Essential Words "P" Flashcards
paean (n)
song of joy or triumph, a fervent expression of joy
pallid (adj)
lacking colors or liveliness. soluk, benzi atmış.
panegyric (n)
eloborate praise; formal hymn of praise . övgü, methiye.
paragon (n)*
model of excellence or perfection
partisan (adj)*
one-sided; committed to a party or a cause
pathological (adj)*
departing from normal condition. ayrıksı.
patois (n)
a regional dialect, nonstandard speech, jargon. lehçe.
paucity (n)*
scarcity. kıtlık, yetersizlik.
pedantic (adj)*
showing off learning. bilgiçlik taslayan, ukala.
pedant = uninspired, boring academic.
pellucid (adj)*
transparent, translucent, easily understood. saydam, şeffaf, anlaşılır.
penchant (n)*
inclination. meyil, eğilim, yatkınlık, tutku.
- She has a penchant for science while her brother is more interested in the arts.
penury (n)*
extreme poverty.
peregrination (n)
a wandering from place to place. gezme, yolculuk etme.
peremptory (adj)
imperative, leaving no choice. otoriter, buyurucu.
perennial (adj)
present throughout the years, persistent. mütemadi, uzun ömürlü.
-Perennial warfare has left most of the people of the country in poverty.
perfidious (adj)*
faithless, disloyal, untrustworthy. kalleş, vefasız, hain.
perfunctory (adj)*
superficial, not thorough; performed really as a duty. yüzeysel, formalite icabı, yapmış olmak için, göstermelik.
perigee (n)
point in an orbit that is closest to the earth.
permeable (adj)*
penetrated. nüfuz edilebilir, geçirgen, geçirimli.
perturb (v)
perturbation (n)
to disturb greatly, make uneasy or anxious; cause a body to deviate from its regular orbit. kafasını karıştırmak, endişelendirmek.
-The findings that violence is increasing in schools greatly perturbed government officials.
pervasive (adj)*
spread throughout every part. yayılan, nufuz ve istila eden, her tarafa yayılan.
petulant (adj)
rude, peevish. çabuk sinirlenen, aksi, asabi.
phlegmatic (adj)*
calm in temperament; sluggish. soğukkanlı, ağırkanlı.
phoenix (n)
mythical, immortal bird. anything that is restored after suffering great destruction.
physiognomy (n)
facial features. art of judging character from facial features.
-The art teacher assigned students to make drawings of people with a wide variety of physiognomies.
piety (n)*
devoutness. dindarlık, tanrıya hürmet.
piquant (adj)
appealingly stimulating, pleasantly pungent, attractive tesirli, etkileyici, iştah açıcı, hoş bir acı tat.
-Many of the guests enjoyed piquant barbecue sauce.
piqued = to provoke.
pique (n)
fleeting feeling of hurt pride. darılmak, gücenmek, gururu incinmek.