’t always deal with their own complaint, it requires someone to be objective.
What is the legislation for complaints handling?
• Complaints handling Rules 2015
What must you do under rule 13 (designations) if you are regulated by RICS?
- Have a responsible principal role
- A contact officer role
- RICS Logo
- Mandatory text in terms of engagement stating you are regulated by the RICS.
How do the RICS monitor regulated firms?
- Firms must submit information on business and staffing
- Must disclose nature of clients
- Share complaints handling details and records
- Share PII
- Disclose details about Client money handling and if you do.
Why would the RICS investigate a member or firm?
- Not conforming to RICS rules
- Incompetence
- Breaching Professional Statements (Client Money, Complaints, conflicts of interest)
- Criminal offence committed
- Failing to answer correspondence
What are the consequences of breaching Money laundering regulations?
• 14 years imprisonment and an unlimited fine.
What does the latest Modus say?
- Speaks about COP 26
- 85% global energy still comes from coal
- Concrete is made from
- Suggests greener concrete production (Reducing the use of natural resources such as limestones)
What is negligence?
• Act or omission which falls short from the expected reasonable skill that a professional need to have.
What is the latest NRM?
- 2021
- New change is that NRM3 has considered whole-life cycle costing in order to enable transfer of cost information from the construction team to the asset management team
What is run-off cover?
• protects professionals when a company ceases to exist
What are the principles of better regulations?
- Proportionality – disciplinary action proportionate to breach
- Accountability – if RICS expel someone, they are accountable for that action and must justify it
- Consistency – they are consistent in their approach to regulating firms and members
- Targeting – identifying areas that require improvement and targeting specific groups
- Transparency – being open and transparent about the actions of the RICS
What is the sanction if you don’t do CPD?
- 1st time – fixed penalty cation stays on record
- 2nd time – fixed penalty, fine of £150 and get published to RICS website
- 3rd time – referral to Disciplinary Panel which may result in expulsion from membership and likelihood of costs being awarded against the member
Who is the principal of the RICS?
- Every RICS professional needs to have it.
- Make sure that complies with its RICS regulation and statutory obligations.
- Ensure that info provided to RICs is truthful
What is the purpose of PI?
- Protect firm from financial loss
- Protect the insured member or firm the consequences of its liability to pay damages
- Ensure firms client do not suffer financial loss.
What are the PI standards?
- Any one claim should be on reinstatement basis
- RICS minimum wording
- Minimum level of indemnity based on the firm’s turnover in the previous year
What is the maximum level of uninsured excess?
Up to and including £500,000 > The greater of 2.5% of the sum insured, or £10,000
Over £500,000> 2.5% of the sum insured
Professional indemnity insurance should be:
• Underwritten by a listed insurer which can be found on the RICS website
• Fully retroactive
o Regardless of when the negligence was made it still applies
• Cover for past and present employees
• Run-off cover
o Cover employees, after the firm has ceased to trade.
o It needs to be updated on 6-year basis and cover limit of 1m with the day ceased as the start date.
o 6-year normal contract,
o 12-year deed,
o 15-year defect liability period
• Fire safety exclusions may vary however from 1 May 2021 any exclusion will not apply to a building four storeys or under.
What is conflict of interest?
• It when a party or an individual providing a service is influenced by an existing relationship with another party/individual when carrying out its services.
Three types of conflict of interest?
- Party conflict. When you act for both the client and the contractor
- Own interest. When your act for your client and you might think you or your firm can benefit
- Confidential information. When you cant provide information to one client without be able to keeping that information confidential for another client.
Can you give me an example of a conflict of interest?
- Acting for both a developer and contractor
* Acting for competing contractor
What is informed consent?
• When every party has given their written consent that a professional can proceed with a conflict of interest.
• This is only applicable if:
o It is in the interest of all those who are or may be affected
o Is not prohibited by law.
• The fact that clients give you informed consent doesn’t mean that he/she should proceed, must exercise his judgement.
How do you identify conflict of interest?
• Firms might ask employees to declare any potential interests in property at the time of joining the organisation and update the register on regular basis
What do you do if conflict of interest arises?
- Let parties know immediately in writing
* Get ‘informed consent’ if they would like to proceed
What do employers need to do to establish ethical environment?
- Establish confidential procedure for whistle blowing, independent of the normal chain of command
- Include ethical evaluation into formal performance appraisals
- Help people to join RICS
Difference between ethics and integrity
- Ethics is the general morals of a professional
* Integrity is one aspect of that which means you are honest, transparent and have strong morals
What are some preconditions that RICS need to satisfy?
- Have at least 25% principals RICS
- Offer professional services in surveying disciplines to professional, corporate, institutional clients
- PI insurance
- Register with RICS
What does your firm need to comply with?
- Comply with the Rules of Conduct for firms
- Act in accordance with the obligations set out in RICS Royal charter
- Inform RICS for any disciplinary body
- Notify the head of regulation within seven days if there is a material change regarding the firm and provide full details
What insurances can a firm have?
- Public Liability
- Employers liability
- Employer liability cover
- Directors and officers cover
- Contents insurance
- Business interruption insurance
Can you accept a gift from a client or contractor?
- Would not affect gifts that might suggest an improper obligation
- However, gifts and hospitality can be accepted in some circumstances after you have consulted the ethics decision tree.
What things would you consider when assessing if a gift is appropriate?
- Value of the gift
- Time
- Proportionate to a working relationship
- Will it affect my ability to act impartially?
- Is it in line with the RICS ethical standards?
What is information barrier?
• Physical o electronic separation of individuals within the same firm that prevents confidential information passing between them
Two ways you can share confidential information?
- If its needed or required by law
* Informed consent
How you make sure there is no conflict of interest between 2 firms?
- No common directors, partners or employees in common between firms
- No direct or indirect fee sharing between the firms
- No access to information or common internal data sharing arrangements relating to the area of conflict.
How is CPD recorded?
- In RICS website and the app
* By 31st January every year
How do you define between formal and informal CPD?
- Formal training that has a clear learning objective such as professional training course
- Informal training: self-managed learning that is relevant to your professional role
How will you be selecting your courses in the next 24 months
- Weak areas
- Topical issues
- Future project and project requirements
Why do you need to handle clients’ money?
- Client money is kept safe
* Used for appropriate uses only
How do you hold clients’ money?
- Bank account that you have exclusive control
- Not mixed with other sums
- Not fixed with office money
- Naming the account : Name of firm, Name of Client, Client
- Immediately available even at sacrifice of interest unless other arrangement have been made in writing
RICS-regulated firms must provide the following information to the clients in writing?
- Information will be held in a bank account that the RICS firm has an exclusive control over
- Advice should be in writing to clients that pay in advance as this is not covered by client money protection scheme
- Disclosure of all commissions earned by the firm while managing their property
- How unidentified funds are dealt with
- Copy of the firms written procedure for handling client money
When you receive the client money you should:
• Ensure that is paid into the client account promptly
What are some of the accounting records and controls that need to be put in place?
- Keep records and accounts
- Appropriate systems to deal with client instructions
- Regular client bank account reconciliations
- Publish written procedures for handling money
- Is not overdrawn
- Systems have relative security such as firewalls backups etc
What law do firms need to comply with in terms of clients money?
- Compliance with anti-money laundering legislation
- Bribery law
- Ensure any breach is investigated
- Inform RICS, client and insurers of RICS immediately if client money is misappropriated by any person
What do RICS members need to comply with?
- Anti-money laundering legislation
- Follow client handling procedures
- Make appropriate disclosures to a senior member of the firm
If there are unidentified funds:
• Need to try to locate from who the funds are from by contacting the last engaging firm
How would you look after the client bank account?
- Three-way reconciliation. Compare bank statement, with cashbook and ledgers
- Record keeping. Records needs to be signed off by senior members
- Bank account and cashbook should never show a negative position
- Only suitable senior people sign off
- If there are changes to a payee, you need to double check through robust verification measures that they are correct
- Reconciling items should not be greater than 3 months old except for cheques for 6-month checks
- Regular conciliations
What is surplus money?
- If there is any money that cannot be identified, you will hold the surplus money in a clients suspense account for 3 years,
- If after 3 years you haven’t found the true claimant, the money is to be donated to a charity
- Get a receipt and the charity should offer indemnity to enable the firm to recover a donation in the event of a claim.