Essential Words "T" Flashcards
tacit (adj)*
silently understood, implied.
taciturn (adj)
habitually untalkative. çok az konuşan, suskun.
talisman (n)
charm to bring good luck and avert misfortune. tılsım, uğur.
tangential (adj)
peripheral, digressing. teğetsel, yüzeysel,
tautology (n)
unnecessary repetition.
taxonomy (n)
science of classification, in biology the process of classifying organisms in categories. sınıflandırma.
tenet (n)
belief, doctrine.
tenuous (adj)*
weak, insubstantial. sağlam olmayan, seyrek, belli belirsiz, ince.
theocracy (n)
government by priests representing a god
thespian (n)
an actor or actress.
timbre (n)
the characteristic quality of sound. tını.
tirade (n)*
long, violent, speech. verbal assault. sert konuşma, nutuk, tirat.
toady (n)
flatterer, hanger-on, yes-man. yaltakçı.
tome (n)
book, usually large and academic.
torpor (n)*
lethargy, dormancy, sluggishness. uyuşukluk.
-After returning home, the truck driver sunk into a peaceful torpor, watching TV and dozing.