Essential Words "U, V, W, Z" Flashcards
uncanny (adj)
mysterious, strange. olaganüstü, acayip, tekin olmayan.
-Uncanny ability.
undulating (adj)
moving in waves. dalgalı.
-The undulating area has made it difficult for engineers to build roads there.
unfeigned (adj)
not false, not made up, genuine. yapmacıksız, hakiki.
untenable (adj)*
indefensible. savunulamaz.
untoward (adj)
not favorable, troublesome, adverse, unruly. yersiz, uygunsuz, aksi.
-police were called in to investigate whether anything untoward had happened.
usury (n)
the practice of lending money at exorbitant rates. tefecilik, faizcilik.
vacillate (v)*
to waver, oscillate. kararsız kalmak, tereddüt etmek.
-The senator’s position keeps vacillating between remaining neutral and lending his support.
vacuous (adj)
empty, void, lacking intelligence. içi boş, amaçsız, aptal.
valedictory (adj)
pertaining to a farewell (veda).
vapid (adj)*
tasteless, dull. yavan tatsız. sıkıcı.
variegated (adj)
varied, marked with different colors. alaca, renklendirilmiş.
vaunt (v)
to boast; brag. övünmek.
venal (adj)
bribable, mercenary, corruptible. rüşvetle kandırılabilir.
vendetta (n)
prolonged feud marked by bitter hostility. kan davası.
venerate (v)*
to adore, honor, respect. hürmet etmek, kutsal saymak.