Essential Words "N", "O" Flashcards
necromancy (n)
black magic. büyücülük, ruh çağırma.
negate (v)
to cancel out, nullify. çürütmek, aksini ispatlamak, boşa çıkarmak.
-The soldiers’ poor treatment of the prisoners negated the goodwill they had built up among the population.
neologism (n)
new word or expression.
neophyte (n)*
novice (acemi), beginner.
nexus (n)
a means of connection, a connected group or series, a center.
-Wall Street is the nexus of America’s financial system.
nonplussed (adj)
bewildered (şaşkın, afallamış). ne yapacağını bilemeyen, hayretler içinde, eli ayağına dolaşmış.
nostrum (n)
medicine or remedy of doubtful effectiveness; supposed cure. kocakarı ilacı.
nugatory (adj)
trifling; invalid. faydasız, abes, değersiz.
obdurate (adj)*
stubborn. inatçı, boyun eğmez.
obsequious (adj)*
overly submissive. itaatkar. yağcı.
obsequy (n)
funeral ceremony.
obviate (v)*
to make unnecessary; to anticipate and prevent. üstesinden gelmek, halletmek, gidermek, çare bulmak.
-An experienced physician can often discern if a patient’s symptoms are psychomatic thus obviating the need for expensive medical tests.
occlude (v)*
to shut, block. tıkamak, kapatmak, absorbe etmek.
occult (adj)
relating to practices connected with supernatural phenomena.
odyssey (n)
a long adventurous voyage; a quest