Medical entomology is
study of inserts that hv jointed legs/sppendages, segmented body
classification of arthropods
insecta : flies, mosquetoes, lice, fleas, bugs
diplopoda : milipedes
chilopoda : centipede
crustacea : prawn, crab
arachnida : spider, scorpion, mites,ticks
insecta features hv (mites)
3body segments head throx abdomen
6pair of legs
1pair of antena
diplopoda morphological features hv
many body segments
2pair of legs per body segments
1pair of antennae
chilopoda features hv
many body segments
1pair of legs per body segments
poisoner claws
crustacea features hv (udang)
body segments vareid,
head thorax abdomen are fused
varied number of legs
2pair of anthena
arachnida features hv (spider, scorpio)
2body segments : cepthalothorax abdomen
no antanea
holometabolous complete life cycle
egg>lava>pupa> adult
role of arthropodes in medicine
vector of diseases intermediate host direct agent of disease threapy material for forensic investigations pest managment and vector control
arthropods as vector of disease can be thru
biological transmission vector : undergo reproduction or changes
propagative transmission is increase in number of pathogen inside the vector like
viral -dengue
bacterial - epidemic typhus(body lice)
cyclopropagative transmission is increase in the number of pathogens and metamorphomes
cyclodevelepmental transmission no increase in number but it develop from one stage to another like examples
human filariasis : mosquitoes
river blindness : black fly
direct agents are
dermatosis : skin infestion
lice infestation
arthropodes can be threapy example
maggot threapy is
used to clean non healing wound
how insects help to solve crime :
time of death, manner/cause of death
shifting of corps
fly life cycle
one adult hatches 300eggs on corpse
D1 eggs hatch and first instar larvae appear
D2 first molting occurs, transforming into second instar larvae
D3 second moltingg occurs for swarmingg maggots entering the third stages
D5 third instar larvae become pprepae leaing corpse and no longer feeding
D9 preupae become pupae and become adults
blow fly stages that useful in forensic