This class was created by Brainscape user Cheezy frie. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

Quiz 1 1-page12
Five senses,
Instruments usage
47  cards
topic 2
Oblate sphere def,
What two things cause the earth t...,
Gravity def
88  cards
What is a labor union,
What might a union want,
What can a union do if their dema...
36  cards
right of passage
What meal was suposed to be waiti...,
What news does ma give johnny,
How long has ma taken care of johnny
54  cards
ES quiz on astronomy
Celestial object def,
What are the most numerous celest...,
Celestial object ex
55  cards
english words of the week
Enigmatic meaning,
Enigmatic part of speech and addi...,
Synonyms for enigmatic
21  cards
topic 3
The two piece of evidence that su...,
What is the doppler shift,
What do the shifts mean
49  cards
earth science test 6
What is energy,
What is potential energy,
What is kinetic energy
37  cards
WW1 deck
Who was assassinated,
Allied powers
27  cards
Earth science test global warming and energy
Which color of the visible light ...,
Sort these wave leangths from lon...,
What makes up the greatest amount...
69  cards
earth science weather test
What is the definition of weather,
Where does weather take place,
58  cards
word of teh week quiz q2
Primordial means,
Primordial part of speech,
Additional forms of the primordial
28  cards
wheather quiz 2
How do you measure percipitation,
What are clouds,
When do clouds form
42  cards
spanish cuerpo
2 cuello,
25  cards
earthscience test
What is the motion of surface win...,
Match the instruments to what the...,
What are the two characteristics ...
35  cards
earth science test
What is the water budget,
What is the income of the water b...,
What is the expense of the water ...
79  cards
ES climate
What do the prevailing winds look...,
At 3 degrees s which climate fact...,
Which natural event periodically ...
4  cards
Minerals def,
What does naturally occuring mean,
What is an inorganic solid
75  cards
Defenestration meanings,
Defenestration classification,
Other forms of defenestration
28  cards
dynamic earth
What is the lithosphere,
Define the crust,
What is evidence for past movemen...
45  cards
weather erosion and deposition
Define weathering,
Define chemical weathering,
What are two examples of chemical...
10  cards

More about
earth science

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