EOM: CARDIO Flashcards
The heart is supplied by:
Left and right coronary arteries
The left coronary artery divides into:
Left anterior descending, left marginal and circumflex arteries
Compared to other veins (35%), O2 saturation in coronary venous blood is very low. Why?
Oxygen extraction by cardiac muscle is much higher compared to other cells.
What does the right coronary artery supply?
The inferior surface of the heart - right ventricle, right atrium, SAN and AVN
The right coronary artery divides into:
Right marginal and posterior interventricular (80/85%) arteries
What does the left coronary artery supply?
Left atrium and left ventricle
When does blood flow to the myocardium occur?
Mainly during diastole
What organ is responsible for the synthesis of coagulation factors and fibrinogen?
What is the precursor for an enzymes that lyses clots?
Plasminogen ( –> plasmin, which breaks down fibrin into fibrin degradation products)
What makes up the coagulation cascade?
A series of proteolytic enzymes that circulate in plasma in an inactive form, and generate thrombin when activated.
- Thrombin then catalyses the conversion of fibrinogen I (soluble) to fibrin (insoluble)
What is the role of platelet dense granules?
Released upon cell activation, contain a high concentration of a molecule which acts as an agonist at the platelet P2Y12 receptor i.e. binds to it and activates it.
What is responsible for the apex beat and where is it palpated?
Left ventricle - normally palpated in the left 5th intercostal space and midclavicular line.
What prevents backflow of blood into the left atrium during ventricular systole?
Mitral valve
What is the function of the aortic valve?
Maintains systemic diastolic blood pressure by preventing backflow of blood into the heart during diastole.
What represents ventricular repolarisation?
T wave
What is the normal duration for the PR interval?
- 12 - 0.2 milliseconds
- Period that extends from the beginning of the P wave (=onset of atrial depolarisation) to the beginning of the QRS complex
What assesses the electrical activity within the lateral myocardial territory?
Leads I, aVL, V5 and V6
Which lead yields complexes normally inverted compared to anterior and inferior leads?
What happens to the ST segment during acute injury/infarction of a substantial myocardial territory?
Abnormal elevation (the larger the elevation, the more severe the problem)
What does the QRS complex represent?
Ventricular depolarisaion
- Should last less than 0.12 milliseconds