Essential Words "M" Flashcards
Machiavellian (adj)
crafty, double-dealing. kurnaz, iki yüzlü. entrikacı, sinsi.
machinations (n)
plots or schemes. entrika.
-The mayor resorted to behind-the-scenes machinations to try to win his party’s nomination for governor.
maelstrom (n)
whirlpool, turmoil. girdap, kargaşa.
magnanimity (n)*
generosity, nobility. yüce gönüllülük, asillik.
malign (v)
to speak evil of. çamur atmak, iftira atmak, kötülemek.
malinger (v)*
to feign illness to escape duty. hasta numarası yapmak.
malleable (adj)*
capable of being shaped by pounding; impressionable. şekillendirilebilir. uyum sağlayabilir, işlenebilir.
maverick (n)*
dissenter. muhalif, başına buyruk.
- Bernie Sanders of Vermont has a reputation as a maverick: he is one of only two members of the us congress who is independent.
menagerie (n)
a variety of animals kept together. canlı hayvan koleksiyonu.
-Linda seems to take home every abandoned pet, she has an incredible menagerie.
mendacious (adj)*
dishonest. yalancı, uydurma.
mendicant (n)
beggar. dilenci.
meretricious (adj)*
gaudy, plausible but false, specious. cafcaflı, süslü püslü, yanıltıcı şekilde cezbedici.
mesmerize (v)
to hypnotize.
metamorphosis (n)*
change, transformation.
metaphysics (n)
a breach of philosophy that investigates the ultimate nature of reality.