Essential Words "C" Flashcards
cacophonous (adj)*
unpleasant or harsh-sounding. kakafonik, ahenksiz
cadge (v)
to beg, sponge. dilenmek, otlanmak,
callous (adj)
thick-skinned, insensitive. nasır tutmak, hissizleşmek, duygusuzlaşmak.
calumny (n)
false and malicious accusation; slander. iftira, karalama, suçlama.
canard (n)
false, deliberately misleading story. asılsız haber.
canon (n)
an established principle, a basis or standard for judgment, a group of literary works. kanun, kaide, nizam, ilke.
cant (n)*
insincere talk, language of a particular group. yapmacık konuşma.
cantankerous (adj)
irritable, ill-humored. inatçı, huysuz.
capricious (adj)*
fickle, dönek, maymuniştahli. caprice: kapris, geçici heves, değişken istek.
captious (adj)
faultfinding, intended to entrap, as in an argument. kusur bulan, kılı kırk yaran. captious critic.
cardinal (adj)
of foremost importance. başlıca, esas.
carnal (adj)
of the flesh or body, related to physical appetities. cisni, bedensel, dünyevi.
carping (v)
to find fault, complain. kusur bulma
castigation (n)*
punishment, chastisement, criticism.
catalyst (n)*
something causes change.
categorical (adj)
absolute, without exception
caucus (n)
smaller group within an organization
caustic (adj)
sarcastically biting; burning. yakıcı, iğneleyici, acı söz.
celestial (adj)
concerning the sky or heavens; sublime
centrifugal (adj)
moving away from a center, merkezde uzaklaşan, merkezkaç, ayrılıkçı.
centripetal (adj)
moving or directed toward a center
champion (v)
to defend or support
chasten (v)
to correct by punishment or reproof; to restrain or subdue. terbiye etmek.basitleştirmek, sadeleştirmek.
chicanery (n)*
trickery, fraud. hile, şike.
chivalry (n)
the qualities idealized by the knighthood such as bravery
rude; boorish. kaba, yabani
roundabout, dolambaçlı, dolaşarak giden.
one who can predict future; psychic.
clamor (n)
noisy outcry, yaygara, feryat.