ES quiz on astronomy Flashcards
Celestial object def
Any object outside or above Earth’s atmosphere.
What are the most numerous celestial objects we see?
Celestial object ex.
The moon
Non celestial objects ex.
rainbow and clouds
What is Cosmology
Cosmology is the study of the Universe.
The Universe:
Everything that exists, all the space, matter, and energy.
Light-year =
the distance light travels in 1 year
how many miles can light travel in one year?
In 1 year, light can travel 6 trillion miles.
At light speed how many times can light travel around the earth in 1 second?
7.5 times
List these objects from biggest to smallest.
Milky Way, Earth, Universe, and Solar System
Universe, milky way, solar system, earth
How do we measure distance in the Universe and what does that mean?
light year, distance light travels in 1 year.
How old is the Universe?
13.8 billion years old
How many stars are in the Universe?
100’s of billions
How many galaxies are in the Universe?
How was the Universe created?
The Big Bang Theory
what is the Big bang theory?
Theory which explains the formation of the Universe.
Bing Bang theory explained:
Universe started as a single cosmic explosion 13.8 Billion Years ago
Matter was ejected from a tiny dense hot atom which eventually formed clumps of matter called galaxies
proof of expanding universe:
Microwave Background Radiation
Doppler Shift
Energy created by the Big Bang explosion ____ in all directoins
As a result of the Big Bang explosion….
radiation fills the entire universe uniformly in all directions.
Doppler effect:
Changing wavelength of light or sound based on the movement of objects.
Every element emits energy in the form of what?
electromagnetic waves.
We see different wavelengths of visible light as what?
different colors.
Each element creates….
a unique spectrum of absorption lines. (Hydrogen)