Estimating Risks - Study/data Flashcards
What is correlation?
A change in 1 variable is accompanied by a change in another
What is causation?
A change in 1 variable causes a change in another
What is quantitive data?
Info/data is based on quantities obtained using a quantifiable measurement process
What is qualities data?
Countable, is usually unstructured which means it is not ordered/grouped logically
What 5 things make a good study?
A clear aim
A representative sample
Include valid and reliable results
Sample size
Controlling variables
What is a cohort study?
Follows a large group of people over time to see who develops the disease d who doesn’t
Researchers interested to see what happens to them in the future
Any exposure to risk factors and development of disease is recorded so any correlations can be identified
It may take a long time for disease to develop so studies can take years and cost lots
What’s a case control study?
Group of people with disease are compared with group without disease
Info is collected about risk factors that they have been exposed to in past allowing factors developed disease ti be identified
Study is retrospective