Environmental Emergencies Flashcards
What does the Hypothalamus do?
Regulates body temperature
- uses central (aortic arch/ carotids) and peripheral chemoreceptors
Thermal Gradient
Warm temps will always move towards cooler temps
- Gain heat when it is warm outside
- Lose heat when it is cold outside
How to regulate body temperature (2 ways)
- Behavioral
- Physiologic
Behavioral way to regulate body temp
Conscious effort to change the temp sensation
- COLD: Move to warm area, add clothing
- HOT: Remove clothing, move to air conditioning
Physiologic way to regulate body temp
Body’s response to change in temp
- COLD: Shivering, constricting of blood vessels
- HOT: Sweating, dilating of blood vessels
Heat Production: how does the body produce heat?
- Body produces heat mainly through metabolism
- Shivering increase heat production
- stops when core temp drops below 90
Heat Conservation: how does the body preserve heat?
Peripheral Vasoconstriction:
- Shunts warm blood to vital organs
- Goose bumps
- Traps warm air at skin surface
How does the body cool itself off?
- Vasodilation: warm blood to skin surface
- Sweating: Evaporation
Cardiovascular system:
- increased in heart rate and strength of contraction
- Eliminated heat through exhalation
How heat can be lost or gained
- Radiation
- Convection
- Conduction
- Evaporation
- Respiration
Transfer heat from one surface to another without direct contact
Body heat lost to surrounding air, which becomes warmer, leaving skin cooler
Heat lost through direct physical touch
Sweating or wet skin evaporates into air
Warmed air is exhaled and cool air is inhaled
Hypothermia (Predisposing factors)
- LG surface area of skin, shivering mechanism not fully developed, less body fat, less adaptive behaviors
- Loss in metabolism, poor vessel constriction
Medical Conditions:
-Shock, TBI/ Stroke, Burns, etc
- Decrease body’s ability to regulate temperature
- Decrease body ability to clot
Drugs/ Med:
- May impair heat generating or heat conserving properties
- Duration of exposure, clothing, activity level
STAGES of Hypothermia
- Mild
- Moderate
- Severe
MILD Hypothermia
- 95- 91.4
- Skin cold to touch
- Confusion (inadequate perfusion)
- Shivering ceases around 90 degrees
- Heart rate slows
MODERATE Hypothermia
- 89.6- 85.2
- Coma
- Hypotension
- Bradycardia
- Slow breathing
SEVERE Hypothermia
- 82.4- 71.6
- Cyanosis
- Unresponsive
- Irregular Pulses
- Cardiac Arrest possible
- Freezing of body tissues
- Usually to exposed tissues
- Hands
- Feet
- Ears, nose, cheeks
Superficial Frostbite
- Loss of sensation, cold feeling
- Usually tingles when rewarmed
Deep Frostbite
- Skin and tissue frozen
- May have blisters
- Can result in tissue loss
Cold Emergency Treatment
- Remove from environment/ prevent heat loss
- Remove wet clothing
- Handle gently
Rewarming (2)
-Passive (shivering patient)
- Active (patient has stopped shivering because internal body temp is below 90)
Passive rewarming
- Mild hypothermia
- Wrap in warm blanket
- Warm ambulance
Active rewarming
- Moderate to severe
- passive plus:
-Hot packs to groin, armpits, neck- Do not put heat packs on extremities
Frostbite treatment
- Remove from environment
- Never allow to refreeze
- Immerse in warm water
Heat Cramps
- Cramping to large muscle groups
- EX: abs, glutes, thighs
- Prob due to profuse sweating and loss of electrolytes
- Move to shade and relax
- Give low glucose electrolyte solution
Heat Exhaustion
- Body has maximized its heat-dissipating mechanisms
- Patient will be dizzy, nauseated or fatigued
- Skins will be SWEATY, and normal to cool in temp
- Move to cool area
- Cool patient
- Remove or loosen clothing
- Give low glucose electrolyte
- Supine position
- May give oral fluids
Heat Stroke
- Life threatening Hyperthermia
- Body overheats to where heat regulating mechanisms break down
- ALOC or unresponsive
- Skins HOT, moist or dry
- Remove reasonable clothing
- Cool packs to groin, armpits, neck
- Cool with room temp water
- Keep patient moist
Rattlesnake SS
- Distinct puncture marks
- Swelling of area
- Pain
- Keep extremity at level with heart
- Mark swelling
- Keep patient warm
Black Widow SS
- Dull ache
- Muscle spasms
- Nausea/ vomiting
Brown Recluse SS
- Serious bite
- Does not heal, lead to large ulcers
- Most don’t know they were bitten
Marine stings: Jellyfish, stingray, sculpin
- treat with heat as tolerated
Direct strike
Usually fatal
Contact Strike
Strikes object patient is touching
Side Strike
Current jumps to person/ most common
Ground Strike
- Energizes ground
Lightening Strikes
- Burns common, but not serious source of injury
- Watch for breathing and pulses
- Check for injuries
- People tend to get thrown during strike