Essential Words "S" Flashcards
sage (adj)*
salacious (adj)
lascivious (şehvet verici), lustful. müstehcen, şehvetli,
salubrious (adj)*
-the salubrious effects of exercise.
salutary (adj)*
expecting an improvement; favorable health. faydalı, hayırlı.
sanction (v)*
to approve, ratify, permit. onaylamak,tasdik etmek.
sardonic (adj)
cynical, scornfully mocking. küçümseyici, alaycı.
sartorial (adj)*
pertaining to tailors
satiate (v)*
to satisfy
saturate (v)
to soak thoroughly, imbue throughout. doyurmak (dolgunluğa ulaştırmak), doldurmak, sırılsıklam etmek.
saturnine (adj)
gloomy. kasvetli.
satyr (n)
a creature that is half man, half beast with the horns and legs of a goat, a lecher. şehvete düşkün adam.
savor (v)
to enjoy, have a distinctive flavor or smell.
schematic (adj)
relating to or in the form of an outline or diagram.
secrete (v)
produce and release substance into organism. salgılamak.
sedition (n)
behavior prompting rebellion. isyana teşvik, kışkırtma.
sedulous (adj)
diligent. gayretli, işine düşkün, hamarat. çalışkan.
seismic (adj)
relating to eartquakes, earthshaking.
sensual (adj)*
relating to the senses, gratifying the physical senses, especially sexual appetites.
sensuous (adj)
relating to the senses, operating through senses.
sentient (adj)*
aware, conscious, able to perceive. duygulu, duyarlı, sezgili.
-Charles Darwin regarded many an,mals as being sentient and as having intelligence.
servile (adj)
submissive, obedient
sextant (n)
navigation tool that determines latitude and longitude. açısal mesafeyi ölçen araç
shard (n)
piece of broken glass or pottery
sidereal (adj)
relating to the stars
simian (adj)
apelike, relating to apes.
simile (n)
comparison of one thing with another using “like” or “as” benzetme, teşbih.
sinecure (n)
well-playing job or office that requires little or no work. kolay ve iyi maaşlı bir iş.
singular (adj)
unique, extraordinary, odd
-singular appearance made it easy for the witness to identify him.
sinuous (adj)
winding, intricate, complex. dalgalı, dolambaçlı.
-The students had trouble following the professor’s sinuous line of reasoning.
skeptic (n)*
one who doubts