Essential Words "İ" Flashcards
iconoclastic (adj)*
attacking cherished traditions. yerleşmiş geleneklere karşı çıkan, putkırıcı.
ideological (adj)*
relating to ideology.
idol worship, blind or excessive devotion. tapma, putperestlik.
igneous (adj)*
produced by fire, volcanic.
imbroglio (n)
complicated situation, an entanglement. anlaşmazlık, karışık iş-durum.
immutable (adj)*
unchangeable. sabit, değişmez, kesin
impassive (adj)*
showing no emotion. hissiz, ruhsuz.
impecunious (adj)
poor, having no money.
to hinder, block. engellemek, geciktirmek, engel olmak.
impermeable (adj)*
impossible to penetrate. sızdırmaz, geçirimsiz, geçirmez.
imperturbable (adj)*
not easily disturbed. soğukkanlı.
impervious (adj)*
impossible to penetrate, incapable of being affected. geçirmez, etkilenmez.
we were amazed how laura could sit at the party studying chemistry, impervious to the noise around her.
impinge (v)
to strike, encroach. etki bırakmak, tecavüz etmek,vurmak, çarpmak.
-impinging on my territory
implacable (adj)*
inflexible, incapable of being pleased. bastırılamaz, yatıştırılamaz (öfke vb.),
implausible (adj)
unlikely, unbelievable. mantıksız. inanılmaz.
implicit (adj)*
implied, understood but not stated. dolaylı olarak, ima edilen.
implode (v)
collapse inward violently.
-the building was imploded.
imprecation (n)
curse. beddua, lanrt.
impute (v)
to relate to a particular cause or source, attribute to fault to; assign as a characteristic. yakıştırmak, atfetmek, suç yüklemek, üstüne yıkmak.
inadvertently (adv)*
carelessly, unintentionally. yanlışlıkla, dikkatsizlik sonucu
incarnate (adj)
having bodily form. insan şekline girmiş, vücut bulmuş.
inchoate (adj)*
imperfectly formed or formulated. gelişmemiş, yeni oluşan.
-bob Dylan describes the process of how some of his songs went from an inchoate state to finished, well-produced songs.
incongruity (n)*
state of not fitting. uyuşmazlık, uygunsuzluk.
inconsequential (adj)
insignificant, unimportant. alakasız, önemsiz.